Premium Member
I understand that feeling…Not everyone or everything is evil, no one made such a claim or even tried to convey it.
But to ignore that there is a section of the population that for whatever reason is upset with Disney, and not due to quality, is sticking your head in the sand. And its more than just "4 guys in their mom's basement" as you like to joke. Not everything comes down to just quality issues.
Hopefully 2024 ends with Disney on a positive note and people will be ready to have real conversations about this topic.
I just don’t believe you can by default equate failure with sabotage due to bigotry.
There is some of that…but it’s fringe.
What this seems to be is disappointment that the “progress” cannot be accelerated. But if it could be decreed they call it “completion”…not progress which implies time.
But the little mermaid, haunted mansion and marvels were not “progress”…it’s just crap from a company with terrible management. Sometimes a cake is just a cake.