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Speaking of actual polling experts (vs our personal opinions), the latest Axios/Harris brand reputation poll showing Disney plummeting down to #77, down from the top 5 as recently as 2019 when Disney touted this well-respected poll in their shareholder communications.
Apparently, those five guys in the basement are busy answering a lot of pollsters calls.
“Between the lines: Disney lost momentum across each of nine attributes measured in the Axios Harris 100 poll — with the biggest declines among citizenship and growth.
By the numbers: The company was ranked the fifth most polarizing brand of 100 in this year's survey
- Disney lost 6.2 points in perceptions of future growth, 4.3 points on citizenship ("shares my values" and "supports good causes") and 2.9 points on ethics.
What they're saying: "The lesson here is that when you divide you subtract," said Harris Poll CEO John Gerzema. "When you divide audiences, you're ultimately going to be subtracting customers for your business."
The take away from their numbers is their fall is more attributed to “they just don’t have anything cool coming out I’m interested in” over “my family values”
…which kinda is the point.