Well-Known Member
Nobody's judging, and I'd appreciate not having a negative spin placed on what I actually said. I said I questioned it, as I don't understand the reasoning behind the actions when the individuals I mention were plainly by themselves.....some I personally know and NEVER wore them before the pandemic.
A few of them were participants in the hording of every roll of toilet paper in a 20 mile radius of their house too!
I see graduate students on my own campus driving across campus alone in their cars to their empty labs wearing masks. There are no kids in the car. They are alone. I've asked them directly why they do this. The reply? "I don't know.....I never thought about it....."
I have yet to find anyone I've asked have any other reason than 'I don't know', or ' well, that's what we were TOLD to do.....'
Of course the explanations offered are absolutely possible.....but not to the degree I've witnessed in my area in my personal opinion. This situation has created a level of paranoia that will take years to over come, regardless of what percentage vaccinations are decreed as being the 'right number'.
Once again, TOTALLY my opinion and worth about the cost of a cheap cup of coffee.
Regards! Michaelson
I'm totally the person who drives alone with one on because i'm way WAY too lazy to sanitize my hands, take it off, hang it somewhere that it's not getting all "icky" or in my way while driving...id rather just wear the stupid thing. so toss "simple human laziness" in your arsenal of explanations for this (admittedly, weird) phenomenon.