Disco Yeti Forever


Well-Known Member
This discussion needs reminding that several plans exist to swap out the figure and install a working version without closing the ride, ripping out steel or tearing down the mountain.

Why they haven't chosen to do so yet is best known to TDO.
Your comment would also indicate that the problem is contained within the animatronic itself and that the issue isn't in the foundation or the structure around him. Is that correct? I mention that because it is thrown around here a lot that the issue was with how the foundation was constructed (improper pouring of concrete is one of the older theories I recall). But if it's as simple as just replacing the figure without even closing the ride, it doesn't sound like the foundation is really the problem at all (nor the mountain structure). The issue sounds contained in the animatronic. Either way, if there exists a plan that would allow the yeti to be replaced without closing the ride or altering the mountain, then that also narrows down the answer as to why it hasn't been done yet- money. If they don't even have to close the attraction to fix this issue, then that's the only other reason they can have for having not done this yet.

And since we're on the subject again Martin- do you think we're any closer to getting a functioning yeti than we have been in the past? Or is it just unlikely and completely hopeless at this point? I never experienced the ride in A mode, and seeing the advertisements that they CONTINUE to play for the ride showing the yeti working fully is irritating. It looked really cool...

Do you actually happen to know what specifically the problem is that made the yeti break? The first theory I heard was the concrete foundation was cracked and becoming dangerous (that theory sounds like it has been debunked if they're able to just swap out the yeti animatronic without even closing the ride or altering the base structure). Another I heard was that a component in the yeti itself wasn't lubricated properly before its construction.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
This discussion needs reminding that several plans exist to swap out the figure and install a working version without closing the ride, ripping out steel or tearing down the mountain.

Why they haven't chosen to do so yet is best known to TDO.

I think we need this in our signatures. Getting awfully tired of the "It can't be fixed without ripping the ride dowwwwwn" line.


Resident Curmudgeon
This discussion needs reminding that several plans exist to swap out the figure and install a working version without closing the ride, ripping out steel or tearing down the mountain.

Why they haven't chosen to do so yet is best known to TDO.

It would cost money and TDO would never go for that as long as people keep riding EE


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect any progress on fixing the Yeti at least until Avatar land opens. DAK needs something to keep the crowds in if they're going to take EE down for an extended refurb.

And if they were to take it down, I would expect the attraction to be plussed even further into EE 2.0 -- hopefully with FX and tech that aren't prone to malfunctioning.


Well-Known Member
I just got a phone call from a very nice cast member in response to the email that I sent regarding the poor show that we experienced at the Animal Kingdom. I detailed that the 3 attractions that we experienced all had major issues (It's Tough to be a Bug, Dinosaur, and Everest). When we talked about the Yeti being broken, she told me that a decision had been made to keep the Yeti stationary for the foreseeable future due to the complexity of the design. I guess we all kind of knew that but to have semi-official confirmation is pretty sad. I did ask her why every television on property automatically tuned to a channel that showed the WDW Greatest Hits was still showing a moving Yeti and simultaneously talked about an encounter with him. She said that was something that needed to be looked at.

That's the standard answer to Bama fans...

LOL j/k

Never been on Everest...too chicken to do it...is it worst than the Rock n' Rollercoaster?


Active Member
Ok, not to start rumors on the yeti situation (which collectively blows) but this may interest you. I was in AK for family vacation last week and I couldn't use my FP+ because the ride was closed. We could see several people on the ride where it lifts into the mountian and cast members told us it wasn't stuck, they were imagineers "working". It was down for the three hours it took us for lunch and to ride the safaris but then was back later in the day.

Could be track maintenance, could be getting an arial view for sightlines on blue alien explosion, probably not fixing the yeti but it's a start.


Well-Known Member
Basically Team WDW will not do ANYTHING unless they absolutely HAVE to....yet the easily raise the ticket prices year after year....As long as the people come why should they fix it?
The same video that hypes up the working yeti also shows clips of the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland Paris as if it is the Haunted Mansion in Disney World... basically as long as the Sheeple come, they will continue to do what they can to maximize profits...show be damned.


Well-Known Member
Fixing the Yeti is not enough. As I have said before, Everest lacks the musical score to make needed to make the ride feel epic. Also the first show scene during the track switch needs something more than a plastic bird IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the bird has worked in years... last 10 times I have ridden that it was not there...just a yeti roar...


Well-Known Member
I don't think the bird has worked in years... last 10 times I have ridden that it was not there...just a yeti roar...

The bird in an embarrassment, I'm glad it isn't working. I think even a solid soundtrack coupled with a Yeti roar with maybe a burst of warm air would help the first scene. Music is the key.


Well-Known Member
What flippin' bird? I've never seen no stinkin' bird!
Wait... maybe it's flown into the mountain and has set up a nest in the mouth of our motionless disco friend.
I wonder if he favours the Bee Gees. Night fever, night feverrrrrr!


Well-Known Member
What get's me about the Yeti is... If it was really old and broke, you could kind of accept it... But it's literally been broke since the attraction opened. They surely knew when building it that it had problems? I think people would be less annoyed if it was always stationary from opening and accept that that's the way it was built...

I mean, I still love it, it's just like they gave up and put a half working attraction up.

Anyway, I hate when people moan on here. Guess we are just lucky to have experienced it :p


Well-Known Member
Im sure when the ride requires a refurb in the next couple years, they will at least consider replacing or fixing original. I was there opening weekend and it felt like he was about to pick you up..... I don't feel so scared anymore, but it is still cool.


Well-Known Member
All Disney Execs need to need to have just one phrase in there heads constantly comming up with every decision they make; "What would Walt do?" Most everything would have been fixture for the better of the show, not for the profit of the company.

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