Disappointing Changes to 2008 Disney Dining


New Member
I will still purchase the DDP. I book our trip In Feb. with tax refund it is easier for me to add the DDP in Feb. than have to save up all year for a Dec. trip. I like the DDP because it allows us to go to different restaruants like Rose and Crown and spend the equivelant of a $90 meal but really only pay $80 and get lunch at cosmic rays and a dole whip all for free!!


New Member
Wow thats quite a string of misfortune. Im sure youll next visit will be more magical.
Yes it was..lol. However, I didn't let it ruin my trip, in fact I was impressed by the way some of the problems were handled (especially the parking manager). It was also 105 degrees average temp every day that we were visiting, BUT that's not WDC's fault. We did have a lot of positives, like SSE and HM refurbs allowing us the time that we would have normally ridden (or is it rode) those rides to try new ones that we've never done. My family of 5 (Oldest is 43 and youngest is 13) LOVED Finding Nemo, Pooh, and Philharmagic. We usually skipped these due to time constraints.

What bothers me is seeing prices being raised far in excess of inflation...and not seeing much maintenance or repair being done.


New Member
Or lets just say that one day you are in the magic kingdom and you go to Pacos Bills for:
1/4lb cheese burger and fries $5.89
Sprite $2.09

I then go get dessert over at Aloha Isle and get a
Dole whipe $2.89

Later in the Day I go to Cosmic rays for dinner and get:
1/2 roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and veggies $7.99
Sprite $2.09

For dessert again I find a cart selling:
Nestle Toll House ice cream sandwich $3.00

Total for the day $23.95
Thats a savings of $21.05 a day over the dining plan. $171.00 per person savings for a 7 night trip isnt bad.
Everyone seems to point out how much you can save, but I havent seen anyone compare it this way. The dining plan doesnt look like such a great deal anymore. It can go from good deal to rip off in a hurry.

True, the DDP is only a good deal if you wish to use TS every day. The only reason why my family used TS was because it was on the plan. We have found just as many healthy and varied CS options (Sunshine Seasons and Capt Cooks are two good examples) and we often got items we didn't want or care for (such as Pecos Bill's peanut butter mousse brownie).

I will probably do one or 2 TS meals without the plan (Ohana, Marrakesh, or Boma) but would skip places such as Coral Reef that simply aren't worth the money. We could save a lot more just by using mainly CS.

We also found this year that TS took away too much time from the parks.


New Member
Only if you tipped for snack, counter service and table service; most people only tip for the table service meal, so the decrease in value was not 18%, more like 10-12%.

I woud venture to say that 99% of people don't tip on CS. Since Cs receives the normal mimimum wage, not minimum service wages, are they even allowed to accept tips?

My main beef is, don't take a huge percentage of value away from a product, drop the price by a piddling amount, and then act like you're doing all of us some grand favor.


New Member
I hate...hate...hate it................. But sell me that DVC!!!!!:lol:

You must be from my part of the NJ Shore (Southern part). The Mouse can do no wrong here and most people are utterly obsessed with Disney. Even our high school hs Disney characters painted all over the walls and they play Disney music constantly in the halls. They even thank WDW staff during graduation (they do the senior trip there if you can call it that...300 spaces for a 700 student class). Does Disney sponsor our graduation or something? lol

Geeze the NJ shore must be a terrible place to live...lol

Just because one has bad exeperices somwhere doesn't mean they hate a place..it means they had bad expereinces. And when WDC figures out that overcharging will actually hurt their bottom line, they'll stop. Right now WDW is awash in money and visitors, mainly due to a great exchange rate in favor of the Brits ( I woud have to say that a good majority of visitors are formt he UK these days).


Well-Known Member
then act like you're doing all of us some grand favor.
LOL! How is Disney "acting as if they are doing us a grand favor" ???

Disney rolled out their packages with their normal marketing effort - nothing more, nothing less.

I'd agree with you if they started marketing the Year of a Million Dining plans.....



New Member
How can u say not much maintenace or repair is being done but yet SSE and HM were down for extensive refurb?

Take a look at ISAW, Peter Pan, Country Bear, etc. In the space of 1 hour I saw 2 monorials break down and pulled from service.

I don't know who is fitting the bill for HM, but you can be rest assured that Siemems is fitting most if not all of the refurb bill for SSE.

Just because 2 major attractions are being refurbed ( or actually more like updated) doesn't mean that the rest of the park is not being neglected in some way.

That's how I can say it.


Thread Drift

"However, this nickel and dime stuff that Disney is pulling is really starting to get on my nerves (example $10 a day for Internet in a $400+ per night room...you've got to be kidding, Hapton Inn and Holiday Inn Express give you free wireless internet AND a nice breakfast too, usually for under $100). "

Most (all?) high end hotels charge for Internet access. The more expensive the room the more expensive the amenities - Internet, parking, breakfast, even fitness center and pool! It's counter-intuitive, but the more economy chains like Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express include many freebies that you will pay for if you are paying $400+ a night for the hotel room. That part is not limited to Disney. That's how it is all over.


New Member
LOL! How is Disney "acting as if they are doing us a grand favor" ???

Disney rolled out their packages with their normal marketing effort - nothing more, nothing less.

I'd agree with you if they started marketing the Year of a Million Dining plans.....


Call WD Travel and see what they say about it..yes they act like the $1 drop is a big deal. When I asked why the plan as changed I was told it was to make it "more affordable"...um, ok, $1 makes it more affordable to....whom? Making something more afordable does not mean taking away at least $10 of value and droppping your price a whole dollar. That's like saying that a Yugo is a better value than a Honda Civic because it's cheaper (but it will fall apart in 1 year and only seats 3).

I feel badly for the servers...we had some great ones while we were at WDW last week and I can't see anything but them being hurt by this move. Maybe it will help improve service from some mediocre or even subpar servers, it will hurt those who always gave exemplary service.

I agree with the Year of a Million Dreams plan ...lol

Honestly, if there are as many people out there against the new plan as there appears to be here, this was a bad move by WDW, even if nly n a public relatins basis. It just appears to be another nickel and dime scheme.


Le Meh
Premium Member
"However, this nickel and dime stuff that Disney is pulling is really starting to get on my nerves (example $10 a day for Internet in a $400+ per night room...you've got to be kidding, Hapton Inn and Holiday Inn Express give you free wireless internet AND a nice breakfast too, usually for under $100). "

Most (all?) high end hotels charge for Internet access. The more expensive the room the more expensive the amenities - Internet, parking, breakfast, even fitness center and pool! It's counter-intuitive, but the more economy chains like Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express include many freebies that you will pay for if you are paying $400+ a night for the hotel room. That part is not limited to Disney. That's how it is all over.

Yes, but Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express target market is business travelers, and that is a huge ammenity for a business traveler. I know, I travel for business a bunch, and our company will not approve a hotel charge for internet access because of the fact that there are brands out there who use free internet (or significantly reduced charge) as a marketing ploy. Disney Resorts are vacation resorts. They are targeting vacationers, not people who have to have an internet connection. Disney Resorts provide complimentary transportation to the parks which is a huge thing for vacation travelers, bigger than the need for internet access, so they charge for the access.

In my years of participation on this board, it never ceases to amaze me how many times that I ended up stating that Disney is a business and its in business to make a profit. Disney will use different things at either zero profit or at a loss to bring people in to make money. But they do have to make up for it in other areas, and there is nothing wrong with that. Afterall, we are not entitled to a Disney vacation at a given cost.


New Member
Hmmmm....I remember back in the day when there were no dining plans....and we had just as much fun.

I agree with you there. I've been to WDW almost every year since it opened in 71 and we had a great time then, even though Tomorrowland bascially ended right after the Monsanto theater building, and Pirates wasn't there. However, a room only cost $29 per night at the Contemporary and I'm sure the food was much much cheaper as well. Has anyone ever figured out the price changes of certain items like rooms/food/common souveniers from '71 to '07?

I think that the way we view food has also changed. Back then it was nurtition in an entertaining venue, now the food is as much of the entertainment itself as is the place where it is served.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I think that the way we view food has also changed. Back then it was nurtition in an entertaining venue, now the food is as much of the entertainment itself as is the place where it is served.

That is a good point. I know we take more time planning what places we will eat at than we do what attractions we are going to ride and see.:lol:


New Member
Yes, but Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express target market is business travelers, and that is a huge ammenity for a business traveler. I know, I travel for business a bunch, and our company will not approve a hotel charge for internet access because of the fact that there are brands out there who use free internet (or significantly reduced charge) as a marketing ploy. Disney Resorts are vacation resorts. They are targeting vacationers, not people who have to have an internet connection. Disney Resorts provide complimentary transportation to the parks which is a huge thing for vacation travelers, bigger than the need for internet access, so they charge for the access.

In my years of participation on this board, it never ceases to amaze me how many times that I ended up stating that Disney is a business and its in business to make a profit. Disney will use different things at either zero profit or at a loss to bring people in to make money. But they do have to make up for it in other areas, and there is nothing wrong with that. Afterall, we are not entitled to a Disney vacation at a given cost.

You are correct...but I see two things happening here. I really don't think it would break Disney to offer free internet (don't forget, while it is a vacation resort, many guests must still conduct business while on property because of the type of job they have). Also, the price increases are hurting the average American (the majority of American families live on less than $75,000) per year) and that is a big base of people who can be easily priced out of a trip to WDW.

Disney has made some major price increase...and I, for one, would feel better if I could see it trickle down to the workers...but there are several threads on this forum adressing that very thing..the money is NOT trickling down.

Luckily I can afford to come every year (I could afford several times a year, but I'm a compulsive saver...lol) BUt the increases and the changes have proabbly just knocked another few thousand of familes from being able to afford a trip.

I also agree that we are not guaranteed a Disney trip at any cost, but do you think Walt Disney would be happy about the way business is being run? He wanted everyone to be able to afford to visit.

I will not purchase the plan because I feel it is no longer a good value and I do feel that the servers will ultimately be hurt by the change. But that doesn't mean that I will no longer visit Wdw.since I've been there almost every year since 71 I feel like I grew up there. I'm looking at this mainly fromthe cost/value ratio.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm....I remember back in the day when there were no dining plans....and we had just as much fun.

When was that? I know I used a Food and Fun plan back in 1997 and 1999, the Silver plan came in 2000....


Well-Known Member
Afterall, we are not entitled to a Disney vacation at a given cost.


The sense of entitlement on almost all Disney boards can be suffocating at times.

Now if Disney kept the appetizer and the gratuity included, yet raised the price for 2008, people would be complaining about that!


New Member
Exactly... If our meal at Narcoosee's costs $70 a person and we have to use two table service vouchers, the dining plan is still a good deal. Spending $76 for 2 days, we get 1 meal at Narcoosee's for $70 plus 2 $14 counter services and 2 $3 snacks.

Could still be a good deal in some cases but, under the new rules in 2008, a $70 dinner at Narcoosee's (boy, that's hard to spell) will cost:

(2 table service credits + (an 18% tip x $70) + the cost of any appetizers).
More if the tip is larger.

That's the kind of 2008 math that is making people question the value of the DDP in the future.


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