Dinosaur has seen better days


Well-Known Member
The name might be the laziest throw in the towel moment for a major theme park ride I've ever heard. The best they came up with was 'Dinosaur'? Right away I get the impression it's not worth it, and I know nothing about it other than the name.


Well-Known Member
After riding all the major attractions in all the four parks over the past four days, the only three attractions that stood out to me as having broken effects were Rise, Splash, and Dinosaur.

That’s not an extensive list. While Splash’s current show-state shouldn’t be happening, if they’re really about to close it, it doesn’t really matter.

Same with Dinosaur. With Prime’s demo, I can only assume Dinoland will get the next attention, including a massive update to Dino.

As for Rise, I really don’t appreciate so many broken effects, but I would rather ride a partially broken Rise than no Rise at all, but now that we’re nearing a three-year-old attraction, it really should be operating smoothly.
What is broken on Rise?


Premium Member
What is broken on Rise?
I made this list earlier this month of all the effects in ROTR and the current status of them, 3 years later.
  • All three pre-show BB-8's still operate normally regularly.
  • All three pre-show Lt. Bek AA's also operates normally.
  • Probe droid was recently fixed after being broken for months (since Nov 2021)
  • Spinning blasters in AT-AT room were broken almost immediately after opening in Dec 2019. Fixed about 5 months later. Still working today.
  • Both Finn AA's still move and bob their heads.
  • Likewise, the two hand-blasters also still move and fire.
  • AT-AT blasters (track A) still rotates and moves as you climb the elevator and escape.
  • Lighted ceiling tubes that simulate the AT-AT blasters trails still light up in both tracks.
  • Bridge Kylo and Hux AA's still motion and move.
  • Projected Kylo with physical saber still walks towards your RV. There are times when this goes into B-mode (Kylo just drops down but doesn't walk towards you), but this is usually quickly fixed.
  • Lightsaber effect in "elevator-down" works regularly. Usually if this breaks, it's fixed within days.
  • Cannons are all motionless. Last seen in B-mode-lite, where only first cannon moves, in Dec 2021. Last A-mode I believe was October 2021. Since then, complete B-mode and supposedly no fix in sight.
  • Final Kylo AA works regularly in A-mode as of recent. If it breaks, it's down for a couple days in B-mode then working again.
  • 3 physical props that move/fall after the Star Destroyer's hull breaks:
    • Main piece that covers Kylo. Obviously this piece has to move/fall in order for scene to remain in A-mode.
    • Hanging tube next to Kylo. This also still moves. There was a period months after opening when it stopped moving, but it's been fixed since.
    • Ceiling vent above Kylo. This no longer falls. As far as I can remember, it stopped moving sometime before March 2020/closure.
  • Wind effect still happens, as long final Kylo scene is in A-mode.
  • Lt. Bek AA at unload still moving. There was a day or two when he was missing a couple months ago, presumably for maintenance.
While it's true, that final Kylo AA goes down a lot, it's usually fixed up right away. The only permanent "broken" ones are the cannon room and one of the falling-vents in final Kylo scene.

The R5 droid in the RV's a hit or miss. Some only bob up and down, some don't move at all. But majority still function.

This kinda gives me hope for TDO for the few physical effects that Splash-remake will have. But that's a water-based ride in a humid environment, so who knows.
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Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
Like I posted I think Chapek secretly works for Universal everything he is doing will benefit Universal and Universal has the good sense to keep their mouth shut ----something Bob can't seem to do

I know you're joking but I think it's much simpler than that. Bob knows people will pay "anyway". Look at this forum with how many people respond with:
- but it's SOooo magical
- I can't wait to take my 3yo there!
- You can stay home, more room for me!

If people are lining up anyway, why spend money maintaining things? As long as the ride vehicle makes it through you're good. An animatronic still looks pretty good when still and, if you actually need that motion effect, just put a strobe on it.

You can argue, "Well, it's hard to get help!" - that means help costs more. You can get it, you just have to pay more. It's not something he seems willing to do and, this was even before COVID. COVID, in my opinion, was a convenient excuse for a lot of this.

THIS is their 50th WDW celebration.

I can almost imaging the boardroom talking about the upcoming 50th anniversary of WDW:
"We're going all-out for this! We're raising prices! Everyone get that? Dismissed!"


Well-Known Member
Disney needs a great dinosaur e attraction very kid goes through a fascination with dinosaurs. Like so much of Disney these days too much is in bad shape. Bob will build just enough new stuff to keep the masses happy and milk the old rides for every penny without up keep.
There is SO much that has been discovered about dinosaurs in the years since this ride opened. There's so much potential to explore what Earth was like in the past, and how that translates into a themed land that isn't at all Jurassic Park/Kong.

IMO, the ride as it stands is kinda cheesy. I ride it every visit, but I am always left thinking about just how much better the whole area COULD be. The preshow film is annoying (the pre-preshow wait room is one of the better parts of the attraction). And the very lame dino-coming-home-with-us is just SOOOOO cheesy. The concept is okay, but that part of the ride needs updating.

Though...to me...we have ghosts coming home with us, dinos coming home with us....
WDW also repeats the 'something went wrong (on a tour/visit)' concept a little too much...Dino, Muppets, Star Tours, Imagination, Safari... They are not exactly the same, but they all kinda repeat the same general storytelling device.


Well-Known Member
Also.... in relations to Dinosaur broken effects. This has got to be the best Joe Rohde quote ever, recently posted on Twitter.

“That was my kid. And the fountain, which I designed, was designed as a water play feature.”
You know, it’s a really poor show when the AA’s at T-Rex in DS in a restaurant Disney doesn’t even own are soooo much better than one of your signature attractions in AK…


Well-Known Member
There is SO much that has been discovered about dinosaurs in the years since this ride opened. There's so much potential to explore what Earth was like in the past, and how that translates into a themed land that isn't at all Jurassic Park/Kong.

IMO, the ride as it stands is kinda cheesy. I ride it every visit, but I am always left thinking about just how much better the whole area COULD be. The preshow film is annoying (the pre-preshow wait room is one of the better parts of the attraction). And the very lame dino-coming-home-with-us is just SOOOOO cheesy. The concept is okay, but that part of the ride needs updating.

Though...to me...we have ghosts coming home with us, dinos coming home with us....
WDW also repeats the 'something went wrong (on a tour/visit)' concept a little too much...Dino, Muppets, Star Tours, Imagination, Safari... They are not exactly the same, but they all kinda repeat the same general storytelling device.
Universal built a brand on that device. Creatives use it because it works. Small world is boring but if a nuke was dropped on Africa you would have a different story


Well-Known Member
As someone who's been to both US parks multiple times in the last 2 years (directly before, whilst happening, and post covid), both DL and WDW are straight up dysfunctional. Indy is running in some sort of C or D mode, Dinosaur is nearly unridable, and many other attractions are in consistent B mode. It's disheartening to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As someone who's been to both US parks multiple times in the last 2 years (directly before, whilst happening, and post covid), both DL and WDW are straight up dysfunctional. Indy is running in some sort of C or D mode, Dinosaur is nearly unridable, and many other attractions are in consistent B mode. It's disheartening to say the least.
Maybe they’re just trying to get to F to pay respects?


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Why so many of you have an obsession with replacements despite huge capacity issues across 3 of the 4 parks is absolutely beyond me.

Update Dinosaur - it’s great. AND BUILD NEW RIDES.

Changing Dinosaur to Indiana is not a net gain for this park
There's nothing in Dinosaur that can't be replicated by blindfolding yourself in a big refrigerator box, then having four friends throw you down the stairs in it.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I made this list earlier this month of all the effects in ROTR and the current status of them, 3 years later.
  • Wind effect still happens, as long final Kylo scene is in A-mode.

I don't understand why the wind tunnel effect doesn't happen in B mode too. It makes sense, right?


Well-Known Member
I can't help wondering if the name change of the ride to Dinosaur was due to an album title of the same name from Megadeth...🤔

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