Dino rama!!!!!WHAT??????


Premium Member
Michael72688 said:
I'm sorry I just dont understand how you people can not like this area or good thrills. Who cares if there is less theming then other parts of the park, I know the theme isnt what makes me pay almost $60 to get into a park, and if it is that is just sad.
It isnt sad at all. THEMEING is what makes Disney parks different from everything else in the world. Its the sign of quality that Disney has over any other theme park. If you just want thrills, you would be better at a 6Flags park.


Active Member
I, for one, pay 60$ to be able to ride and experience something different. Explore new worlds, see great and beautiful things, and ride the latest int technology. Even some great nostalgia can do it for me. but Dino-Rama is none of that. To ride something like this, I could pay 20$ at my local amusement park.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Michael72688 said:
I'm sorry I just dont understand how you people can not like this area or good thrills.

You call that good thrills?

That hurt, deeply! Good thrills are CTX, PotC, Splash, BTMR, & Space Mountains. Good thrills are Kilimanjaro Safari, M:S Test Track and Alien Encounter.

Primeval Whirl is a cheap thrill that slaps Walt Disney's ideals in the face every time someone rides it. This kind of level is no better than Six Flags or any other traveling amusement park.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't stand Eisner and his "creative" bunch! :fork: :zipit: :brick:


Well-Known Member
I don't believe I am slapping Walt in the face by riding Primeval Whirl...it's not even remotely close to being on my favorites list, but in a park with 5 rides, of which I definitely don't ride Tricera Topspin, I ride Primeval Whirl simply because there is so little else to do. For $60, I'm not about to enjoy Animal Kingdom's 3 hours worth of attractions with Kilimanjaro, Kali, Dinosaur, and It's Tough to be a Bug! and leave. Even with the Festival of the Lion King, the only show I actually enjoy in the park, there is still very little to do in this park and that's not a show I want to see every time I go to Animal Kingdom. The animal exhibits are kewl, but, likewise, not something I want to walk through every trip. There is no denying that Animal Kingdom is tragically short on rides and repeatable attractions, something that even Expedition: EVEREST will not solve, being only one ride, 4 to 5 minutes in length, at most. If they were to remove Dino-Rama, I am fairly certain Disney would have an even harder time keeping guests in this park that feels about 10º hotter than the other three parks and about 50% muggier. 3 good rides, a 3D show, and a stage show? I don't understand how people can complain about DCA more than Animal Kingdom...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
careship said:
If it was just about the rides and just about being an amusement park, then that statement would be a valid one....But...

WDW is not an amusement park like Universal. It is like nothing else which is why when they cheapen themselves like other places we tend yo get a little steamed up. Personally, it's the roadside carnival that really gets me. I spend thousands of $$$ to go to WDW I don't want to walk into any part of the parks and feel like I walked into a cheap nasty roadside carnival and then they want me to spend more money to play these stupid games that I refuse to play when I don't drive 20 hours. I think it was bad business and they didn't think this through. They thought what can we do there quickly. It's not the cheap rides that bother me cause my boys will still ride them, it's the cheap carnie park feel.

I agree! When I went to Six Flags for my last day of school field trip, and I HATED those stupid tackey carnival game booths they had out. Absolutly noone was playing them and the workers of the booths were so annoying. THey were like "Come on folks, if I can do it, you can do it!"
Even though Dinorama is a cheap way to get more visitors into DCA, I like some of its themeing. I like how it was made to look like its temporary sitting in what looks like an old parking lot with cracks in the pavement, pot holes, ect. Primevil whirl is kind of fun you have to admit, but I want good quality rides like Splash Mountain. The shop is really funny too. But the rest of the land is just plain blah.


New Member
It may not be the best thrill in the world, but I do know that me and my family had so much fun on that ride. You see not everything has to amazing detail to be a good ride experience. If I want good thrills I can just go to Islands of Adventure where they have that as well as amazing theming, which I dont pay much attention to, but its there. I'm sorry Disney has a few good thrills, but not as many, and thats fine for some but not for all and that is why Disney will never be able to tap the majority of the teenage market, which Universal has done and has done very well. I would say 99.9% of teens could care less about the theme around them but they do care about the rides.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, teenagers are not a particularly rich audience, which has hurt IoA. And the fact that IoA doesn't appeal to families further hurts it. Then the fact that half of its rides close during thunderstorms...which happen every day in the summer...

Yeah, I'm not a Universal fan.


Well-Known Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Sadly, teenagers are not a particularly rich audience, which has hurt IoA. And the fact that IoA doesn't appeal to families further hurts it. Then the fact that half of its rides close during thunderstorms...which happen every day in the summer...

Yeah, I'm not a Universal fan.
Same here. I used to love Universal but as the years went by we got so bored with it because it was just there I don't know. We've been to IoA once and we're not aching to go back. And to put things into perspective for Michael who seems worried about the teen market, my brother is 16 and my sister 15 (I am 19). We have been to Disney many more times than Universal and still have that itch to go back. Last time we went to Universal Studios was in 1997, IoA in 1999. I don't miss it.

I can give you a handful of other teens who are like us, but of course as Michael demonstrates, not everyone is the same. There are those who prefer the "thrills" that Universal seems to offer. What is it about Disney that keeps luring us back for more? I guess...themeing. Something about escaping reality and being a kid again can do that to you. So yes, fairy tales and pixie dust are OUR thing, but obviously not everyone's. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
I love thrill rides as much as the next person, but I can quench my thirst for intense roller coasters at my local Six Flags for far cheaper, but there is only one Mission: SPACE...and Universal's coasters still have nothing on some of the larger Six Flags parks or Cedar Point. I'm not saying IoA isn't better than those parks, but for the price it would cost me to either rent a car or get Mears to take me there, plus park admission, it's just easier and more rewarding for me to hop on the Disney Transportation I already paid for :)


Well-Known Member
Oh I hope I didn't give off the impression that I hate roller coasters and such :lol:. I love them, in fact RnRC is my favorite ride in WDW, and one of the reasons is the corkscrew and loops and the music :lol:. There's just so much more to it though than that which is why WDW tends to be better than Universal in some respects, and one of those reasons is the themeing. Splash Mountain is another of my top favorites because it's not just another flume ride.

Ok, enough rambling. :D


New Member
I used to love going to Disney is just quickly got boring, I've been going to Universal Orlando for more years then I went to Disney and am still not bored by it and hopefully never will be. Right now you would have to pay me to go to Disney cause I personally dont think its worth it anymore, but thats just my opinion, the next guy can come on here and say the exact opposite


New Member
General Grizz said:
"I used to love going to Disney is just quickly got boring"

Dare I ask, what made it get boring from your original affection??

you sure can! I only had passes from March 01 till April 03, at first it was fun, but then I realized that Disney was just more about magic and stuff, not as fun for me, Universal on the other hand is more about hard core fun, and they deliver, very well I might add. Also it came down to the way pass holders are treated. Universal cares about theres, Disney does not

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