Dino rama!!!!!WHAT??????


New Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
I disagree... The reason SM doesn't lack creativity is because it was the first log flume of it's kind. It tells a story with theming and AA. Kali IMO is just a rapid ride with lots of trees around it and fire. If it had the quality of its own queue maybe I would think differently! Don't get me wrong, I love it but I agree it lacks creativity.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


New Member
WDWEric said:
2nd biggest ride...By the sounds of it EE will be not only the biggest ride in AK but quite possibly the biggest in all of WDW. AS for the Carnival Look, that is what it is supposed to be like, It is a roadside carnival cashing in on the Dino Institue, I love AK and Dino-Rama gives AK some character and energy to an otherwise layed back, relaxing park. Also Triceratop spin is also just like Astro Orbiter if i remember correctly

Sounds like you watched the same show on the travel channel that I did....by the way I don't think we have met...welcome to the boards...We live near eachother...glad to know I'm not the only disney fanatic near here.


Well-Known Member
Everest is the largest attraction at WDW...easily. And all that with trains departing every 43 seconds...it will be impressive, that is for sure. I wonder if it would have a duel loading station (like Big Thunder at WDW or California Screamin' at Cali Adventure) to keep up w/ that 43 second time frame...


New Member
WDWEric said:
2nd biggest ride...By the sounds of it EE will be not only the biggest ride in AK but quite possibly the biggest in all of WDW. AS for the Carnival Look, that is what it is supposed to be like, It is a roadside carnival cashing in on the Dino Institue, I love AK and Dino-Rama gives AK some character and energy to an otherwise layed back, relaxing park. Also Triceratop spin is also just like Astro Orbiter if i remember correctly
I completely disagree, on a number of fronts.

I was referring to the physical size of the attraction. Since Kilimanjaro is larger than the entire MK, that will be quite a challenge to top.

Even using your point of reference, Kilimanjaro Safaris will always be the biggest (most popular) ride in the park. It is easily the best value in the park, since it is a long ride, there is a moderate thrill (depending on the driver), it's extremely family-friendly, and every single ride is different.


Well-Known Member
According to Disney, Expedition: EVEREST is the largest ride. By what standards, I don't know. Tallest? Longest (it could have the longest track length)? Largest volume for a single attraction?

By the way, anyone know how long Kilimanjaro Safaris is? It's a 20-minute ride, and I'm pretty sure the average speed is greater than 3 mph, which would make it more than a mile long--longer than Test Track, which Disney bills as their longest ride.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Popular, disgusting, and I hope it's temporary.

It was mainly done to open up more capacity to the AK in the cheapest way possible.

And it shows...Primiral Whirl is awful. Dinosaur was kind of boring to me as well.


Well-Known Member
Ugh!! I hate that entire part of AK. I wish a meteor would fall out of the sky and wipe out that entire area. Except the Dino institute. Funny how they totally went against what Walt would have liked and simply stuck a side road type carnival there. He had an aversion to those types of carnivals.


New Member
I am not a huge fan of Dino-Rama, but then again, I am also not the biggest fan of Animal Kingdom. As said above and in many other posts, the whole park has so much potential... It's not that I don't enjoy Kilimanjaro or Dinosaur but those are the only two attractions I have seen in the park, with addition to Dino-Rama's Primeval Whirl, which was a decent attraction. I have yet to ride Kali but I have ridden Bulge Rat Barges at IoA and enjoyed it a lot and from what I have heard, Kali isn't close to it (I know I know :: boo Kopp :: lol) but I guess I'll have to ride on my own to be the judge of that. Anyways back on topic. Dino-Rama is sub par in my oppinion. I remember reading about this new coaster idea proposed for this area, Chester and Hester: Excavator, or something to that effect. That idea sounded like such a better plan than Dino-Rama to me. It is sad that this park is brought down by this area, but in the same aspect, this area is needed to bring the park up. Ironic eh? lol


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Disney was thinking they needed something quick and cheap to give crowds a reason to go back to AK. Plain and simple. Disney isn't that phianthropic, to do something 100% for the guests and not for itself.

I think the answer I got from Joe Rohde was a cop-out, and I could see in his eyes, and his hesitation in answering, that he didn't like it. Just like he didn't like Camp Minnie-Mickey (that's another story though).

Granted, for a cheaply done/cheaply themed ride, I do enjoy Primeval Whirl. But Triceratops Spin and all of the midway games have to go. I'd rather see nothing there than that. I'd rather have 10 pin carts and 2 character meets than that.


New Member
Michael72688 said:
If you all hate what Disney is doing then you all should go to the better park, Universal, were there rides are quality

I would NEVER stoop that low... ;)

*puts on Triumph Voice*

I KEED! I KEED! I joke with you :wave:

General Grizz

New Member
mkt said:
Granted, for a cheaply done/cheaply themed ride, I do enjoy Primeval Whirl. But Triceratops Spin and all of the midway games have to go. I'd rather see nothing there than that. I'd rather have 10 pin carts and 2 character meets than that.

I strangely agree with that, Rob! :lol:


New Member
Michael72688 said:
If you all hate what Disney is doing then you all should go to the better park, Universal, were there rides are quality

If it was just about the rides and just about being an amusement park, then that statement would be a valid one....But...

WDW is not an amusement park like Universal. It is like nothing else which is why when they cheapen themselves like other places we tend yo get a little steamed up. Personally, it's the roadside carnival that really gets me. I spend thousands of $$$ to go to WDW I don't want to walk into any part of the parks and feel like I walked into a cheap nasty roadside carnival and then they want me to spend more money to play these stupid games that I refuse to play when I don't drive 20 hours. I think it was bad business and they didn't think this through. They thought what can we do there quickly. It's not the cheap rides that bother me cause my boys will still ride them, it's the cheap carnie park feel.


Well-Known Member
I despise this section of DAK. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Not up to Disney standards. Not even close.

I understand the concept of Dinorama, but it's not good enough to salvage what looks like a Six Flags "themed" area to me. And I just took the kids to Six Flags Great America last week, so I know lousy theming when I see it. By the way, "Primeval Whirl" has a clone at SFGA - "Ragin Cajun". It fits in nicely at SFGA.

There are attractions at WDW that I don't particularly like, but this area has the dubious distinction of being the only one I feel violently ill about. Yuch.


Well-Known Member
What was disney thinking when puting dino rama in AK!.......What gave them the idea? Any Answers?
they got the plans for the rides from the local boardwalk. i got the same rides at my boardwalk and it isnt anything special. :lol:


New Member
I'm sorry I just dont understand how you people can not like this area or good thrills. Who cares if there is less theming then other parts of the park, I know the theme isnt what makes me pay almost $60 to get into a park, and if it is that is just sad.

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