Did you cry...


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Original Poster
...the first time you went to WDW?
I am an extremely emotional person. LOL I've always been soft hearted and ever since I had kids it's gotten worse. I watch the commercials of the parents surprising their kids and cry watching the joy in those kids' faces when they find out where they're going.
So my question is did you cry the first time you took your kids (if you have any), or did you even cry for your own happiness at being there? I know I'm going to... I'm going to look like a big loser and a geek but I can't help it; when I see my girls' faces light up when they see Cinderella Castle for the first time, I'm going to cry. LOL


When I was a kid I went to a David Copperfield Show and he had a segment where he'd say "close your eyes and imagine your perfect place actually feel your there" I had imagined being on Main St. with my grandmother but I knew she could never afford to go so I promised I would when I could make the money so when I was 18 I took her I save up money and took her and when I walked onto Main St. and saw the same picture I dreamed of I was in my perfect place and I cried like a baby.


No I didn't, but I did tear up last summer which was my first time at the park since high school (93) This was on our first day at the MK Rope drop ceremony. I looked over and saw my 8 year old with that magical look in his eyes and the excitement in his face and I just sort of teared up a little.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I'm a big emotional ball!!! And yes since I've had kids its worse!! I even cry when we've been at Chef Mickeys and they do the celebrate song and its not even for our girls!! My girls are use to it now (my little one who i s7 says "go on mama you know your gonna cry"!

I cry at the start when we get to the MCO airport and I see my Magical Express, and the end when we have to take it back to the airport and they play that little movie and mickey and the gang break out in "now its time to say goodbye " .Oh yes big mess....Parades , Fireworks character, name it, Disney had the right music playing and I swear it does it to you!


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids, but my fist trip was when I was 30, (DH had been but not since he was in high school). He wanted MK to be the last park I experienced so we went to the other three first, I was pretty emotional at all of them, but that first time we went to MK and I walked out on to MS USA I had tears streaming down my face and didn't even realize it!

I have only gotten worse as I get older, so now I cry when we get there, I cry when we leave, I cry at tons of attractions and shows, I have Wishes as one of my ring tones and lately I have even been tearing up when I get a text and hear "When you wish upon a star....."!

One week from today we leave for our first trip since December 09 and I know I'm going to be a hot mess of emotions from the time we leave for the airport, probably until a few days after we come back home!


Well-Known Member
I didn't cry my first time there, I think I was too little to be emotional on that level. BUT I will say that the past four trips, I've become very teary-eyed as I leave the park. The last two trips (just went with my sister), we get all water-eyed at the MK Rope Drop ceremony on the first day. It sounds so silly, but what can I do! I'm a 24 year old manly male, but there's something about Disney that makes me "weak in the knees" :lol:


Active Member
I'm a big crier!

As my husband says, I'm a big mush! :ROFLOL: I am a crier & the first time we took our son (it wasn't our first time) I cried:cry:!! I cried when we took that first bus ride to the MK on our first day! I cried when my muncnhkin (17 months at the time) walked through the gates into MK! Then of course I proceeded to cry the first time he met Mickey!!:cry: I cried with wishes & our last walk through MK on our last night! Since then we have gone 2 more times & I can say that every time my son sees Mickey I get misty eyed! During Wishes, or any fireworks show for that matter I get misty eyed as well, & of course on our last night strolling through MK I'll cry, not knowing when I'll be back. We are going in September & I know i'll cry again, especially since this will be my moms FIRST trip to Disney World =D Cannot wait...let the water works begin!:cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
I don't think I've actually cried, but we always start at MK and walking under the train station onto Main Street gives me the chills and a huge smile every time!

I think the reason I don't get too emotional when we leave is because I know we will be back soon. There has never been a time we left and I've thought "man, who knows when we'll be back, it could be years" it's usually more like "only 258 days until we come back!"


Never actually cried, my first time ever to WDW in 2010 when I first seen the "Welcome to Walt Disney World" sign gave me chills, and once I actually saw Spaceship Earth from afar, that made me a little teary eyed. Same with all the other parks, and especially when I leave but never cried

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
The only time I would qualify as remotely crying would be me getting all misty eyed over the ending of Spectromagic seeing it for the first time. When the song played out to the lyrics "music surrounds us..." it just got me. I still get chills whenever I hear it.


Well-Known Member
i teared up at fantasmic the first time i watched it, and that was 3 years ago.i am 27 now..

anyway, in novemeber i will be going to the world for the first time as a father, and when my 20 month old son's eyes light up in amazement, i can forsee tears of joy out of me.


Well-Known Member
I was always emotional but kind of contained the teary part as I grew into my 30's. Now that I am 62 I am back to the teary again. The sights at WDW are enough to get me started, but it is the music that really sets me off in the misty department. I don't go into full blown crying but certainly have tears making it down my face. I wonder if there is any other place/company that evokes such emotion in so many people? I would hope that TDO, and all the way up to Mr. Iger occasionally get to see and understand the positive impact they have in so many lives. If I were CEO it would certainly make me tear up!


New Member
I'm with Mammy-it's the music that gets us the most. I remember the very first time I went. Talked about WDW since I was a kid but could never go. Finally did with my wife after 25 yrs of marriage and both of us were pretty happy. This next time we go is going to be WAY over the top because of all the circumstances we've had to encounter the past few years (finances, health, jobs, etc...), and yep...I expect the tears of joy will be fallin' bigtime....:cry:....but in a good way!


Well-Known Member
It was 1972. I was 2.5 years old. The odds that I cried are very high.

Me, too. Lol! It was '76 and I was like 19 months old. I'm quite sure I cried.

The first time we took our kids we did okay while there. It wasn't until we were on the plane going home that the hubby & I both had a big cry because it was over. We promised each other we'd try to bring the boys back every year if we could. And we have. :wave:

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