Did I seriously just run 10 miles??? A Tower of Terror 10-miler Trip Report!

The cast: Me (Jess) and @LuvsTheMouse (Diane/mom) Avid Disney travellers always having a good time together!

From our last trip

The When: September 26-September 30th

The Where: Port Orleans Riverside

WARNING: We took a lot of pictures, but I know everyone likes looking at pictures so there will be a lot of them here that me and my mom took! I used manual mode the whole trip until…well you’ll have to see what happens why I had to stop using manual mode…..

And here we goooo!.....

September 26th

We were up bright and early at 430 am for our 7 am flight!! We figured we had plenty of time to get to the airport and have breakfast before we had to leave..well boy we were wrong! We got there right after 530 and didn’t get out of the security line until 625! And as soon as we got to our gate they were getting ready to board our flight!!!! We will definitely need some Southwest coffee on this flight!

A beautiful sunrise from the airport


Waiting to board!

Ready for takeoff!

Clouds and a beautiful sky

So might I say Southwest has some of the best coffee I have ever had..it could give Dunkin a run for their money. And they have THE CUTEST coffee cup EVER

Some stowaways!


To pass the time during the flight I started listening to my iPad and coloring in this gem my mom gave me for Christmas last year!

Seriously, coloring was the best way to pass the time, and very relaxing I suggest it!!!


After arriving 10 minutes early and getting our luggage it was off to DME!!!

Isn’t this Mickey on the floor just adorable??? There were many leading the way for us!

Port Orleans Riverside here we come!

What a glorious sight! (When you’re arriving at least!)


On our way!

Had to get a picture of the nasty lovebug on the window haha

It’s close!


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OMG jess what do u mean FORMER dooney?what happened to it?
and that table by the gears n stuff is my fave one in PORS.

I got home there was a huge rip at the seam where the inside zipper meets the fabric. RIght at the seam like it wasn't sewn right. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it while I was there! But I called Disney Merch I returned it and got my money back. I will look for a new one when I go back. I think I wrote it in my report I just posted. I can't remember lol
Curious why the manual mode full time, as opposed to program then adjusting the aperture/depth of field or shutter speed up and down from there. Are you finding you are getting better exposures. Every time I try to do that full time I tend to miss shots.


Well-Known Member
Curious why the manual mode full time, as opposed to program then adjusting the aperture/depth of field or shutter speed up and down from there. Are you finding you are getting better exposures. Every time I try to do that full time I tend to miss shots.
Agreed. Was wondering why lots of people like to do full manual mode. I chose either the Aperture mode or Shutter Speed mode. It helps to let the camera do at least half the work!


Well-Known Member
yay jess!! i can't wait to read how the race was! and i never thought i would ever want to stay at port orleans riverside, especially in the alligator bayou section but your pictures have changed my mind! those louis pillows are so cute! great pictures of the room. very detailed. can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
I really like your Tower pictures. I told myself I'd try to ride it on this last trip, but we didn't even make it to Sunset when we were at the Studios. Blasphemy, I know! I think we tend to explore that park more when we have the time. I have a feeling our next trip is going to be a full week instead of a long weekend so we can focus on the little things. As I've been typing my trip report I've noticed just how much stuff we crammed in to 3 and 1/2 days. Madness!

I can't wait to hear about the race! I remember seeing updates on Twitter and I look forward to more pictures. :D


Well-Known Member
LOVE all your pictures and I have to agree with you on the Once premier - we were a little "hmmm" on it too BUT we now are along for the ride and the past 2 episodes have been awesome!


Well-Known Member
JESS! Girl! I'm so sad I didn't see this until now - but kinda glad too, because it distracted me from homework for half an hour because you put so many pictures in the thing! YAY!

The best part is, I know there's so much more fun ahead...

The resort looks awesome - I'm seriously so lacking on my Disney resort experiences. We always stay Value, because we're always just crashing. The one exception was our first Land and Sea vacation (back when it was a package thing) and we had to stay at a Moderate - Caribbean Beach. From what I remember, it was nice. But I was 10. Mom and Dad always go fancier when they don't bring Carly and I! They're at Coronado in 2 weeks!

It looks like you and your Momma have the best trips! She's so supportive of Disney, I love it! She's also apparently fine with you meeting people IRL that you met on the internet. I feel like my mother will be less okay with that when we go in the spring (hopefully) and I meet Court and she's like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Mom doesn't believe in Facebook or the Twitter.

I love when you say "My fiancé". It gives me magical shivers.

THANK YOU Magic Kingdom rainstorm. That crane is blasphemous.

Okay, write more!

PS: Raw deal on the Dooney - it's gorgeous, and I feel that you will pick an equally gorgeous one when you're there in November!


Well-Known Member
Hey Jess!
Loving your TR. It is making me insanely jealous that I missed the ToT run/meet n greet fun by 2 weeks. BUT still...loving it.

I love the shot of "my engagement ring in Disney" because if you'll notice on my previous TR and the one I've started posting...I love to pose with my hand on Bill's chest to show off the ring. So much so that his sister will be like "oh do the Jess pose" and put her hand on her back on again boyfriends chest. I know how you feel, girl...can't stop showing it off! Can't blame you - it's gorgeous!

Seeing how much fun you and your mom have make me even more excited to visit the world with my mom come March 2013. Sooo excited. I was trying to talk her into the cruise but she thinks she'd get seasick. I told her there are pills for that! haha! (Speaking of March...I may be in Boston for the weekend of March 1st like Thursday - Sunday. We'll have to try to plan something!)

@tiaragirl - You've gotta get your mom on board with you meeting wdwmagic people...because we are gonna get you on that cruise, girlie!


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Original Poster
nevermind I missed that part but found it now AWe ure gonna make me cry i luv ur guts n miss u too so much girl!!!

Misss you tooo!!!!

You got some great shots on this trip! Love them!

Thank you so much!!!

Great pictures, lots of them too!
Thank you!!!

You got engaged!?!? Geez am I behind the 8 ball! Congratulations!!
Yes yes we must meet up one of these days, catch me on twitter @_nicoleisonfire!
Love me some Little Mermaid and I too cannot wait to see the Osbourne lights for the first time in November!

Yes ma'am!! in August on the Beach. No worries I didn't really announce it here lol.
And I started following you on Twitter! Mine is @loveWDW5
Me either!!!! And I can't wait to meet you!!!! :)

Curious why the manual mode full time, as opposed to program then adjusting the aperture/depth of field or shutter speed up and down from there. Are you finding you are getting better exposures. Every time I try to do that full time I tend to miss shots.

Not sure, just wanted to learn more about how the camera works and see what came out. I find that my pictures came out better than in Aperature mode or Shutter Speed Mode, but I still feel they were lacking a bit of color in some of them.

Agreed. Was wondering why lots of people like to do full manual mode. I chose either the Aperture mode or Shutter Speed mode. It helps to let the camera do at least half the work!

Like I said above, I wanted to learn more and see what came out. I was really pleased with the results even though some might have lacked a bit of color.

yay jess!! i can't wait to read how the race was! and i never thought i would ever want to stay at port orleans riverside, especially in the alligator bayou section but your pictures have changed my mind! those louis pillows are so cute! great pictures of the room. very detailed. can't wait to read more!

Thanks for reading Ashley!!! You definitely need to stay there! Its just a beautiful resort all around. You definitely have to give it a shot! The rooms are just beautiful!!!

I really like your Tower pictures. I told myself I'd try to ride it on this last trip, but we didn't even make it to Sunset when we were at the Studios. Blasphemy, I know! I think we tend to explore that park more when we have the time. I have a feeling our next trip is going to be a full week instead of a long weekend so we can focus on the little things. As I've been typing my trip report I've noticed just how much stuff we crammed in to 3 and 1/2 days. Madness!

I can't wait to hear about the race! I remember seeing updates on Twitter and I look forward to more pictures. :D

Thank you!!!!! You need to change that you know!!!!!!!!!! The Studios is my favorite park in WDW. I can't imagine a trip without it. Especially watching the Citizens!

Race will be coming up sooon!!!

LOVE all your pictures and I have to agree with you on the Once premier - we were a little "hmmm" on it too BUT we now are along for the ride and the past 2 episodes have been awesome!

Thank you thank you!!!! Glad I wasn't the only one..I'm still not completely sold on this season..but I do still watch it.

JESS! Girl! I'm so sad I didn't see this until now - but kinda glad too, because it distracted me from homework for half an hour because you put so many pictures in the thing! YAY!

The best part is, I know there's so much more fun ahead...

The resort looks awesome - I'm seriously so lacking on my Disney resort experiences. We always stay Value, because we're always just crashing. The one exception was our first Land and Sea vacation (back when it was a package thing) and we had to stay at a Moderate - Caribbean Beach. From what I remember, it was nice. But I was 10. Mom and Dad always go fancier when they don't bring Carly and I! They're at Coronado in 2 weeks!

It looks like you and your Momma have the best trips! She's so supportive of Disney, I love it! She's also apparently fine with you meeting people IRL that you met on the internet. I feel like my mother will be less okay with that when we go in the spring (hopefully) and I meet Court and she's like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Mom doesn't believe in Facebook or the Twitter.

I love when you say "My fiancé". It gives me magical shivers.

THANK YOU Magic Kingdom rainstorm. That crane is blasphemous.

Okay, write more!

PS: Raw deal on the Dooney - it's gorgeous, and I feel that you will pick an equally gorgeous one when you're there in November!

KENZIE!!! :) Thanks for reading!!! Glad I could distract you from that awful homework you must have!

We stayed there because we got a great bounceback in Feb when we were there, and now I think it will be hard to ever go back to a value!!! Port Orleans is just beautiful. I definitely suggest staying there once at least if you can.

She was the one who got me into Disney! Ever since I was little she was putting me in those disney shirts and disney stuffed animals. She loved meeting all these people too! You need to tell your momma that. I can see it already..."But Mom, Jess' Mom loved meeting people from the boards and facebook and twitter! Why can't we?" Kenzie's mom: "Wait who's Jess?" lol I'm sure she won't mind!

Awww I love saying it too! It just has that special magical ring to it! :D Makes me smile every single time.

More is coming now!!!! :)

And thanks! I'm hoping to find an equally gorgeous one when I'm there!

Hey Jess!
Loving your TR. It is making me insanely jealous that I missed the ToT run/meet n greet fun by 2 weeks. BUT still...loving it.

I love the shot of "my engagement ring in Disney" because if you'll notice on my previous TR and the one I've started posting...I love to pose with my hand on Bill's chest to show off the ring. So much so that his sister will be like "oh do the Jess pose" and put her hand on her back on again boyfriends chest. I know how you feel, girl...can't stop showing it off! Can't blame you - it's gorgeous!

Seeing how much fun you and your mom have make me even more excited to visit the world with my mom come March 2013. Sooo excited. I was trying to talk her into the cruise but she thinks she'd get seasick. I told her there are pills for that! haha! (Speaking of March...I may be in Boston for the weekend of March 1st like Thursday - Sunday. We'll have to try to plan something!)

@tiaragirl - You've gotta get your mom on board with you meeting wdwmagic people...because we are gonna get you on that cruise, girlie!

Thank you!!!!! haha just can't help it, I mean it's there to show off right?????? Wish I had the fiancee there to show off as well, but thats okay. All is good because I was in the World! Glad I'm not the only one trying to show it off ;)

Awww you'll have a great time! i hope you can talk her into it! I know we will be taking those lovely pills just incase!!!!! And that is SUPER exciting!!! We definitely have to plan something!!!!! I don't mind going up there, it's about an hour and I'll take the train into Boston! Let me know when it gets closer!!!


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September 28th

Slept in later this morning because we were headed to the Expo, which didn’t open until 12. Breakfast this morning was at the resort where we just had bagels. Sorry didn’t take any pictures, I figured they were only bagels.


We hung around and waited for the first bus at 1130. Unfortunately, they told us to wait at the Bus Depot but it picked up right underneath the overhang and had to flag everyone to come on over. It was a really nice charter bus though! Woohoo!

First time we had been into WWOS

There was a huuuuge line to get into the Expo because by the time we got there it was already 11:50ish and it was about to open. It didn’t take too long to get moving though.


Can’t believe I was at my first runDisney event expo!!! J


Mom getting her bib for the 5k!

The shirt that we got in our bag is really nice! (as a matter of fact I’m wearing it as I type this) And I also got my commemorative pin that I had purchased beforehand. Also, I picked up a nice event poster that I had gotten a coupon for from the runDisney facebook page.

Next up we headed straight to the runDisney official merchandise booth where I purchased an I did it shirt, pin, and runDisney 10-miler magnet for my car!!!

While looking for the end of the checkout line I pass none other than Banks Lee from the Orlando Attractions Magazine youtube shows!!! I also follow him on twitter and was so excited to meet him!!!!


After cashing out, I noticed someone next to a table with books on it…could it be?!?!?! It was none other than Jeff Galloway himself!!!!!!!!! I was sooo excited!!!!

He was such a nice guy. He took the time to answer your questions even when there was a line of people behind me waiting to meet him. I told him his strategy is the best I’ve tried and couldn’t wait to run the race. I just mentioned I was worried about not endurance. And he just told me don’t be afraid to change your run/walk strategy during the race. You need to run at a pace that is comfortable for you and the conditions. Definitely gave me that boost of confidence I needed! Thanks Jeff!


After meeting with Jeff, we went to look for an armband to hold my phone so I would have it to locate my mom after the race. Found a nice one, by (oops forgot who). Oh well but it’s purple!

Race course!

On the stage


We headed out of the expo and back to the resort because we had plans to be at EPCOT!


Oh hey Disney Cruise Line bus! Wish you were actually taking me to a cruise!

Back at the entrance to the resort this guy was hanging around where we played that Alligator game with him where you push the teeth in until he snaps at you. It was so much fun.

After a short break we headed back down to the lobby to catch a bus over to EPCOT, but first some beautiful pictures around the resort


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Welcome to EPCOT



We stopped at the pin station to pick up the Annual Passholder pin as well as a few other ECPCOT 30 pins. And then it was over to MouseGears to see what other kind of merch they had



Cool iPhone cases!

Next we headed over to the World Showcase to taste some Food and Wine! We were in line at the Hawaii booth where we ran into Darolyn, her mom and her sister. We talked for a bit and then sat and ate our pork slider it was really good!


We decided to make our way over to Canada and the UK where it started to drizzle.

Uh…that sky doesn’t look too good…

It wasn’t raining too hard so we ventured on out (without our ponchos because we left them in the room) and got one of those desserts from Ireland…Baileys’ Chocolate Lava Cake I believe.

We thought it was letting up a bit and turned around headed towards Mexico…

We decided to cut through the two International Gateway stores. Good thing because when we reached the second one this is what it looked like outside!!!

It was pouring so hard at some points you couldn’t even see!!! While we waited it out I purchased a Retro EPCOT Center shirt and took some pics of all the duffy merch and decorations.







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Seriously…this shirt is the CUTEST

Since it started to lighten up we made our way over to Mexico to eat in one of our favorite quick service restaurants..La Cantina! Where we had the chicken tacos!


While we were sitting eating it started to pour again! Luckily we were already seated under the shelter before a crowd came in..



Finally the rain let up and there was blue skies again and we ventured further into World Showcase until @jesemeca was ready to meet up with us




As we were moseying along into China the bridge was opening up to make way for the Globe for Illuminations! This was definitely a cool thing to see!





Once that was over we stopped over at the China booth to get something from the South Korea booth..which I don’t remember what it was because unfortunately the next picture you are about to see is the last thing my camera ever saw….

I went to put my cameras neck strap around my head, but I was having a hard time with my Mickey Ears on my head…well I have no idea what happened next except my camera had plummeted to the ground…I quickly grabbed it only seeing a few scratches and crossing my fingers. I turned it on and the lens opened…but gave me a lens error…I tried restarting it over and over but the lens just wouldn’t retract back into the camera…and that was where I pretty much lost it and was so upset and couldn’t stop crying. Here I was crying in the middle of EPCOT because I dropped my camera. A nice janitor lady came to comfort me, I wish I knew what her name was she was very nice and tried so hard. Then my mom came over with whatever she had gotten from the Korea booth and we went to have a seat. I was very very upset. I wasn’t being careless or not taking care of my camera…it was just the most unfortunate accident I could ever have.

While calming down Jessica texted me saying she was on her way. I told her what happened and she was on her way. Jessica and her dad came to join us, and I was still a mess. (Sorry you guys had to see me that way!) Her dad tried to get the lens to go back in, but wouldn’t budge…oh well.

Mom said I could use her camera, which for the remainder of the trip I did except for the race where I used an old small point and shoot I had before the one that broke. (I have bought a new camera..the new Canon t4i Rebel. It will be arriving soon and I can’t wait to get my hands on it!)

The four of us wandered towards the America Pavilion because we wanted to see Night Ranger!



Now here’s a funny story: there was a lady that was sitting in front of us with her husband that seemed pretty much in the bag already…(mind you this was the second show)…and she had a little difficulty remembering how to do the “rock symbol” that one typically does at a rock concert.

At the beginning of the show it was the peace sign….then it was the hang ten sign…and finally by the end of the show she got the rock symbol right. Her fly was also down the whole entire time…you had to be there, she was more entertainment then Night Ranger actually was! I wish I would have snuck a picture of her for you all to see It was a pretty funny sight!



The only song I recognized by Night Ranger was “Sister Christian”. And even then it wasn’t until the chorus of the song that I knew it. It was really cool though. I wish I could have been there to see Sugar Ray perform on the 30th though! L

Me and @jesemeca!

After the show we walked the rest of World Showcase where I really needed a nice Grey Limon Slush from France...



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We parted ways with Jessica and her dad because we wanted to head back before the crowds did, especially because we had to be up early for Mom to run the 5K in the morning. (Jessica I miss you!)

As we walked out I saw this beautiful display in the window of the Art of Disney store for EPCOT’s 30th.

Also my mom’s camera wasn’t too bad! (And I was venturing into Manual mode on her camera)




As we were leaving and I took one last look at Spaceship Earth…and had the most profound (not sure if that’s the right word to use here) moment…we had just walked into a park and didn’t ride a single thing..but just enjoyed our surroundings. At night SSE looked so Majestic I didn’t want to stop looking at it, that night I found a new appreciation for all that is EPCOT.

I turned back around to walk towards the buses realizing I couldn’t wait to return in November (and hopefully Test Track will be open!)


It was still a bit early and Carrie had texted us asking if we wanted to go in the pool, we politely declined but I totally wanted to take pictures of her princess royal room! So off we went in search of her!

We went in and were immediately greeted by her two beautiful girls Riley and Hailey. I swear these girls and the two cutest ever and I miss them a heck of a lot!!!!! Carrie tell your girls we miss them!!! They were giving me a grand tour of their home for the week! (while I took a ton of pictures!) Hopefully you don’t mind that I’m posting a million pictures of your room!



I find it so cute that all of these pictures were “taken” at Riverside!



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My favorite picture that I want to buy and hang it in my room

Magic Carpet!

Beautiful Headboard

With fireworks!

Bed Comforter

Shower Curtain

My lovely princes on the wall



Beautiful Coat Hanger


Yes I seriously took a picture of everything

Beautiful letter from Tiana

After a wonderful chat and meet we parted our ways and went back to the room to rest up for our big day!!!! Alarm was set for 4:30 am!!!!

Up Next is the BIG DAY!!! (or should I say night??) Stay tuned!!


Well-Known Member
Awww. I miss you too! We definitely need to plan some time together soon. Be it at the World or somewhere else. The cruise is just too far away.

I'll come back and comment on the rest later. On my phone right now.

Tell your mom I said hi!


Well-Known Member
I'm late but I made it! I'm stopping at y'all leaving for the MK because I'm afraid I'll forget what I want to say. LOL!

I stinkin' love that you brought your coloring book! I. Love. To. Color. Seriously!!!! When we moved over the summer I had to pick & choose what all came to the apartment with me and what went into storage. I have my shoebox of coloring books & crayons in the bottom of my closet for emergency use. LOL! I have a Tom & Jerry coloring book I've been coloring in since my step-mom bought it for me when I was 13 years old...in 1987! Every picture I colored I signed and dated. It's really cool! And I have Disney coloring books and a Cabbage Patch one, too. Sometimes it's awesome to be a grown-up because I can buy myself the "cool" crayon sets now. Most people laugh at me. I'm sorta weird about my crayons. I have my box that has my name on it then I have a 2nd box marked "guest". The beautiful part is I don't have to convince anyone that my slightly worn tips really do necessitate a new set...I just go buy new ones for myself. LOL! So, yeah, I was dying when I saw your coloring book!!!

POR...I love your room!!! When you said you got Alligator Bayou I was like, "Yeah!!!!", because those are the refurbed rooms I like bestest. If I stayed at POR that would be the place for me. The redo was so good. I love the theming. My only fear at POR is the distance to all the common areas and bus depots. Is it bad? Thank you so much for all the detail pics of the room, too! Man, those were great! I love seeing all that stuff because it's what I'd be zipping around the room pointing at and ooh'ing over. Heehee!

Okay. I'll go pick up where I left off now. :D

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