Did I seriously just run 10 miles??? A Tower of Terror 10-miler Trip Report!

The cast: Me (Jess) and @LuvsTheMouse (Diane/mom) Avid Disney travellers always having a good time together!

From our last trip

The When: September 26-September 30th

The Where: Port Orleans Riverside

WARNING: We took a lot of pictures, but I know everyone likes looking at pictures so there will be a lot of them here that me and my mom took! I used manual mode the whole trip until…well you’ll have to see what happens why I had to stop using manual mode…..

And here we goooo!.....

September 26th

We were up bright and early at 430 am for our 7 am flight!! We figured we had plenty of time to get to the airport and have breakfast before we had to leave..well boy we were wrong! We got there right after 530 and didn’t get out of the security line until 625! And as soon as we got to our gate they were getting ready to board our flight!!!! We will definitely need some Southwest coffee on this flight!

A beautiful sunrise from the airport


Waiting to board!

Ready for takeoff!

Clouds and a beautiful sky

So might I say Southwest has some of the best coffee I have ever had..it could give Dunkin a run for their money. And they have THE CUTEST coffee cup EVER

Some stowaways!


To pass the time during the flight I started listening to my iPad and coloring in this gem my mom gave me for Christmas last year!

Seriously, coloring was the best way to pass the time, and very relaxing I suggest it!!!


After arriving 10 minutes early and getting our luggage it was off to DME!!!

Isn’t this Mickey on the floor just adorable??? There were many leading the way for us!

Port Orleans Riverside here we come!

What a glorious sight! (When you’re arriving at least!)


On our way!

Had to get a picture of the nasty lovebug on the window haha

It’s close!


Well-Known Member
LOVE the report and absolutely love the picture of you guys on the ToT at the end there. Congrats on doing your first race! I am SO excited for mine (even though it's over a year away). LOL!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Great TR! You should cut and paste the parts about the race into the thread on the Running sub-forum. A lot of others who frequent there (like myself) would love to see it. They had a meet-up at the race as well.


Well-Known Member
I meant to post sooner (I'm so behind on a lot of reports, including mine) but congrats once again on finishing the race! It looked like you and the rest of your group had so much fun, especially that post-race ride on Tower. Great picture!

Can't wait to hear about your next trip!


Well-Known Member
Quick question for you? Did you Mom walk or run the 5k? Just curious as I my knee does not allow me to run yet - I walked the 5k back in January!

When/If I ever am able to run, I want to join the Studios Central group. HS is my favorite park and I follow Studios Central on twitter. I wanted to come down for this race, but I had already visited WDW every month my daugher was in the program - so I decided to give my wallet a rest:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While you were hiding in the store, I was running through the rain in Magic Kingdom, then to the Monorail, then from the Monorail to bag check, then from back check to the entrance, then through Epcot all the way to World Showcase. Just to make my way over to you. I hope you feel the love! LOL.

No need to apologize. I would have been way upset and crying if it happened to me. I just hope that I helped cheer you some. And I still had a blast hanging out with you and your mom!

Okay, that lady was hilarious! We had more fun watching her then Night Ranger. I wish one of us would have gotten a picture of her. That was priceless. (I'm glad you at least knew Sister Christian. That was the only reason I wanted to see them.)

Hey, look it's me! That Grey Limon Slush was pretty good. May need to get one on my birthday trip.

Let's not think about this part of the night, it was the sad part. LOL. (I miss you too!) Do you ever find it odd to write/type/say your own name, when you are talking about someone else? LOL. There is another Jessica at my job and it's really weird to say her name sometimes. LOL. Okay, I think it's time for bed. I just LOL'd way too many times.

You did a lot of running in the rain for me! I appreciate that :) And very much feel the love!!!!!
And you definitely cheered me up alot!!!! It was so much fun spending time with you and your dad!
I really really wish we would have taken a picture I don't know what we were thinking!!!!!! I heard Sister Christian not too long after our trip and I thought of you! Everytime I hear that song I will definitely be thinking of you.
Hah! See told you you definitely need to get one next time!! Drinky drink for after the cruise!!! lol
The worst part is leaving i know :( And you know something I never really thought of typing Jessica and it not being me LOL. It is weird though because my best friend is named Jessica and she is also called Jess so thats really weird. LOL. AND my fiancee's best friend's wife is named Jessica...so thats a little bit awkward sometimes....so ya lots of Jessica's going around! :) And now I rambled on about people named Jessica lol. But I love our name!

Congrats to you and your mom on finishing your first Disney races! :) I'm so glad you had a great race!

THANK YOU!!!!! :)

awe look at momma bear way to go both of you!!!! SERiously you took more pics of my room than I did teehee!!! The girls miss you too,and we all can't wait to see you again!!

hahaha i know I realized that! I just couldn't resist, I was in Princess Heaven in there!

Congrats on finishing your first Disney race! Are you hooked now? Marathon next maybe? :eek::D Good job!

Thank you!!!! And yes!!!! well...I don't forsee myself EVER doing 26 miles...I'll stick with a half lol

Hey, Jess!!! Great report (and not just because I'm in it, LOL). You really met a lot of people! Quick notes, because I'm goofing off at work:

Chip & Dale as stowaways -- so freakin' cute!!

I love your COLORING BOOK! I love to color, too, and hey, nice job on those pages ;)

POFQ lobby is gorgeous! I've never been to that resort. And the room was cool, too, especially being on the corner. As Kelly previously noted, the foggy lens made that picture of the mill great--so atmospheric!

That Dooney bag is great, I saw that one too and was tempted...but resisted.

I met @jesemeca too on Oct 1 at Epcot--such fun (hi to your dad, Jess!), we're all going to have such fun on the girls' cruise.

I'm so glad that the picture of the three of us came out! My sweetie has a ton of good qualities, but skill with a camera is not one of them. I thought he was going to be weirded out meeting "my internet friends", but he was so good about it, and he liked y'all so much, he's actually mentioned maybe joining in here (under the condition that the screen name "Captain Nemo" would have to be available)
Holy god, I look like Violet from Willie Wonka in that post-race picture!! Eeek!

Your description of the 10-miler race was gripping, felt like I was with you the whole time (and I may be feeling a little bit inspired to take on a longer distance, too!). Remember to take into consideration all the times you stopped for pictures--I think your time was great! Proud of you!!!

Thank you Siobhan!!!! :) And thank you! I would say I'm an expert colorer..didn't go out of the lines!

You mean POR? lol. The rooms are AMAZING. you definitely need to stay there. And thank you! Its one of my favorite pictures!!!

I'm so glad you got to meet @jesemeca!!! Isn't she just awesome! It's going to be so much fun on the girls cruise.

I hope he joins here and I'm glad we didn't weird him out! I remember we enjoyed those really redneck commentators and had a good laugh outta that! We couldn't believe some of the things they were saying!!!!
And you look like you just ran/walked a 5k! which is a great accomplishment! You guys looked great!!!!!!

I'm still soooo mad about the whole missing tower with you thing, but at least I went through the line with you?


I know! Wish you could have made it just a tad longer! But still love you! :)

Jess, Just got all caught up on your TR. Congratulations to both you and your Mom for your race accomplishments! I know what you mean about crying.....I've done the same thing too! It looks like you guys had a great time! Your updates and pictures have been awesome.....I really hate that about your camera.....that just really stinks! Thanks so much for all the updates!

Thank you very much!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for following along!!!!!! The last bit is coming up!

LOVE the report and absolutely love the picture of you guys on the ToT at the end there. Congrats on doing your first race! I am SO excited for mine (even though it's over a year away). LOL!

Thank you!!!!!! :) Good luck with your training!!! I'm still running when I get a chance! Going to go for a local half marathon we have here!

Great TR! You should cut and paste the parts about the race into the thread on the Running sub-forum. A lot of others who frequent there (like myself) would love to see it. They had a meet-up at the race as well.

I will definitely look into doing that! Thank you for mentioning that!!! And I saw that they had a meet, but I would have never made it there because we all had plans to meet with my Studios Central mates.

I meant to post sooner (I'm so behind on a lot of reports, including mine) but congrats once again on finishing the race! It looked like you and the rest of your group had so much fun, especially that post-race ride on Tower. Great picture!

Can't wait to hear about your next trip!

Its okay no worries! I haven't read anyone else's while I was posting mine so I have alot to catch up on!!!! Thank you and we had so much fun!!!! And the next trip will be here before we know it! 30 days!

Quick question for you? Did you Mom walk or run the 5k? Just curious as I my knee does not allow me to run yet - I walked the 5k back in January!

When/If I ever am able to run, I want to join the Studios Central group. HS is my favorite park and I follow Studios Central on twitter. I wanted to come down for this race, but I had already visited WDW every month my daugher was in the program - so I decided to give my wallet a rest:)

My mom walked the 5K. She had a blast!!! And there were plenty of others that walked it as well!

Just let me know when you want to join and I can put you into our facebook group! :) Thanks for following along!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Last Update :(

September 30

9:30 am came waaaaay too fast. Couldn’t believe we were already leaving today. Magical express was coming for us at 11. So we got up and got ready to head down for our last breakfast :(


When we got into the dining hall, I spotted Carrie and the girls with their suitcases!!! We were both leaving today, but their DME didn’t come until 12. We spent breakfast time with them and it was so much fun to talk about our vacation and just spend time together.

Unfortunately, 11 came too fast and before we knew it we had to say our goodbyes and go wait for the Un-Magical Express….


We did chat with some great people who were visiting from PA. Thanks for making the ride back a little better!!!

Once we got to the airport, it was around 12ish and we were still hungry. So McD’s it was! (Don’t forget I never ate anything after the race on Saturday night except a small package of gummie bears so I was starving!!!!)


Funny as it was Carrie and her girls (and her mom too!) were only a couple gates down from us, so I went to see the girls one last time, and Carrie came over to sit with us. I was so happy to spend the last hour or two with our new found friend reminiscing about our trip and just about life in general. Carrie we miss you so much and can’t wait to see you again!!!!! :D

One last picture…

The plane ride was a little bumpier than normal on the way home, but that’s okay. I remember trying to sleep but can’t remember if I actually did sleep. We were home at 5pm and started counting down until we go again…in NOVEMBER!!!!

Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!


What can I say this trip was honestly so much fun!!! Made sooooo many new friends that I cannot wait to see again!

Port Orleans Riverside: Cannot decide which resort I like better, POFQ or POR. If I could blend the two I think that would be the best! I love the Alligator Bayou room much better than I do the interior of POFQ, BUT I love the outside look of POFQ buildings better than POR. Its really tough. We hardly waited for a bus and only made the stops at the other bus stops twice I think and took no more than 5 minutes which I find is not bad at all! The walk we had to the main building and bus stops were all about 5-7 minutes because our building was in the middle of the resort. I would 100% stay there again, and definitely recommend it to others!

Tower of Terror 10-miler: I was kinda bummed out they didn’t have more characters on the course. I expected there to be more villains out there. The WORST part was running in the woods going into the WWOS complex. There was just NOT enough room. I hope they reconfigure that for next time. It just wasn’t fun. I wouldn’t have minded it if the path were a bit wider. Also, I really wish we could have run down Sunset Blvd towards the ToT and finish there. I think it would have been more climatic that way and then have everyone exit out the backstage back into the park near the sorcerer’s hat. I think that could have easily been done. I also wish I would have had more energy to keep going during the party, but that’s my own fault not Disney’s.

I would loooove to do another runDisney race again! Preferably the Princess half! I’ve been entering a contest on runlikeaprincess.com to win a trip down there since flights are so expensive! Cross your fingers for me!

Thanks again for following along and I’ll see ya real soon!

COMING SOON TO A FORUM NEAR YOU: Jessica’s trip report for her upcoming Christmas trip Nov 25-Dec 2!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report, Jessica! And congratulations on finishing the race! It is such an amazing accomplishment. I totally understand about getting teary eyed upon finishing. If I hadn't run the Princess Half Marathon, I never would have understood how emotional finishing a race is. Kudos to your Mom for finishing her 5k! That is very impressive! Only 28 days until we are both in WDW!! :D I hope these next 28 days fly by! Thanks for sharing your trip report and see you in WDW real soon!


Active Member
looks like a such fun trip. i'd love to do a 10 miler or half marathon at WDW... looks pretty amazing. your room looked awesome as did your friend's princess room. i think this'll have to be where i go next to stay at. can't wait to read your next trip report which i guess is when new fantasyland will officially open?


Active Member
Great trip report! It's so cool that you were able to meet several people from here! I would love to do a runDisney race but I'm not that CrAzY about running, I would rather walk! Congratulations on finishing the race! So exciting! :)


Well-Known Member
Awesome TR! Really really REALLY REALLY REALLY jealous that all you wdwmagic ladies were down there together AND ran an awesome race together....if you haven't noticed by my commenting how jealous I was on all of your TRs and facebook walls and instagram walls. Sigh...I really wish I was there.

I'm also jealous of your CHRISTMAS trip! I've never been at Christmas time. But it's on my Disney bucket list. Along with so many other things.

You definitely convinced me to stay PORS next time. But I'm thinking of the mansion rooms instead...not sure but I think so. Next trip is Art of Animation since it's just me, mom and sister but maybe the trip AFTER. Bill is spoiled on moderate resorts now...I think there is no turning back!

Great TR again Jess!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome TR! I'm amazed at your 10-miler! Wow! Even when I was in the military I didn't have the dedication to do anything more than a 5k! And I had to be forced to do that! :p I really hope you get to do the Princess run! Can't wait for your next TR!


Well-Known Member
Just read the whole thing!!! YAY!!!!!!

PORS is BEAUTIFUL. I really love the interior of the rooms there. Like you, I also like the outside look of POFQ better though. Either PO resort is on the list for our trip next November though!!

Like I said a million times already, it was so awesome to meet you and your Mom and I see such an awesome time ahead of us on the cruise and in Boston when we can finally meet up!!! I'm going to mny aunts in RI the weekend of Thanksgiving but of course, that's the weekend you're leaving for your trip! GAH! We will make it work eventually!! lol I know we are flying out of Providence when we go on our trip in May (we're going with my RI family and flights are MUCH cheaper and direct outta PVD than PWM on Southwest which is starting to operate out of here in April!) so maybe we can meet for lunch the Sunday we head back home!! :)

We were in the same store during the rainstorm at Epcot!! Well, for a little bit any way. We managed to get down to the Art of Disney before heading to the bus for HS.

LOVE that Dooney pattern! I think I MIGHT have to get one in May!!!

And I'm still so sad about your camera :( But you have a new toy to play with on your trip next month!!

Love the picture of the ring and the castle. The ring is GORGEOUS and looks even better up close! :)

Miss your face and hopefully I'll see you soon! Say hi to your Mom for me! (or I'm sure she might read this so.... Hi Mom!!!!!) <3


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great TR can't wait for the next.

Thank you!!! And it will be soon!!! :)

Great job on your trip report, well written! Love it!
Can't wait for our next trip....28days:cool:

Thanks Mom! :) 24 days now!

Great trip report, Jessica! And congratulations on finishing the race! It is such an amazing accomplishment. I totally understand about getting teary eyed upon finishing. If I hadn't run the Princess Half Marathon, I never would have understood how emotional finishing a race is. Kudos to your Mom for finishing her 5k! That is very impressive! Only 28 days until we are both in WDW!! :D I hope these next 28 days fly by! Thanks for sharing your trip report and see you in WDW real soon!

Thank you Ashley!!!! (x2!) I know after reading everyone's runDisney race trip reports I never fully appreciated what it took to finish a huge race like that. Definitely emotional! I cannot wait!!! 24 days now!!!!!! :) Are you on twitter or instagram? Need a way so we can find each other while we're there!

looks like a such fun trip. i'd love to do a 10 miler or half marathon at WDW... looks pretty amazing. your room looked awesome as did your friend's princess room. i think this'll have to be where i go next to stay at. can't wait to read your next trip report which i guess is when new fantasyland will officially open?

It was an AMAZING trip! Yes!!! It doesn't "officially" open until the Dec 6 so we're hoping they do some soft openings that week before!!!!!

Great trip report! It's so cool that you were able to meet several people from here! I would love to do a runDisney race but I'm not that CrAzY about running, I would rather walk! Congratulations on finishing the race! So exciting! :)

Thank you!!!! And it was so much fun meeting everyone! You should do a 5k! My mom walked it and there was many other people who did also!

Incredible photos, so sorry about your camera, so unfortunate, regarding the guy who plays the piano at PO, would you recommend it for kids?

Thank you very much! And I will have a new toy to play around with at WDW this month bought myself a new one that I am very pleased with :) And regarding Yeehaa Bob I would 100% recommend it for kids!!! I would get there for his first set with kids towards the end of the night for his last set at 1030 it was adults for the most part.

Awesome TR! Really really REALLY REALLY REALLY jealous that all you wdwmagic ladies were down there together AND ran an awesome race together....if you haven't noticed by my commenting how jealous I was on all of your TRs and facebook walls and instagram walls. Sigh...I really wish I was there.

I'm also jealous of your CHRISTMAS trip! I've never been at Christmas time. But it's on my Disney bucket list. Along with so many other things.

You definitely convinced me to stay PORS next time. But I'm thinking of the mansion rooms instead...not sure but I think so. Next trip is Art of Animation since it's just me, mom and sister but maybe the trip AFTER. Bill is spoiled on moderate resorts now...I think there is no turning back!

Great TR again Jess!!

Thanks Jess!!! We all wish you could have been down there with us at that time!!!!!!

You HAVE to go at Christmas time!!! It is just so beautiful!!! We haven't been for christmas since 2002 and it has probably changed alot since then and I am excited to see it all!!!!!!

You should definitely definitely stay there! We're spoiled with moderates now as well.....its so tough to turn back to Pop! But at least I don't have to worry about that yet! lol POFQ for the Christmas trip!

And thank you again!!!! :)

Awesome TR! I'm amazed at your 10-miler! Wow! Even when I was in the military I didn't have the dedication to do anything more than a 5k! And I had to be forced to do that! :p I really hope you get to do the Princess run! Can't wait for your next TR!

Thank you!!!! The only way I think the Princess Half will be possible if I win that runlikeaprincess contest runDisney is putting on to win a trip down there just for the weekend to run with a night's stay in Cinderella Castle and round trip plane tickets! (tickets are super expensive up here at that time due to Feb break from schools) so keeping my fingers crossed!!! And thank you!! It will be here before you know it!

Loved your trip report. Congrats on the race!! Looks like you had a great time.

Thank you!!!

Just read the whole thing!!! YAY!!!!!!

PORS is BEAUTIFUL. I really love the interior of the rooms there. Like you, I also like the outside look of POFQ better though. Either PO resort is on the list for our trip next November though!!

Like I said a million times already, it was so awesome to meet you and your Mom and I see such an awesome time ahead of us on the cruise and in Boston when we can finally meet up!!! I'm going to mny aunts in RI the weekend of Thanksgiving but of course, that's the weekend you're leaving for your trip! GAH! We will make it work eventually!! lol I know we are flying out of Providence when we go on our trip in May (we're going with my RI family and flights are MUCH cheaper and direct outta PVD than PWM on Southwest which is starting to operate out of here in April!) so maybe we can meet for lunch the Sunday we head back home!! :)

We were in the same store during the rainstorm at Epcot!! Well, for a little bit any way. We managed to get down to the Art of Disney before heading to the bus for HS.

LOVE that Dooney pattern! I think I MIGHT have to get one in May!!!

And I'm still so sad about your camera :( But you have a new toy to play with on your trip next month!!

Love the picture of the ring and the castle. The ring is GORGEOUS and looks even better up close! :)

Miss your face and hopefully I'll see you soon! Say hi to your Mom for me! (or I'm sure she might read this so.... Hi Mom!!!!!) <3

HI DAROLYN!!!!! I miss you!!!!!

Glad you got to read the whole thing!! :)

Yay!!!! So excited for you to stay there!!!! All of it's just so beautiful!!!!

Yes can't wait for the cruise and a future Boston trip!!!! PVD is such an easy airport to use and glad to hear it's much cheaper and we can definitely meet up that day you come back!!!! :) We'll be so close!!!

hah! Thats funny! Did you get caught in the rain again or were you already on the bus to DHS? And my new camera...is AMAZING. I finally got a chance ot play with it last night and it can just do so many things I can't wait to try it all!!!

Thank you thank you about the ring!!!! MISS YOU TOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Now where's your trip report? Or did you already start one??? I haven't read anyone's since I started writing mine..now I have no excuse anymore lol gotta get to reading! :) <3


Well-Known Member
HI DAROLYN!!!!! I miss you!!!!!

Glad you got to read the whole thing!! :)

Yay!!!! So excited for you to stay there!!!! All of it's just so beautiful!!!!

Yes can't wait for the cruise and a future Boston trip!!!! PVD is such an easy airport to use and glad to hear it's much cheaper and we can definitely meet up that day you come back!!!! :) We'll be so close!!!

hah! Thats funny! Did you get caught in the rain again or were you already on the bus to DHS? And my new camera...is AMAZING. I finally got a chance ot play with it last night and it can just do so many things I can't wait to try it all!!!

Thank you thank you about the ring!!!! MISS YOU TOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Now where's your trip report? Or did you already start one??? I haven't read anyone's since I started writing mine..now I have no excuse anymore lol gotta get to reading! :) <3

I've been SOOOOO busy at work that I have not been able to edit any photos and by the time I get home, I've already been on the computer for 8 hours so the last thing I want to do is be on the computer anymore. lol The first 2 days are already written, just gotta get some pics going! :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Awesome trip report!! Looks like you had a blast! Thanks to my weight loss surgery, I've just discovered I can like exercising. I did my first 5K 9/29 and am registered for a second 5k 11/17. My pace for the first race has me (barely) under Disney's limit so I convinced my DD to do the Expedition Everest Challenge, another 5k, with me in May but your trip report has prompted me to actually try for the 10 miler next year! Good luck on your next run and thanks for the inspiration!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I've been SOOOOO busy at work that I have not been able to edit any photos and by the time I get home, I've already been on the computer for 8 hours so the last thing I want to do is be on the computer anymore. lol The first 2 days are already written, just gotta get some pics going! :)

I hear ya on the 8 hours on the computer thing. But here I am sitting on the computer when I get home too LOL. Luckily at work I do get up and sometimes I have to do work in our testing lab, etc. So I'm not staring at a computer the whole day. But get those pics going!! haha :)

Awesome trip report!! Looks like you had a blast! Thanks to my weight loss surgery, I've just discovered I can like exercising. I did my first 5K 9/29 and am registered for a second 5k 11/17. My pace for the first race has me (barely) under Disney's limit so I convinced my DD to do the Expedition Everest Challenge, another 5k, with me in May but your trip report has prompted me to actually try for the 10 miler next year! Good luck on your next run and thanks for the inspiration!!!

Thank you for tuning in! I did have an awesome time!!!!

Congratulations on your first 5k!!!! And you can totally try for the 10-miler!!!!!! If I can do it and start from not running anything at all in January to running a 10 mile race 9 months later I know you can do it!!!!! :)

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