Well-Known Member
I doubt they will use either Kingdom, Cinematic, or Adventure in the name. That's just my opinion, but it just seems silly to use any of that for this park. I am still wondering if they plan to incorporate anything at all to do with movies into this new park. They may decide to steer any thoughts of movies away from the new redesign. I know, that sounds stupid considering the IP's they are dropping into the park. However, they are rebranding this park and since it previously stood for movies and their production TWDC may decide that this park (while having great movie IP's in the park) will not be associated so directly with movies. This way it will be less likely to be confused with the previous park's concept. (Confused yet?) I thought the park would be called Disney's Hollywoodland for a while, but even that is too close to a movies concept. I have no idea what they could use for the name, but I think it will be pretty far removed from anything to do with movies, Hollywood, or the cinemas.