Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
You mean like the Submarine voyage? A money pit of an attraction so 'loved'...when it was rumored it could be on the chopping block only after 5 years of operator many fans said 'good riddance'???

You mean like Toy Story Mania.. an attraction the hardcore fans write off as a video game they can play at home?

Nemo's not going anywhere and the fans actually don't want it to leave. I don't know about Florida but Mania is well loved in California.


Well-Known Member
Mania is really popular at WDW consistent 100 min wait time
I won't say that it's any sort of mind blowing E ticket but it is DEFINITELY FUN IMO and well worth a ride.

Everything is perfectly unclear at the moment.

If I had to bet right now, I'd go with Martin's guess. RSR and a Monsters ride in Stage 1.

Stepping back a bit... Can we get a confirmation that the Monsters Inc. ride is that easy to green light? Will Sound Stage 1 be enough room to accomodate the ride, or would extra space be needed? (i.e new buildings for ride and/or queue)


Well-Known Member
I hear it's much harder to get a high score on Astro Blasters at DL than Space Ranger Blasters. Wonder if that's true? I hope someone can answer.
Idk but I know astro blasters the gun isn't bolted down and space ranger spin is so wouldn't be the other way around?


Premium Member
Nemo's not going anywhere and the fans actually don't want it to leave. I don't know about Florida but Mania is well loved in California.

I didn't say it was leaving.. I was talking about the reaction to it. The regular fans really don't love it all that much after the 'new' wore off. The people that loved the original and were so excited to get the subs back hated that the indoor was all projections. Most find it cute, but not worth actually waiting for. And it's telling when you go and look at most poeple's regular visit and say 'Did you ride Nemo?' and they have to admit they skipped it. It's like Lincoln.. most fans would cry murder if they tried to take it out again.. yet they don't actually watch the show themselves. And the truth came out when Al first started the rumor about the Subs potentially being on the block... the fans when faced with 'getting a new E-ticket' vs 'keeping the subs'.. most were in favor of dumping the subs even tho Disney just dumped so much into them. People love to have them, more then they love to ride them.

And Midway Mania is another lightning rod in the community where people feel its a letdown in that it's fully a digital experience vs physical. It's a ride that is hugely popular, but is often poo-poo'd in the fan community as being a poster-child for 'interactive' initiatives vs actual story telling or immersive physical experiences. For many, it's a illustration of the change in dumbing down experiences for cheap thrills that are very much like things you can get elsewhere. TSMM is a supped up video game.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue. There are a lot of hidden targets in Astro Blasters and the ones that are worth the most points are hard to hit. Hard for me at least.
The special targets at space ranger isn't that hard to hit so you are probably right about astro blasters being harder


Stepping back a bit... Can we get a confirmation that the Monsters Inc. ride is that easy to green light? Will Sound Stage 1 be enough room to accomodate the ride, or would extra space be needed? (i.e new buildings for ride and/or queue)

I was thinking this exact same thing. It looks like a small space to me. It's smaller than the TSMM building and not tall enough for a decent sized coaster (if it is a coaster) and queue. Or maybe it's bigger than it looks from the outside who knows but I've always wondered this.

My educated guess would be that it needs more space, but I would like a confirmation on this as well.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking this exact same thing. It looks like a small space to me. Smaller than the TSMM building and not tall enough for a decent sized coaster height and queue. Or maybe it's bigger than it looks from the outside who knows but I've always wondered this as well.

When I worked at Disney, I had a friend tell me that the soundstage was just going to be a queue space, which sounds much more believable. The Backlot Tour would probably close and the coaster would go in some of that space. Either that or it would be a rather small/short coaster. I've been in that room many times and it's not very big at all when thinking about a roller coaster. Maybe if they worked it like Space Mountain, but it's not tall enough for that.

Mania is really popular at WDW consistent 100 min wait time

That's partially because it's the only interesting ride for families of all ages in the park. Kids don't really care about BLT or GMR and ST has a height requirement, I believe. Am I missing any other actual rides? So, yeah, the only real appealing family ride in what is supposed to be a theme park at a resort marketed towards families should have a long wait. It's popular by default.

I think it's a great ride, but I don't think the wait would be as long if we had three or four more family rides of good quality in the park. I'm kind of hoping they're looking at TLM space too since it's an older show now. It's a great location for a Tangled show, just saying.


Well-Known Member
So if Skipper John is dead set against RSR or Carsland going anywhere but DCA, I wonder what his opinion of Pixar Place at DHS is. Surely he's been to the park and found it lacking. I guess my question would be, if not RSR, what? Something has to be done (if the insiders are right which I completely believe they are) at all 4 parks but DHS is probably the most desperate.


Well-Known Member
You mean like the Submarine voyage? A money pit of an attraction so 'loved'...when it was rumored it could be on the chopping block only after 5 years of operator many fans said 'good riddance'???
You mean like Toy Story Playland.. a concept so widely pandered people openly mock the concept and despise any chance of it coming to a park?
You mean like The Little Mermaid.. the largest darkride Disney has done in decades yet fails to find a loyal following in the genre Disney is thought of as perfecting?
You mean like Toy Story Mania.. an attraction the hardcore fans write off as a video game they can play at home?

Before Carsland.. his record was actually pretty damn weak. He's a great creative guy and producer for films.. but it really hasn't transitioned over to his work in theme parks.

The guy is passionate.. he is a great advocate.. but he hasn't shown that nack for knowing what makes an attraction great or not and being able to ensure that core essence is attractions he has helped supervise. He seems to be better at ensuring his character properties are represented as he wants them.. than he is at building the next great attraction concept.
Yeah, I was referring to Pixar movies. Ideas for attractions are run by him at Imagineering, but we all know he has a much greater involvement in Pixar. Your point on attractions is well taken, but I would rather have someone championing for higher quality and nostalgia even if it misses the mark. You're right, he's a fanboy when it comes to the theme parks and it's hurt on things that he's pushed for like Luigi's and the Submarine Voyage. But I'd much rather have his influence on these things than anyone else outside of Imagineering.


Well-Known Member
I'm just worried that it will end up being a "clone or nothing" scenario. If the clone idea is struck down (which Lasseter might see to), WDW will end up getting nothing (at least nothing that truly matters in terms of scale, I'd see something on the scale of Toy Story Playland as very little more than nothing). So some people might consider it a lose-lose situation regardless of what happens here. I'll still say i'd much rather have a clone of RSR than nothing or crap.

It's very sad, but I just don't see Lasseter or anyone else who matters really standing up for WDW. If they had then things would have gotten better already. No one who really matters or has any real power seems to care about the place enough to do anything, they're either completely uninterested or see it as a cheap way to make a ton of money off of guests. Guests whom they know will dump stupid amounts of money into it just because it has the Disney brand on it. I wouldn't be surprised if there existed people willing to buy a turd shaped like Mickey Mouse (or even better, Winnie the "Pooh"). DOES anyone of power exist in the Disney company that would be willing to start standing up for WDW and bringing quality and originality back again? I feel like WDW hasn't been truly been taken seriously and given a ton of attention on a grand scale since Epcot was first built. Seems like the closest we've gotten to anything of Epcot's scale at WDW was when Animal Kingdom was built. While I love AK, it became the victim of a lot of budget cuts due to the decline of the Disney was going through at the time (and still is apparently), it hasn't reached anywhere near what it should be. Until someone important, powerful, AND a lover of WDW steps in, I can't see anything getting much better than it is.

My one comfort within all of this is that according to our insiders here, the Disney company heads and TDO are both scared ****less at the state of apparently dwindling WDW numbers and competition from Universal and other parks. It would seem many guests are no longer blindly following the Disney brand and are beginning to realize that they can experience just as much if not more fun elsewhere. When love and care doesn't exist in a company, we've always got the wonderful emotion of fear within corporations as plan B to start the ball of progress rolling. And what a miracle that can be. Fear can lead to two things. It can either lead to a company making even MORE cutbacks to try to make a profit, or it can lead to a return to quality when there's no other way out. Nasty gamble perhaps. But the first chain of events has been in effect for decades now and is starting to take its toll on their numbers apparently. So perhaps this bodes well for quality again if they've run the cutbacks dry to the point where guests start to notice and take action. We'll see.

Sorry for getting so emotional and diverting the topic somewhat. I was trying to express concern over the entire WDW problem but it's hard to do so without going into the core of it all. Point being, i'm worried either way as to what may or may not happen in regards to RSR at WDW. I'm simultaneously happy at the prospect of WDW getting a good attraction, but also upset that there's no true creativity here anymore (like Epcot once was).

I don't mean disrespect and I hate to paint a target on the back of my head (perhaps an ironic statement), but I'm not a fan of Toy Story Midway Mania at all. I actually love the queue far more than the ride itself, i'm simply not at all impressed (nor much entertained) with mindless shooting at 3D video screens. Impressive dark rides with elaborate sets and plentiful amounts of detailed animatronics are much more my cup of tea. POTC-style or old Epcot rides. Video screens can ENHANCE small parts of rides, but i'm completely uninterested if that's all a ride amounts to. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Lasseter may not have the track record in theme park attractions to justify his Golden Boy status, but in movies he sure does. And make no mistake, the movies make billions for the company, in contrast with the puny millions thrown off by the parks.

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