
Well-Known Member
It can be done :) There are always small children on our international flights and Europe flies to Asia all the time for holiday. The cost I can see.. but don't hold yourself back just for this. A little planning goes a long way..

Wait what? I'm English and I never knew this?


Well-Known Member
I posted something similar on another thread, but I'm just a little concerned with Pixar becoming overexposed or the parks becoming saturated with all things Pixar. I love the movies, but I hate to see Disney give up/lose some of it's identity. I know Pixar is now Disney, but it may be my age, but when I think of Disney, I think of traditional animation. I think of all the classic movies that Disney had before it had WDW. I also know DHS needs something, but I hope future plans include some old school Disney and live action adaptations.


Well-Known Member
It can be done :) There are always small children on our international flights and Europe flies to Asia all the time for holiday. The cost I can see.. but don't hold yourself back just for this. A little planning goes a long way..

Sure, it "could be done", while listening to a screaming crying child for 5 1/2 hours trying to run up and down the aisle, with nowhere to lay her down for a nap, vomitting from being so upset, yeah sure, it can be done....

The only way she would be able to do it if it was a red eye so she would sleep the whole time, but sorry to say my husband and I would be the ones who couldn't handle that.
One thing about Carsland in CA is that they had to have the mountain range be a certain height so that guests won't see the buildings/hotels/cityscape just outside the park boundary. DHS doesn't hav ethat issue, so maybe the mountain range could be substantially shorter at DHS? I imagine they might be able to utilize the perspective tricks an such so that it would still look impressive, but not be quite as high.

Of course, the backside of the range would still likely have to be painted "go-away grey" (or green if there's greenery surrounding it) -- what does the backside of the range look like outside the park in LA?
It's ugly.


I never really minded because there when you are behind it you are off property, but if they create the rock work at WDW you'll be on property and see the ugly toothpick backside of Cadillac Range. What if you can see it from World Showcase? I'm still all for them placing the entire attraction indoors, including a small forced perspective Cadillac Range.


Active Member
Can't we have the best of both worlds here?

Hear me out...

Clone Radiator Springs and RSR, but create two different rides for the area. Leave Luigi's and Mater's rides exclusive to DL.

You are onto something. I think we need two other new attractions to go with RSR, maybe a dark ride and something else...plus throw in Monsters Inc, Coaster and Star Wars Cantina Resturant and say goodbye to American Idol and we have a start finally.


Well-Known Member
Let's say that hypothetically between Carsland and Avatar, the approved budget is $900 million-$1 billion. I think there are better ways to spread out that money:

  • $50 million - new film for Soarin'
  • $10 million - new descent for SSE
  • $150 million - Journey Into Imagination LPS E-ticket
Hollywood Studios
  • $150 million - Monster's Inc Coaster
  • $200 million - Star Wars mini land with Mos Eisley Cantina and Family Ride in American Idol and Sounds Dangerous theaters
Animal Kingdom
  • $50 million - modifications/relocation of all/parts of Maharajah Jungle Trek to allow for Giant Pandas
  • $300 million - New Mythical animals concept on Beastly Kingdom Plot


Well-Known Member
It's ugly.


I never really minded because there when you are behind it you are off property, but if they create the rock work at WDW you'll be on property and see the ugly toothpick backside of Cadillac Range. What if you can see it from World Showcase? I'm still all for them placing the entire attraction indoors, including a small forced perspective Cadillac Range.

correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it border a lot of high trees?
Let's say that hypothetically between Carsland and Avatar, the approved budget is $900 million-$1 billion. I think there are better ways to spread out that money:

  • $50 million - new film for Soarin'
  • $10 million - new descent for SSE
  • $150 million - Journey Into Imagination LPS E-ticket
Hollywood Studios
  • $150 million - Monster's Inc Coaster
  • $200 million - Star Wars mini land with Mos Eisley Cantina and Family Ride in American Idol and Sounds Dangerous theaters
Animal Kingdom
  • $50 million - modifications/relocation of all/parts of Maharajah Jungle Trek to allow for Giant Pandas
  • $300 million - New Mythical animals concept on Beastly Kingdom Plot
It took $300 million to design and build RSR, and you want them to build a whole land at DAK with the same budget?...

correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it border a lot of high trees?
Definitely not high enough.


Well-Known Member
Some Spirited thoughts:

I still won't say this is a done deal yet because I'm hearing there are some folks on both coasts with reservations (that they likely made 180 days in advance!:D) . There's a strong west-coast contingent led by John Lasseter that does not want to see this immediately cloned and sent to the swamps. And there's a strong contingent in FLA, that says this gets built and EPCOT remains stagnant and that park is going to have its numbers plummet (only so long you can coast on food and beverage sales).

Clearly 'something' is happening as we head into FY'13. Bids are going out, planning is being done, the orb of secrecy is starting to kick up. Whether we're going to see RSRs, which is sure seems like, is still the question ... but I sure see that growing in likelihood by the day.

I spent the late morning doing two enjoyable things. One was watching The Dictator, which I had never seen and was a good way to in advance of posting here. The other was speaking to a very valued friend and contact who said many interesting things that I can't post here, but had one very interesting thought which is this project -- whatever form 'it' takes at TPFKaTD-MGMS -- may well not simply open up before Avatar (loved that joke in The Dictator as wel) but simply takes its place instead.

Yes, the Spirit is still saying don't count your blue alien sex kittens until you are having cyber relations with them while Soarin Over Pandora.

Cost is relative as RSRs was the most expensive theme park attraction ever built. My number is a lot closer to $400 million for just the ride and area (not Carsland here) work than the crazy $300 million people talk about.

I don't like clones. I understand them from a business standpoint, but I still don't like them. It shows a lack of faith in your ability to create compelling product. I don't like with Transformers at UNI, so I'm not going to turn around and say its fine if it's Disney. It ultimately diminishes your product, not because you'll have people visit WDW and blow off DLR (how many crazy fans will whine and make every excuse in the book here why they've been to WDW 31 times, but haven't just been able to get to DL yet!) but because your product all-around beccomes more homogenized. It's fine to have some sharing, that makes sense. But Disney is in the state of wanting everything to appear in as many places as possible. That's why they don't like dealing with the Chinese because they are demanding unique product.

I didn't read through the entire thread because well ... it did what sorta happens around these parts when something newsworthy happens, so I apologize if I'm covering a lot of the same.

Also, LMA has its own 'issues' that make TDO want to get rid of it and quickly, which again shows very poor thought on their part when the attraction debuted only seven years ago.

Oh, and over at UNI, Potter 2.0 sounds better all the time. Just heard of a BIG change coming to help facilitate the expansion and it splains a lot (like why UNI execs were seen visiting a competitor recently!)

Juicy stuff.

Easy to imagine the Cars/Avatar switcheroo happening. Cars is more proven, kid-friendly, better with the merch and easier to make happen than Avatar. Not sure if I'm reading between the lines on this, but does that mean they see Cars coming no sooner than 2015?

And I was also somewhat surprised that LMA could be on the cutting block. When was the last time a major attraction was up for removal seven years after its debut? If only they could be so quick to correct their mistakes at other parks (Stitch, e.g.).


Well-Known Member
Let's say that hypothetically between Carsland and Avatar, the approved budget is $900 million-$1 billion. I think there are better ways to spread out that money:

  • $50 million - new film for Soarin'
  • $10 million - new descent for SSE
  • $150 million - Journey Into Imagination LPS E-ticket
Hollywood Studios

  • $150 million - Monster's Inc Coaster
  • $200 million - Star Wars mini land with Mos Eisley Cantina and Family Ride in American Idol and Sounds Dangerous theaters
Animal Kingdom

  • $50 million - modifications/relocation of all/parts of Maharajah Jungle Trek to allow for Giant Pandas
  • $300 million - New Mythical animals concept on Beastly Kingdom Plot

I would gladly take everything suggested here!


Well-Known Member
It took $300 million to design and build RSR, and you want them to build a whole land at DAK with the same budget?...

Beastlie Kingdomme plans already exist.
Mysterious Island plans already exist.

Dust both of those plans off and see if you could take the best of each.

Mysterious Island was apparantly nearly started before the recession kicked in.


You are onto something. I think we need two other new attractions to go with RSR, maybe a dark ride and something else...plus throw in Monsters Inc, Coaster and Star Wars Cantina Resturant and say goodbye to American Idol and we have a start finally.

Monsters Inc. can be the dark ride, just clone the ride over at DCA and put it next to TSMM, but not the coaster. And with the Cantina, sounds like its sort of in the air. Finally, with American Idol, I don't think that's going out anytime soon. IMO, anyways.


Well-Known Member
Let's say that hypothetically between Carsland and Avatar, the approved budget is $900 million-$1 billion. I think there are better ways to spread out that money:

Animal Kingdom
  • $50 million - modifications/relocation of all/parts of Maharajah Jungle Trek to allow for Giant Pandas
  • $300 million - New Mythical animals concept on Beastly Kingdom Plot

I think 350 million gets you a live Godzilla nowadays. That should turn AK into a full day park.

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