(cont.) Every ride can have its own mini-land, or atmosphere is a better word.
Current Toy Story with Meet and Greet, and Midway Mania.
Monsters has the door coaster, the meet and greet, and a Monsters University Patio with quick service Monsters Cafeteria (chili cheese flies, gross beef sandwiches, hot sludge sundaes) and bookstore.
Ratatouille can have the LPS clone from Paris, and Chef Gusteau's Restaurant which is signature dining.
Up has an atmosphere that is small but charming with the playground (As odd as it sounds UP should be the new theme of the playground, and it's reconstructed to look like the jungle), a spinner with furniture that's like Flik's Flyers, and a towering facade of Paradise Falls (forced perspective like Beast's Castle). I feel that UP is better because it's a better film, it isn't fading away in people's memories like Bug's Life, and because if we choose Bug's Life then 3/4 of the films are Pixar's first franchises so it should be more diverse in the timeline.
Saying it again, it will have an atmosphere looking like the film but will have the same Pixar brick like formation like Toy Story!