Deadliest Catch - I can't wait!!


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We're diehard DC fans at our house. Have been since day 1. Anyone else itchin' to see what the new season holds? Come on Tuesday!!!


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Haven't been watching the marathon today. They've been showing those best of season __ for the last week or so. The new footage they added at the end of the season 6 episode sure keeps ya wondering, huh? Will Edgar stay or is he really gonna walk away from his brothers? What about Jake Anderson? Think he'll stay the distance with his Northwestern family? I didn't see Matt in that new footage and they show a new crew member coming onboard. Is the new guy to replace Edgar, Jake, or Matt??? And how about those Cornelia boys? How will they handle working for another captain? I feel for that new captain they got. He's got some pretty big shoes to fill. There's no getting around the hole Phil left on his boat. Not now or ever. Then there's the Time Bandit. Wonder what fun they're gonna have this season! I'm just sooooo anxious! It's always like this, tho. Every spring it's the same itchy excitement for the new season!!! I loooove it!!! :sohappy:


Active Member
I can't wait until the new season begins on Tuesday and I think it's a special 2 hour episode! I have been watching the re-runs and earler this evening I saw the one where captain Phil passes away, it still chokes me up.


Premium Member
The other day I was cleaning my house and had season 6 DVDs on - at least the third time I saw the whole season and I was still crying my eyes out.

And I've been watching the promo stuff pretty closely - it looks like both Edgar and Jake Anderson are back. There's only one face that I don't recognize and I'm assuming that's someone from the Kodiak, especially since he didn't seem to have a steady crew there. Either way, Tuesday can't come soon enough!
I'll probably DVR it and watch the White Sox game then go back to Deadliest Catch - I can fast forward the commercials then :lol:


Here is another DC fan. Can't wait for Tuesday. My son got us started, and we had to go back to the beginning and watch all the episodes.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Used to be, until series 5/6 when they started fannying about with scheduling. Keep meaning to catch up but watch Ice Road truckers now.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been watching the marathon today. They've been showing those best of season __ for the last week or so. The new footage they added at the end of the season 6 episode sure keeps ya wondering, huh? Will Edgar stay or is he really gonna walk away from his brothers? What about Jake Anderson? Think he'll stay the distance with his Northwestern family? I didn't see Matt in that new footage and they show a new crew member coming onboard. Is the new guy to replace Edgar, Jake, or Matt??? And how about those Cornelia boys? How will they handle working for another captain? I feel for that new captain they got. He's got some pretty big shoes to fill. There's no getting around the hole Phil left on his boat. Not now or ever. Then there's the Time Bandit. Wonder what fun they're gonna have this season! I'm just sooooo anxious! It's always like this, tho. Every spring it's the same itchy excitement for the new season!!! I loooove it!!! :sohappy:

You summed up what's been running through my head the past few weeks!! I read somewhere that in the first episode the Harris boys sprinkle Captain Phil's ashes in the Sea - I am already anticipating crying my eyes out. I miss Phil. I hope Jake got it together and is off the drugs.


Well-Known Member
DVR is set and ready to go. I was keeping an eye on the fleet on when they were out at sea filming. It was pretty cool to "watch" where they were at at different times and when they came in to Dutch.

I'm just glad they all came back safe.


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Tonight Tonight Tonight --hot damn-- It's TONIGHT!!!

Who woke up this morning and that's the first thing that popped in their head?! Ooooh, what to do for supper?! I'm totally NOT cooking!!!!

I will say, the premier will be sorta bittersweet this year. The hubby is away working and, for the first time ever, we won't be cuddled up on the sofa watching together. :cry: I'm sure we'll be on the phone every commercial, tho. Is this a sign that we are truly pathetic??? :lol: I'm guessing another hint in my quest to guage my family's pathetic-ness when it comes to our DC addiction would be the fact that yesterday I p'ed off one of my mouthy teenagers who thought he'd "punish" me by announcing that he didn't think he wanted to watch DC with us this year. Silly boy. I just shrugged and said, "Okay". Of course, this morning he's as jazzed as I am. :lol:

I can't wait until the new season begins on Tuesday and I think it's a special 2 hour episode! I have been watching the re-runs and earler this evening I saw the one where captain Phil passes away, it still chokes me up.


The other day I was cleaning my house and had season 6 DVDs on - at least the third time I saw the whole season and I was still crying my eyes out.

And I've been watching the promo stuff pretty closely - it looks like both Edgar and Jake Anderson are back. There's only one face that I don't recognize and I'm assuming that's someone from the Kodiak, especially since he didn't seem to have a steady crew there. Either way, Tuesday can't come soon enough!
I'll probably DVR it and watch the White Sox game then go back to Deadliest Catch - I can fast forward the commercials then :lol:

Did you see the little extra clip on the Discovery Channel highlights episode where Jake A. was talking about how he liked being on a boat other than the Northwestern because they're nicer to him and all. I can see that. Sig & the guys are hard on Jake like he's their little brother. They don't give him any slack at all. From the standpoint of a former supervisor in a very high-stress environment, especially with FNG's, for every criticism you put out there you gotta have a compliment. More negative than positive only beats people down which is what I feel when I watch those interactions. I mean, yeah, I realize that's a brutal environment and there's just not a lot of fluff and sweetness that can go on but if Sig & the guys care as much for the kid as they say they do they'd realize (especially with the loss of his dad last year) he's looking for approval and affection from father-figures.

Here is another DC fan. Can't wait for Tuesday. My son got us started, and we had to go back to the beginning and watch all the episodes.

It's addictive!

Used to be, until series 5/6 when they started fannying about with scheduling. Keep meaning to catch up but watch Ice Road truckers now.

Aw, Sak! You do need to catch up! So much has been happening!!! Even the off-camera stuff with the lawsuits that went flying last summer/fall....which I'm really curious if there will be any mention of on-camera this season...

You summed up what's been running through my head the past few weeks!! I read somewhere that in the first episode the Harris boys sprinkle Captain Phil's ashes in the Sea - I am already anticipating crying my eyes out. I miss Phil. I hope Jake got it together and is off the drugs.

Aw man, that's gonna be a tear-jerker for sure! I know they interred some of his ashes in that sweet motorcycle gas tank with the kick-butt paint job & portrait work. Yeah, Phil will be missed. The full episode they did about him honoring his entire life was absolutely beautiful. I can't imagine trying to put something like that together. How do you sum up who a person is, all the facets, etc. and tell a person's entire story, particularly one that was so incredible, within an hour??? They did a fantastic job. Truly. I, too, hope Jake got himself together and found his way past his demons. Aside from the fact that it was his father's dying wish for him, I hope he found peace within himself where he didn't need to depend on drugs or alcohol to escape. Bless his heart.

DVR is set and ready to go. I was keeping an eye on the fleet on when they were out at sea filming. It was pretty cool to "watch" where they were at at different times and when they came in to Dutch.
I'm just glad they all came back safe.

I didn't know this existed but I'm totally all over it now. Thanks!!! :wave: And a big resounding AMEN! for everyone coming back safe. :sohappy:

OH! Another side-note....Who all has one of the DC video games??? We haven't bought the newer one but the hubby has the older one for the Xbox 360. He doesn't play it that often but when he does he's absorbed in it for hours and hours. If anyone has the newer game, tell me how it is. I've been thinking of picking it up for the old man... :wave:


Well-Known Member
I will not get to see it unti Thursday....I will DVR tonight and tomoorow I will be at the STANELY CUP will have to wait for then.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Doesnt start here till the 26th. They are however running the whole of series 6 on the Monday which is a holiday and Mrs Sak is at work tending to the poorly children. So like a well made jigsaw its all falling into place.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Doesnt start here till the 26th. They are however running the whole of series 6 on the Monday which is a holiday and Mrs Sak is at work tending to the poorly children. So like a well made jigsaw its all falling into place.

Yay! Meant to be! I'm almost jealous. Season 6 was quite a ride. If you weren't already even minutely emotionally drawn-in to the crews on a personal level, you will be. You really see the heart that goes into something as fundamentally simple as fishing.

Thanks very much!!! But talk away...its all good!! I am going to try to watch a little of it this afternoon before leaving for the game!!!

Lemme know what you think! The opening will take your breath away. At the end I was cursing like a sailor at the tv for leaving us hanging. Lol! The boys & I were sitting on the edge of our seats, fingers crossed, praying our hearts out and at the very moment of revelation....BAM!!! They cut away to clips of the coming season. I was soooo mad! :lol:


Premium Member
Yay! Meant to be! I'm almost jealous. Season 6 was quite a ride. If you weren't already even minutely emotionally drawn-in to the crews on a personal level, you will be. You really see the heart that goes into something as fundamentally simple as fishing.

Lemme know what you think! The opening will take your breath away. At the end I was cursing like a sailor at the tv for leaving us hanging. Lol! The boys & I were sitting on the edge of our seats, fingers crossed, praying our hearts out and at the very moment of revelation....BAM!!! They cut away to clips of the coming season. I was soooo mad! :lol:

I know - my thought was "Geez, a minute into it and I'm already crying my eyes out." I wasn't quite as upset tho at the ending - I could tell that was what they were going to do.
How do you feel about the new Cornelia Marie captain? That argument he had with Steve told me a few things about him that I don't think I like very much.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know - my thought was "Geez, a minute into it and I'm already crying my eyes out." I wasn't quite as upset tho at the ending - I could tell that was what they were going to do.
How do you feel about the new Cornelia Marie captain? That argument he had with Steve told me a few things about him that I don't think I like very much.

I could totally see that ending leaving me hanging like that when the credits started. It was so funny because the credits started up and I went to pleading with the television. "Nooooo, they can't do leave us like this! Don't do it! Pull it up! Faster! Come ooooon!!!!" Then they cut to the previews for the season and I just let loose with this long tirade of frustration and insults to the DC gods totally laced with every unmagical word in the book. My sons were rolling around laughing at me. I was mad enough to text a few of those not-so-nice swears to my hubby, too, telling him how I **really** felt which got him laughing at me. Good times. LOL! I don't watch other tv shows regularly unless you want to count House Hunters on HGTV but you can't get emotionally involved in that. I'm attached to my DC guys big time!!! :lol: Maybe I should take up watching Days of our Lives again or something like that. I haven't watched soaps since college. :lol:

Ugh! The spat with the new captain, Derrick, and Steve on the Cornelia. I mean, yeah, as any fan would think when I saw that go down my initial thought was, "What an a-expletive!" That's the protective side coming out. I dunno, though. I've worked in a job where absolute, complete unquestioning or unfaltering adherence to what the boss says with no arguement is essential or someone could be hurt or killed. I've also had to make that transition into the leadership role in that environment with my once-peers who overnight became the people I was responsible for in every way. Because of that I gave it a little more consideration. I think it's really great that the post-production editing included that particular spat because it speaks volumes on a lot of levels. Do I agree with how Derrick handled the situation? No, not entirely. I think he went a little far with the comment in front of God and everyone that Phil wasn't there, that he was dead. Duh. Josh & Jake have enough to deal with and get thru without unnecessary statements like that to hear. Ya know? Derrick could've made his point without going there. And you could definitely see and feel anger in how he was so willing to react and escalate the situation. In that type of environment with those types of relationships a good leader doesn't have the luxury of emotion. Not only does it lead to your crew not having respect for you, they won't trust you 100% which is basically what you ask them to do in being unquestioning and unfaltering to the things you tell them to do. I think Derrick was more acting out of frustration because you could tell he was thinking Jake had done the ultimate no-no when they ran so late returning. Derrick was in a state of elevated emotion when they returned. It came out as anger but it was obviously more fear in there, too. Notice he first tried to start it up with Jake but Jake didn't give him an arguement to vent the frustration. Steve argued and Derrick let it all out. He shouldn't have done that. No, Steve shouldn't argue and he could've done things differently but Derrick didn't handle it right either. If he felt Steve & Jake were in the wrong he should've addressed the issue in a comprehensive, proper manner. Find ways of imposing consequences without the testosterone-filled posturing. Ya know? Then, obviously, Derrick's got some big shoes to fill. That's got to feel like a lot of pressure. Transitioning into the leader of a team like that, there's always a point where you gotta convey to the team that you mean business and command their respect. It's never intentional, this testing-of-the-limits. It always happens, tho. The crew will push the line a little to see exactly how firm the line is and if it's moveable. It's instinctual, like little kids. Seriously. It's a fact. I'm sure Derrick was also anticipating the time where he was going to have to define the line and may have come off too hard in his attempt to accomplish that just due to the stress of anticipating the moment. I can see that, too. The problem is that he went where he shouldn't have and that's the picture he painted for the crew. He can't take that back. The damage is done. I think it'll be interesting to see how the crew moves forward as a whole because tension between two people on the team, especially when one of those people is the captain, will never be okay and will always create issues. For the amount of time they have to spend in each other's faces under such crazy stress, it's bound to be fuel for an explosion or two. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. Will there come a point where Josh & Jake flex their collective fist and take control of the situation on either end due to the fact that they're both 1/4 owners of the boat? I mean, technically Derrick works for them. I think the sooner Josh & Jake get their schooling done for their licensing and learn the ropes so they can take the helm the better off the team will be. Would you agree?

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