DAK Needs More Than Blue Aliens


Well-Known Member
Brazil and Australia needs to go where Dino Land and Chester and Hester is. Avatar as a movie, I thought was horrible but obviously it made almost 2 billion. But the movie landscapes are visually stunning.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
"will feature at least two major attractions"

Is he sure about that?

Nothing new or really interesting in that article. A rehash of much of what has been said on the forums for years. He also misses some of the other significant changes coming to DAK.
1. The simulator similar to Soarin' where you ride a banshee
2. The boat ride through the bioluminescent forest with AA's and special effects

Thats 2 right there


Well-Known Member
As BGT has updated animal areas like the Cheetah enclosure and Jungala they are better than anything comparable to DAK. Jungala is one of the best tiger habitats I have ever seen and I'm still amazed how active the tigers still are.

Good to know! I haven't been back to Busch Gardens in about 5 years, so it's great to hear they've made improvements.

I've been there at times when it looked like the elephants were going to commit mass suicide. They were so bored, they were standing in a line swaying back and forth. It was really sad and pathetic.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
As the park was before CMM closed I could easily stay in the park from about 9:30 to 3:30-4pm. That's doing pretty much everything in the park including FOLK, Nemo, Everest 3 times and MJJP. So with the addition of avatar and two new rides, that would take the day until about 5:30 or so. Now it's dinner time. So really AK just needs a couple more restaurants, and one more attraction (I'll take an exact clone of Mystic Mannor, even though I don't see it fitting in with the park 100%). Then with the new nighttime show you're there until about 8:30-9, and there you have more of a full day park.

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