D23 Expo 2015

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I'm thrilled with Star Wars land. I've been a star wars geek since I was little & being able to immerse myself in a land of star wars is a dream come true.
Toy Story land I'm disappointed in. I don't do coasters so that means the alien ride is it for me. I do think they need more than this as the park is gutted right now. I love star tours, Muppets, & midway mania. I go on GMR but wish they would update it some. I don't do rockin rc or tot and most everything else is closing. I'm hoping new shows will come & a phase 2 later.
I don't think anyone who thinks 4 rides won't do it is being negative just honest. This is a great start but I hope it's a start. I will love star wars though.

If you don't do Tower of Terror, then you do NOT know what you're missing. One of the best attractions ever built, bar none.


Well-Known Member
Who cares if a show is old if it's a GOOD show?

Only Fantasmic, Muppets and Indy fit that description at DHS though. That's 2 hours max of the day.
Thanks, I suppose thats a very accurate description.

Seems "less than enthusiastic" IMO.

The biggest takeaway for me from D23 was that, despite all the talk of 'doom and gloomers' having no effect because if you stop going, a guest will always replace you, Disney *is* noticing the rise in concerns, most clearly articulated on these forums, so it is worth calling them out on stuff.

I can't find a YouTube of it, but Bob Chapek's introduction had him reel off things coming soon including 'Frozen at the Norway Pavilion, which is a perfect fit', in a very passive aggressive tone that stressed most people thought it wasn't, and Kathy's piece about Frozen Summerhaus being authentic to Norway (with pictures of Norwegian CMs in the concept art), and true to World Showcase's vision, seemed there directly to address the fan concerns raised here.


Well-Known Member
You do realize you just described the lines at wdw or other parks and no one died.... Man up already

Our experience that morning was NOT a regular Disney theme park line experience, first of all. Second, I was making the point at the time that there was NO excuse for the complete lack of planning. We finally got in around 11:30, after 3 and one half hours in line outside of a building that had a football-field worth of room, and should have opened BEFORE the advertised shows started. Would you go to a concert that started at the same time that they opened the doors to the event, and had to scan each individual ticket?

But the worst part, the part that got me to post, was the heat and direct sunlight on a 100-degree day (which you might have heard about on the news). They wrapped the line around such that most of us were in direct sunlight, which no vendors, water, or bathrooms around (again not like the park), and with NO shade (not like Disney parks on most rides) for OVER three hours. This included elderly people. Some people had heat stroke, and they had to call in paramedics. That was AFTER the security came and LOCKED previously unlocked arena doors that some had started to use to go to the bathroom or come in out of the heat and sunlight. But as we told them what was happening, the convention center at least finally sent some coolers of water and cups, but only after two hours in the direct sunlight as it crept up toward the record heat day.

Most people at event that day said the whole "open when the show starts" thing was ridiculous and many had the same experience. It was unacceptable for any convention, but especially for Disney, which prides itself in customer service and deals with crowds daily.

This forum is a discussion of the expo, and we routinely discuss the effects of planning on Disney's operations. I just thought you all would want to know -- Manning up or not!

As for the other things I saw or experienced at the Expo, I will write more later.

Good night. Time for bed.


Active Member
Being on the East coast makes things better for a lot of fans. Let's say Toy Story Land is a 6 out of 10 and Carsland ranks a 9. Factor in the East coast/West coast doubling factor and Toy Story Land is now a 12.

Doubling factor? As a whole the Disneyland Resort has more rides than WDW I believe?

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
If all that is new coming to DHS is Toy Story Land and Star Wars ... all I can say is LOL
Considering Sparrow all the way down to animation is pretty much shuttered, with BatB rumored to be enclosed and replaced soon too, I have to think this is just the beginning. Plus there's the plot of land where LMA is that could be used for more Pixar. The incredibles would be ideal as it meshes Pixar with Sci-fi so it would help the transition to SW Land.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
The way people are talking you'd think todays announcement was the last time anything was ever going to be built in any of the parks. 2 rides in Toy Story Land and 2 rides in Star Wars is a great start but nothing prevents more rides from being built shortly after, they may even be already factored into the budget. Disney would be smart to spread it out, if they completely build out both lands it will only take 2-3 years before people will already be complaining it's old and stagnant and they aren't doing anything. By building 2 rides now, adding another a few years later, adding another a few years after that, etc they can keep the lands fresh and exciting for decades rather than a couple years.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I'm also shocked people are so upset about ONLY getting 2 rides in each land. Hogsmeade was 1 e ticket and is amazing. Diagon Alley is 1 e ticket and a immersive train and amazing. Carsland is 3 rides (1 e ticket and 2 carnival style rides) and is amazing. If Disney can pull off 2 fully immersive lands 2 new rides in each is plenty to start with.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I didn't forget Avatar. I've just been living with it for what seems like half a decade and it's still a couple years off. We just now got a name. And, meh, it's Avatar. It won't bring me back to WDW. I won't see it until Star Wars opens and even then, I'm not sure Avatar will be enough to make me go back to Animal Kingdom.

It's a long pipeline. There's stuff in it. A few of those things interest me, but definitely not a ton.
We didn't just now get that name. Cameron leaked that name in an interview at least a year ago. Just very few paid attention.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
Meh. I prefer simplicity. No one is going to call it Pandora: The World of Avatar. It will probably be Avland since they gave it such an unwieldy name.

I could tell you the name of Star Wars land, but then JJ Abram's hitsquad would kill us both.
No one calls Potter "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" either. They say "Let's go to Harry Potter!".

I know that just by human nature people will shorten things, but I still prefer names that appear as though some thought was put into them. I hate IP related lands that are just called _____ Land. Could you be any less original.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
. . . Come on. There is no E-Ticket in Toy Story Land. Let's not be silly.
Slinky's is probably a C+. It'd be a D most likely if it was actually themed and no exposed track. From the video, it actually appears it could easily surpass every coaster in MK by thrill factor based on what i'm looking at in the video/concept image.


Well-Known Member
Slinky's is probably a C+. It'd be a D most likely if it was actually themed and no exposed track. From the video, it actually appears it could easily surpass every coaster in MK by thrill factor based on what i'm looking at in the video/concept image.
Indeed - and truly, DHS has always needed more of this kind of attraction. It's somewhat amazing to think after all these years it will finally be getting some of them.
Remember when everyone was excited about 7 Dwarfs Mine Train, thinking it would be some cool big coaster? I feel like the slinky ride will be the same thing. I think it will be incredibly cute, I only hope that they make up for it being a family coaster by making the track longer than 25 seconds.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they don't. But I've never heard a single person come back from a week at Disney complaining that there wasn't enough to do.

I have. More than once. Several times even. It's due to poor planning on their parts, but I have heard this complaint from quite a few people once they find out that I am a Disney regular.

The only people who feel that way are the people who visit a thousand times. A 20 year old show isn't old to most guests because they've only seen it a few times if they only go every 5 to 10 years. The Godfather came put in 1972 and I've seen it a hundred times and still enjoy it every one of them. Who cares if a show is old if it's a GOOD show?

I've seen The Godfather dozens of times and I could put it on right now and thoroughly enjoy it. I've seen most of the shows at DHS a handful of times and I don't care to watch them again. There's not a one of them that is Godfather good or even close.

Obviously a lot of people feel the same way or DHS wouldn't have a reputation as a half day park. Your argument was that people who feel that way are wrong.Now it's that people go too much? ("a thousand times" no less).

DHS is a full day park if you are a first-timer who enjoys shows. If you're not a big show person or you have seen the shows as many times as you care to see them, it can be a challenge to fill a whole day there. In its current condition, I don't consider the park to be worth visiting at all.


Well-Known Member
Remember when everyone was excited about 7 Dwarfs Mine Train, thinking it would be some cool big coaster? I feel like the slinky ride will be the same thing. I think it will be incredibly cute, I only hope that they make up for it being a family coaster by making the track longer than 25 seconds.
. In their defense, they did not announce either coaster as being a thrilling E ticket, but we know enough from the concept to know that this coaster will have more thrill than 7DMT. Who knows on the length, though. Most coasters aren't very long, especially those that launch.


Premium Member
Hope so, overwhelmed with content.

New Frozen, Soarin, Pandora E ticket, Disney Springs, Toy Story Land, Star Wars Launch, Pandora boat ride, Star Wars Fireworks, DAK at night, Star Wars Land, Nighttime Safari, Pandora nature trail........whew.

And we can't forget Flamingo Crossing! ;)

Yeah, we shouldn't forget, since everyone else has.


Well-Known Member
Remember when everyone was excited about 7 Dwarfs Mine Train, thinking it would be some cool big coaster? I feel like the slinky ride will be the same thing. I think it will be incredibly cute, I only hope that they make up for it being a family coaster by making the track longer than 25 seconds.
. In their defense, they did not announce either coaster as being a thrilling E ticket, but we know enough from the concept to know that this coaster will have more thrill than 7DMT. Who knows on the length, though. Most coasters aren't very long, especially those that launch.

The track is a lot bigger if you click at the larger image...

Now that we know where it's going there is one question I am REALLY Wondering.....

What the Fate of Earffel Tower will be...

Will it stay or will it go?

The only key factor that it's still being a "Working STUDIO" is when they mention in the announcement is that instead of going Behind the Scenes your going to be Part of Them.....(At about 5:10 it's mentioned)

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