D23 Expo 2015


Well-Known Member
It seems the new MiceAge crew has taken up the mantra of "Praise first, maybe ask a few questions later" when it comes to executives.
They sure do make chapek out to be some kind of wonderkid...

Agreed. But if Bob Chapek is the guy who pushes through the long delayed second parking structure for Disneyland and gets it open by 2018, then he deserves the wonderkid label and any fawning compliments any blogger can ladle out.

The image Miceage has painted of TDA and Burbank executives valet parking at the Grand Californian while their paying customers go through parking hell is not flattering to those executives. If Bob can fix that, he'll be a hero.

Disney has already committed very publicly that they will now spend at least $1.5 Billion on Disneyland Resort expansion to the two existing parks and surrounding infrastructure in the next few years. That's a fact not just admitted to by Disney spokesmen but covered by a legally binding agreement codified by the Anaheim City Council last month.

Bob Chapek sounds like he's going to use that situation to kickstart his new career in Parks & Resorts and begin with a bang.


Well-Known Member
Ahh no.....that would be a 44 hour drive coast to coast.
Can't afford the bill coffee consumption alone would probably cost for that..!

I'm flying out of ol' Beantown in the morning.
Will take a little while to get there with a stopover, but will be in town by the early evening.
Just in time to watch the last of the trucks get unloaded.....
Apparently I left a week early... In line for Space Mountain right now.


Well-Known Member
I do want to say something about the D23 Expo app.
Normally I would not be able to access it as I am one of only five people on the planet that does not have a smartphone or the like.
However, thanks to my kind friend, I have this device I am using to post to you now and it has the app loaded up.

There is a LOT of scheduled happenings taking place that are NOT listed anywhere I could see on the Schedule of Events on the D23 website.
There are some things I would have wanted to know about before arriving and if not for the app I would not have know.
So take heed, those who are only looking on the website.
The app has he FULL and complete listing....like autograph sessions.

A certain individual I wish to meet is doing one so now I know about it.
I would have been quite disappointed if I missed learning about his appearance!
Dude, details please.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I do want to say something about the D23 Expo app.
Normally I would not be able to access it as I am one of only five people on the planet that does not have a smartphone or the like.
However, thanks to my kind friend, I have this device I am using to post to you now and it has the app loaded up.

There is a LOT of scheduled happenings taking place that are NOT listed anywhere I could see on the Schedule of Events on the D23 website.
There are some things I would have wanted to know about before arriving and if not for the app I would not have know.
So take heed, those who are only looking on the website.
The app has he FULL and complete listing....like autograph sessions.

A certain individual I wish to meet is doing one so now I know about it.
I would have been quite disappointed if I missed learning about his appearance!

If it's Harrison....


Well-Known Member
The Anaheim Convention Center has workers around the clock at this point loading the exhibit halls with sets and pavilions and displays and stores from the various divisions and outposts of The Walt Disney Company. Only one more day to go!

The Orange County Register has an article this morning showing the photos of people from around the country who are departing for Anaheim now with the #D23ExpoOrBust campaign, some with some pretty wild costumes or, um, travel wear. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/disney-677162-expo-d23.html

Lynn Stephens

Active Member
The Anaheim Convention Center has workers around the clock at this point loading the exhibit halls with sets and pavilions and displays and stores from the various divisions and outposts of The Walt Disney Company. Only one more day to go!

The Orange County Register has an article this morning showing the photos of people from around the country who are departing for Anaheim now with the #D23ExpoOrBust campaign, some with some pretty wild costumes or, um, travel wear. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/disney-677162-expo-d23.html
The little kid in the Yoda costume...that's adorable.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Was that quote from me? It sounds like me. :cool:

I lived in Boston for several years and remember the pain of using Logan airport. And I also know full well the terrible pain of using LAX for any terminal other than their decent international terminal. Both Logan and LAX are truly miserable experiences on anything above a modestly busy day.

I'm a patriotic American, but gosh darn it our nation's biggest airports are really gross and make us look like a 2nd world country to arriving tourists. It's embarrassing.

Anyway, I'm glad you are flying to Anaheim! When I saw your Google Maps route I thought you were going to drive. Driving cross country is a great adventure, but I was afraid you weren't going to make it by the end of D23 Expo. Glad to hear you've got a flight, and the app, and you are on your way here!

Yes, that was indeed your quote TP!
I was going to give you a shout out about it when I originally posted the comment but was not sure if you would like that.
Well, no worries about that now!

I have remembered that quote after all these years and it still makes me chuckle.
Every time either BOS or LAX comes up in conversation i smirk and think of your sentiments.
Sums up perfectly the general vibe a traveler experiences at either of those airports.

Thank you for the well wishes, it is indeed great to be back on the West Coast.
When I flew over the Hills and Villa Park ( did this time..!) I was waving to you from 10,000 feet.
I should have brought you a REAL lobster roll.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
The Anaheim Convention Center has workers around the clock at this point loading the exhibit halls with sets and pavilions and displays and stores from the various divisions and outposts of The Walt Disney Company. Only one more day to go!

The Orange County Register has an article this morning showing the photos of people from around the country who are departing for Anaheim now with the #D23ExpoOrBust campaign, some with some pretty wild costumes or, um, travel wear. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/disney-677162-expo-d23.html

All of these recent articles from the OC Register are making all of us Disney geeks look like a bunch of geeks!


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Dude, details please.

Well for one , Disney Visa is hyping a special 'Star Wars' related announcement on the Show Floor one afternoon.
My guess is it will be the unveiling of a related themed credit card design.
I doubt it would be anything like a major announcement, but who knows.
They keep hyping the 'surprise' element to the Expo.

Several top name Imagineers and artists are doing autograph signings, both at the Dream Store (where you usually must purchase a related item to have signed) and at Autograph Central.
Both of these are on the main Show Floor.
For appearances at Autograph Central, I don't know if there are restrictions for what you can have signed, or if it is more open as compared to the Disney Dream Store signings.
Anyone with experience attending the Expo have any insight they can share?
I would like to know.

My hero Tony Baxter is doing a signing and I will so be there.
Several other scheduled to appear for signings throughout the weekend are -
Joe Rhode
Marty Sklar (twice!)
Kevin Rafferty
Kim Irvine
Danny Handke
Mike Pereza
And several others who's names escape me in this early, jet-lagged hour.

Another listing is the complete lineup schedule for the Show Floor Central Stage ( a lot going on there) and also the more intimate Disney Archives stage ( some really different options there).
If I was home on my regular computer I could copy and paste the whole lineup from the app, but alas, I am learning a new way of posting while away from home via a borrowed iPad.

I recommend anyone wanting to know the full and real 'Schedule of Events' for the Expo to download the app and take a glance, even if you are not able to attend.
The website listing is just scratching the surface as far as listed offerings on the roster.

Here I was thinking up to now that Sunday was going to be sparse, but now after learning about all the additions I was unaware of, Sunday may well end up being the best day for me out of all of them!

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Use the Ipad to video everything. It should work out great.

For folks here it would probably be great, but it would likely impact my 1st Expo experience.
Not to mention the other Guests around me as nobody likes tablet screens held up in front of them, blocking their view.
Drives me nuts...so I don't want to be 'that person'.

Plus, I am a complete modern tech 'newbie'....I have only been playing around with this borrowed toy for two days.
I have no clue how to film anything, let alone take a photo.
I have a snapshot camera for that, being the old-school fan that I am.

Sorry guys, there is a reason I usually do not travel with technology.
I find it takes away from the experience on hand. Too distracting.
When I go somewhere or visit a place like Disneyland, I want to completely immerse myself in that experience.
Fooling around with tech gadgets distracts from that for me.

So I won't be posting 'Live' on the scene.....others can do that much more ably then me.
I will of course have plenty to say afterwards, and can post some updates periodically when I am back in my hotel room and taking a breather from the masses.

I will have all of you in mind while attending, you can count on that.
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
For folks here it would probably be great, but it would likely impact my 1st Expo experience.
Not to mention the other Guests around me as nobody likes tablet screens held up in front of them, blocking their view.
Drives me nuts...so I don't want to be 'that person'.

Plus, I am a complete modern tech 'newbie'....I have only been playing around with this borrowed toy for two days.
I have no clue how to film anything, let alone take a photo.
I have a snapshot camera for that, being the old-school fan that I am.

Sorry guys, there is a reason I usually do not travel with technology.
I find it takes away from the experience on hand. Too distracting.
When I go somewhere or visit a place like Disneyland, I want to completely immerse myself in that experience.
Fooling around with tech gadgets distracts from that for me.

So I won't be posting 'Live' on the scene.....others can do that much more ably then me.
I will of course have plenty to say afterwards, and can post some updates periodically when I am back in my hotel room and taking a breather from the masses.

I will have all of you in mind while attending, you can count on that.

But you could do your best John Cusak impressions.


Well-Known Member
Regarding the Avatar floor model, is it going to be on display the entire time? Or will it only be up for one day or part of a day?

In reality, I am hoping for more info than just a model, but I will take what I can get.


Well-Known Member
I'm not completley sure on this but on models that are shown to the public, do they include all the show buildings or just the themed elements?


Premium Member
I'm not completley sure on this but on models that are shown to the public, do they include all the show buildings or just the themed elements?

The show buldings are sometimes included...


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