Rumor D23 2024 WDW Rumors, Predictions & Discussion


Well-Known Member
The Indiana jones thing in dak is a cheapskate move.
We can admit that

So yes…swapping the parks for these things makes more sense

There’s a weird angle here we’re missing…is this to “buttress” the weaker IPs by parking them across the property. Not draw attention to them?

When you insist on IP and they aren’t all park caliber…that could be the calculus
I think replacing Dinoland USA with Tropical Americas is the right move but Dinosaur with Indy to be the wrong one. Were out not for the mandate, an SEA - backed story for an Amazonian excursion would feel a better fit. C'est la vie.


Premium Member
Only if you tear out the current track, or raze the whole building.

Can't put hanging ride vehicles on a track that RVs ride on top of.
I absolutely think killing rockinroller coaster is on the table here…one of the complaints about mgm is “not kid friendly enough”…

Well that would be a step in their eyes.

Which leaves lame simulators and trackless as the “adult” rides?


Well-Known Member
Notice how basically every announcement is an expansion…
Are they? At least for WDW's announcements, there's a lot of reshuffling of existing land. There's substantial concern that the Cars/Villains areas are going to be at the expense of the Riverboat and TSI. Monsters Inc is also an unknown as to where it's going. Rumors are either the Animation Courtyard (according to some people here and Tom Corless) or replacing Muppets and Star Tours (according to Brayden who has proven to be a fairly accurate source as of late). Test Track 3.0 is a reskin of 2.0.. Zootopia replaces ITTBAB. Indy is a reskin of Dinosaur, Encanto/Tropical Americas is a replacement for C&H's and the Boneyard. I'm admittedly one of the people who doesn't have much against the C&H replacement, but it's not an "expansion" either.

The Leader of the Club

Well-Known Member
Removing Tom Sawyer Island, the Riverboat and the Rivers of America to build a Cars attraction is not adhering to Walt’s plan for WDW.
Walt's plan for WDW didn’t include Tom Sawyer or a Riverboat either. We can say “early imagineers,” we could even say “Roy Disney” if we wanted, but Walt wouldn’t care one bit if a theme park he never reallly wanted to build changed.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Let's be fair to him, he has done some great things for the company like uh... he brought back Oswald over 15 years ago that was a good one. He lucked buying into Marvel at a good time too?
Plus buying PIXAR. That and Oswald and maybe Marvel were the only good things Iger has done for the company.
OMG! Disney bought Hannah Barbera!!!
They couldn't possibly treat Hanna-Barbera any worse than Warner Bros. does?
Where are Waldorf and Statler when you need them?
The Muppets were banned from entering the building. You know how much Iger hates them.
It's about animals! Why would it be other than that?
If the ride is actually going to show us the other rooms too, I wouldn't be surprised if Antonio's room is just the finale and the only part of the ride that has to do with animals.

Actually, if the ride is a midquel or prequel or whatever, that gives them a great excuse to have all the characters sing "We Don't Talk About Bruno" again.
They really don't need another coaster at DHS, even if it's a family coaster (if it's not, then it's even worse). A high capacity dark ride would be a much better option, so hopefully it isn't the Door Coaster (or isn't solely that, at least).
I agree, but if nothing else, maybe it'll at least result in slightly shorter lines for Slinky Dog Dash and Rise of the Resistance.

Then again, neither attraction helped with the long lines Toy Story Mania gets...
Is Monsters Inc. going into what used to be Animation Courtyard?
I hope so.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is that way back in 1998 they had the option to make Dinosaur Indy instead, and they chose to do Dinosaur. So this feels silly that now 25+ years later, they're turning it into Indy. Is there no other idea that could have been explored, or better yet, just upgrade and improve Dinosaur?

A ridiculously easy and logical thing would be to relocate Triceratops Spin to DHS since it needs all the crowd soaking up attractions it can get, even if it's a very minor attraction and doesn't draw many people. It would be super easy to retheme it to Trixie / Toy Story.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is that way back in 1998 they had the option to make Dinosaur Indy instead, and they chose to do Dinosaur. So this feels silly that now 25+ years later, they're turning it into Indy. Is there no other idea that could have been explored, or better yet, just upgrade and improve Dinosaur?
Also strikes me as a strange choice since the last Indy movie bombed and showed that the franchise has little to no staying power with Gen Z. And that was before this got greenlit.


Well-Known Member
This was not perfect. The panel was paced badly and the stuff about the cruises and Fortnight was all kinda tough to get through.

But damnit I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super into almost all of the land/ride announcements. This is a LOT and so much of it looks so promising.

So glad that Magic Kingdom is getting spruced up. The worst castle park in the world finally getting some stuff to make it stand out. Cars’ placement is odd but the rides I’m sure can and will be great and VILLAINS LAND!!
Will it be bes castle park after villains land?


Active Member


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I think Coco and Avatar will both be DisneylandForward projects - bridges from Pixar Pier over Disneyland Drive to land behind the Pixar Place hotel.

Good luck trying to hide the hotel from the new lands, of course.
Just paint trees on the side of the hotel. I hear if you do that, you're eligible to be called the best ride in Orlando!


Premium Member
You don’t know. I know for a fact that there have been at least three balloon tests done since 1999, with one being done within the last three years. And who cares how many times it’s been discussed on this board? What does that accomplish? Disney will do what Disney decides to do, without consulting this board. The theme park playing field is always adapting and reacting in Central Florida. Who knows what the future holds for Disney. Certainly not any of us.
Only one person makes decisions on these things…the one with the checkbook.

I hate to let you in on the reality…but they have given WDI busy work just to keep them sidetracked since at least the 90s. Ask around…if they realize it and they often dont.

Parks people are on a need to know basis and they dont need to know anything. No power. Their job is to keep the registers rolling. Now more than ever. Almost all their useful cash comes from parks and ships.


Well-Known Member
The yeti references gave me hope that Joe Rohde managed to negotiate a fix as a condition of returning on a consulting basis.

But nope, turns out to be just a tasteless joke at the audience's expense. Trashy.
If after announcing so much new and exciting content your main concern is about a joke in connection with one single animatronic that is cost prohibitive to fix, you are 100% the target of this joke, and it is still making me laugh this morning even with the lack of sleep


Premium Member
corless is convinced this presentation has locked in Josh as ceo.
lol. No way. That’s contrary to all history. Parks heads never get over the line…by design.

A lot of that…as predicted before hand…is to protect Iger because he is on fire alert.

Seriously. That’s the real game.

So be shocked if Josh is back to taking Instagram selfies in Anaheim and Bob is on cnbc by Tuesday.


Premium Member
The yeti references gave me hope that Joe Rohde managed to negotiate a fix as a condition of returning on a consulting basis.

But nope, turns out to be just a tasteless joke at the audience's expense. Trashy.
Rohde is not a functioning creative with power anymore

He’s there because the company is in bad shape and they need some positive internal juju for damage control

Just like when they brought Baxter back…who to his credit told them to go pee upwind.

And Vaughn too…though he was never anything special.


Well-Known Member
The issue with Josh as CEO is that he has zero Hollywood experience. Have to keep in mind that Disney is still a leading Hollywood studio and half of their business is film & TV. That was part of why Iger was chosen in the first place since he had a long career in television.

Chapek had little Hollywood experience too (aside from home entertainment) and things obviously didn't go over well.

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