Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris


Well-Known Member
Pretty bad typo to make on a busy Saturday!
Aren't the all?

There's thousands of hours that need to be entered everyday for parks, attractions, merchandise and food/beverage locations, entertainment, and resort locations. Any typo is going to negatively impact a large number of guests regardless of how busy it is. Mistakes happen.


Well-Known Member
Aren't the all?

There's thousands of hours that need to be entered everyday for parks, attractions, merchandise and food/beverage locations, entertainment, and resort locations. Any typo is going to negatively impact a large number of guests regardless of how busy it is. Mistakes happen.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't take the "mistakes happen" line for an experience that costs what WDW costs. It could also have been changed when they found out about it, but it wasn't, so you have people planning their day (and Fastpasses!) around it only to show up to a sign that says it closed at 5:30 pm. You don't get to defend them on this one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't take the "mistakes happen" line for an experience that costs what WDW costs. It could also have been changed when they found out about it, but it wasn't, so you have people planning their day (and Fastpasses!) around it only to show up to a sign that says it closed at 5:30 pm. You don't get to defend them on this one.
I'm not defending. I'm explaining what happened. Mistakes DO happen. I'm sure you've made some yourself.

I doubt anyone informed them of the mistake until people showed up after 5:30, so there's not much you can do at that point.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't take the "mistakes happen" line for an experience that costs what WDW costs. It could also have been changed when they found out about it, but it wasn't, so you have people planning their day (and Fastpasses!) around it only to show up to a sign that says it closed at 5:30 pm. You don't get to defend them on this one.
I understand that you are angry over this, and I understand why (and surely would feel the same way in your shoes), but you're being a tad bit unreasonable here. No one was purposely trying to ruin your vacation.


Well-Known Member
I understand that you are angry over this, and I understand why (and surely would feel the same way in your shoes), but you're being a tad bit unreasonable here. No one was purposely trying to ruin your vacation.
I'm not that angry, it's just par for the course nowadays, the guest experience has gone way downhill, I know mistakes happen, but they were aware of their mistake and did not not take the appropriate action to correct it. They would rather have upset guests than spend time(money) on fixing the issue. Hence why this was posted in this thread. Just add it to the pile.


Well-Known Member
I'm still at WDW, and my friends and I have noticed some of the effects from cutbacks. While some bathrooms have had a cast member in there cleaning up, I remember in the past sometimes seeing more than one helping to keep it clean. Even with a cast member inside, most of the restrooms I've encountered have been pretty bad. So many broken paper towel dispensers (at least one has been broken in every restroom I've encountered).

The crowds have been crazy here, especially at DHS and MK. Epcot wasn't bad yesterday although right around Morocco it became a traffic jam. Not too many drunks, but maybe that was a Sunday night. I've been seeing a TON of "Earning My Ears" badges, so I'm guessing this is an increase of part time cast members.

We did see Fairy Godmother on Saturday between the new arches at Fantasyland. She wasn't in her old spot near Cinderella's fountain that I've seen her many times in the past. DHS is swarming with meet and greets and we felt is though they were trying to disguise the lack of attractions that way. Overall it has been a good trip, but I still will only be coming back for a long time if I have a conference here...

Wanted to add: Why have they cut back the availability of the friendship boats at Epcot? Holy cow that changed our plans multiple times when just one side was operating.. then after lunch we came out and saw that both boats were closed for the rest of the day. Is that a "cutback"?
There are many problems with anecdotal evidence on cutbacks. One glaring problem is most only look for "cutbacks" and don't report on "pluses". An objective analysis requires facts we will never have. Let's say it's true that cast members hours have been cut - how can we tell that bathrooms aren't as clean as they used to be? On this board, there has been lots of discussion that the current Disney doesn't keep the parks as clean as they used to. So why did your observed evidence of cuts not just be part of the perceived overall decline and not associated with this alleged cutback?


Well-Known Member
I've come across this problem a few times in MK, mostly in my time as a CP (as custodial). The proper procedure is for the CM to call maintenance base and have a utility worker come and fix it.

Problem is, they normally take their sweet a** time in getting there. Or with staff cuts, just too many calls, not enough bodies is another reason.
I've seen this as well at one of the restrooms at MK, let's just say it was "full" and I was just watching people keep using it till it overflowed and kept flushing and flushing without stopping. We got out of there quickly.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I've seen this as well at one of the restrooms at MK, let's just say it was "full" and I was just watching people keep using it till it overflowed and kept flushing and flushing without stopping. We got out of there quickly.
If it gets too bad, CMs are sometimes told to close the restroom if possible (which in turn would wipe out efficiency over show, so they have to prioritize and almost never actually close it). They always tried to stress how bad it looks and to report right away. Custodial management hates the toilet issue in particular because it reflects poorly on them, yet there's nothing that custodial can do and to top it off now people are being laid off.


Well-Known Member
If it gets too bad, CMs are sometimes told to close the restroom if possible (which in turn would wipe out efficiency over show, so they have to prioritize and almost never actually close it). They always tried to stress how bad it looks and to report right away. Custodial management hates the toilet issue in particular because it reflects poorly on them, yet there's nothing that custodial can do and to top it off now people are being laid off.
I mean, it doesn't help that idiots put paper in the urinals, not sure if this is some sort of way other countries do it, or people are just dumb. Most likely the latter.


Well-Known Member
Most attractions were not operating the second touch points for FP. This wasn't a cut back as there was still a cast member at the merge point but an overall change that seems to be happening with operations.

Wait, wait. This can't be right. Without that second touch point, what stops anyone from hopping from the stand-by que into the FP que? The touch points had to have been down.


Active Member
The Seas With Nemo And Friends closed at 5:30PM Saturday evening even though the app said 6:30PM, my son loves that ride and he was very disappointed it was closed. But of course Disney doesn't care, they said it was for a "special event", but shouldn't that have been reflected in the app they make everyone use? Seems like another Disney being cheap at the cost of guest satisfaction.
I don't see this problem as evidence of recent cuts. I see it as deeper than that. It reflects the divide between regular guests at the parks and those willing to pay $$$$ for special experiences. You did not get what you paid for at the park because someone was willing to pay more. Disney went with the money. In my opinion, WDW has become a tiered experience. Ordinary middle class families are now playing second fiddle to the wealthy.


Well-Known Member
I don't see this problem as evidence of recent cuts. I see it as deeper than that. It reflects the divide between regular guests at the parks and those willing to pay $$$$ for special experiences. You did not get what you paid for at the park because someone was willing to pay more. Disney went with the money. In my opinion, WDW has become a tiered experience. Ordinary middle class families are now playing second fiddle to the wealthy.
Yes to all of that. I'm not sure though what type of special event this was, might have just been a convention. But it's odd that they do it on a Saturday evening in the middle of Flower and Garden festival.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I mean, it doesn't help that idiots put paper in the urinals, not sure if this is some sort of way other countries do it, or people are just dumb. Most likely the latter.
That's nothing compared to walking into a stall (I was working keep in mind) and seeing sh*t just literally everywhere. Nothing in the toilet, but somehow it made it onto the ceiling and walls...

People have no respect for anything these days on a WDW vacation.


Active Member
I'm not defending. I'm explaining what happened. Mistakes DO happen. I'm sure you've made some yourself.

I doubt anyone informed them of the mistake until people showed up after 5:30, so there's not much you can do at that point.

That's assuming it was a mistake. Those schedules are available in multiple places for a very long time. My guess is that it was a very last minute change, or there was a miscommunication, but there is extremely little chance it was a typo.


Well-Known Member
That's nothing compared to walking into a stall (I was working keep in mind) and seeing sh*t just literally everywhere. Nothing in the toilet, but somehow it made it onto the ceiling and walls...

People have no respect for anything these days on a WDW vacation.
Oh man, I am sorry you had to deal with all of that. Was it a Women or Men restroom? I've had to clean bathrooms and I'm sorry ladies, your bathrooms are disgusting, my wife even agrees with this.


Resident Curmudgeon
There are many problems with anecdotal evidence on cutbacks. One glaring problem is most only look for "cutbacks" and don't report on "pluses". An objective analysis requires facts we will never have. Let's say it's true that cast members hours have been cut - how can we tell that bathrooms aren't as clean as they used to be? On this board, there has been lots of discussion that the current Disney doesn't keep the parks as clean as they used to. So why did your observed evidence of cuts not just be part of the perceived overall decline and not associated with this alleged cutback?

Most of us would like to point out additions, The simple truth is they don't exist for the most part except for the stuff that Disney hypes to the heavens. Like advertising WDW as 'the home of Star Wars' yeah Launch Bay , ST 2.0 and ???? SWW is no more

It's pathetic for the most part.

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