Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you guys had such a negative time. We just came back and our trip was pretty much spectacular. Nice service, bands worked flawlessly, low crowds, we virtually waited no more then twenty minutes for anything!
No, that cannot be true. Our resident experts will quickly discount that as perhaps you were under the influence of some mind altering drug, or spent way to much time "Drinking around the World" or you have Pixie Dust in your eyes or have drunk the Kool Aid. I'm sure you must be thinking of someplace else if none of the above applies! ;)


Well-Known Member
No, that cannot be true. Our resident experts will quickly discount that as perhaps you were under the influence of some mind altering drug, or spent way to much time "Drinking around the World" or you have Pixie Dust in your eyes or have drunk the Kool Aid. I'm sure you must be thinking of someplace else if none of the above applies! ;)
Keep in mind what the purpose of this thread - to let the people convinced that WDW is going downhill due to the evil management to post their feelings. If the original story had just said that Disney is doing their normal optimizing of times and staffing, the postings would have died after 2 pages. @wdwmagic knows how to keep the discussions going for the enjoyment of all types.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to know how many things can be associated with cutbacks or not. Was just in the MK Friday and here are a few observations I noticed.

Space Mountain around noon was operating both tracks but only one load station at each side BUT it didn't seem to really effect capacity. With the two load stations operating people were loaded faster but they usually would get backed up waiting for seatbelt check and other things like that.
Most attractions were not operating the second touch points for FP. This wasn't a cut back as there was still a cast member at the merge point but an overall change that seems to be happening with operations.
Fairy Godmother was still doing meet and greets despite reports that she's been cut. Rabbit was meeting with Pooh and Tigger all day.
Most things seemed to be clean all over the park, or atleast nothing too noticeable.
We stayed around the central hub right after Wishes ended and of course as the crowds left there was trash left everywhere but there was immediately a small but efficient team of custodial CMs and managers emptying trash cans, picking up trash, scrubbing pavement.

I'm sure there have been operational cuts and whatnot but nothing seemed to negatively impact our day too much. If anyone has questions please feel free to ask!

Mike S

Well-Known Member
It's hard to know how many things can be associated with cutbacks or not. Was just in the MK Friday and here are a few observations I noticed.

Space Mountain around noon was operating both tracks but only one load station at each side BUT it didn't seem to really effect capacity. With the two load stations operating people were loaded faster but they usually would get backed up waiting for seatbelt check and other things like that.
Most attractions were not operating the second touch points for FP. This wasn't a cut back as there was still a cast member at the merge point but an overall change that seems to be happening with operations.
Fairy Godmother was still doing meet and greets despite reports that she's been cut. Rabbit was meeting with Pooh and Tigger all day.
Most things seemed to be clean all over the park, or atleast nothing too noticeable.
We stayed around the central hub right after Wishes ended and of course as the crowds left there was trash left everywhere but there was immediately a small but efficient team of custodial CMs and managers emptying trash cans, picking up trash, scrubbing pavement.

I'm sure there have been operational cuts and whatnot but nothing seemed to negatively impact our day too much. If anyone has questions please feel free to ask!
I can confirm this as well except I was there last night not Friday. Nothing more than what I have been seeing for years already.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind what the purpose of this thread - to let the people convinced that WDW is going downhill due to the evil management to post their feelings. If the original story had just said that Disney is doing their normal optimizing of times and staffing, the postings would have died after 2 pages. @wdwmagic knows how to keep the discussions going for the enjoyment of all types.
I believe I did say that in the very beginning, if not on this particular thread, one of them.


Well-Known Member
We plan to go back to the WDW at the end of this year (beginning of December) which will be our first on site trip since 2011. We went with family for one day a few years back to the MK and they were just starting NFL. I'm excited with all of the new attractions and am hopeful that things will be straighten out by then. My first go around with the MagicBands. Everyone I've talked to in person love the bands. I will be open minded. :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That's sad. I remember going down to the WDW back in 2004 for the first time as an adult (went in 1974) and was amazed how clean everything was kept. Even the bathrooms were spotless.
I actually was surprised how clean some bathrooms are but how awful others are.. (my eyes are on that darn MK's behind piniochio's. carp filled paper on the floor..awful )

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It's hard to know how many things can be associated with cutbacks or not. Was just in the MK Friday and here are a few observations I noticed.

Space Mountain around noon was operating both tracks but only one load station at each side BUT it didn't seem to really effect capacity. With the two load stations operating people were loaded faster but they usually would get backed up waiting for seatbelt check and other things like that.
Most attractions were not operating the second touch points for FP. This wasn't a cut back as there was still a cast member at the merge point but an overall change that seems to be happening with operations.
Fairy Godmother was still doing meet and greets despite reports that she's been cut. Rabbit was meeting with Pooh and Tigger all day.
Most things seemed to be clean all over the park, or atleast nothing too noticeable.
We stayed around the central hub right after Wishes ended and of course as the crowds left there was trash left everywhere but there was immediately a small but efficient team of custodial CMs and managers emptying trash cans, picking up trash, scrubbing pavement.

I'm sure there have been operational cuts and whatnot but nothing seemed to negatively impact our day too much. If anyone has questions please feel free to ask!
could be that they cut only certain days and not all days?
hence the disparity of reports?


Well-Known Member
And if you consider the prices.. You'd expect everything to be spotless.
Guest expectation level gets higher and higher with each rate increase and that's expected. Disney will have to expect that. If I eat at Cosmic Rays I don't expect much. But if I eat at Victoria & Alberts I expect a lot. Nothing you can do about that as it's human nature.


Premium Member
I'm sorry you guys had such a negative time. We just came back and our trip was pretty much spectacular. Nice service, bands worked flawlessly, low crowds, we virtually waited no more then twenty minutes for anything!
I think you just misunderstood. My brother just returned, not I. They had a great time. The few problems they encountered did not tarnish their experience since they go often and know that things happen. I was referring to the first time visitors and how they would possibly look at the negative aspects of NGE coupled the price hikes when telling their friends or family about their trip.

Glad you had a nice trip and always good to hear that low crowd days still exist! I hear people say that their MB's worked flawlessly but we have never been that lucky. Nothing thats ever a huge disaster, but its always either the band doesnt work on room door or not lite up green at park entrance. It happens several times every trip. Again, nothing that ruins our day, but we have yet to have a trip without an issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm still at WDW, and my friends and I have noticed some of the effects from cutbacks. While some bathrooms have had a cast member in there cleaning up, I remember in the past sometimes seeing more than one helping to keep it clean. Even with a cast member inside, most of the restrooms I've encountered have been pretty bad. So many broken paper towel dispensers (at least one has been broken in every restroom I've encountered).

The crowds have been crazy here, especially at DHS and MK. Epcot wasn't bad yesterday although right around Morocco it became a traffic jam. Not too many drunks, but maybe that was a Sunday night. I've been seeing a TON of "Earning My Ears" badges, so I'm guessing this is an increase of part time cast members.

We did see Fairy Godmother on Saturday between the new arches at Fantasyland. She wasn't in her old spot near Cinderella's fountain that I've seen her many times in the past. DHS is swarming with meet and greets and we felt is though they were trying to disguise the lack of attractions that way. Overall it has been a good trip, but I still will only be coming back for a long time if I have a conference here...

Wanted to add: Why have they cut back the availability of the friendship boats at Epcot? Holy cow that changed our plans multiple times when just one side was operating.. then after lunch we came out and saw that both boats were closed for the rest of the day. Is that a "cutback"?
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Well-Known Member
The Seas With Nemo And Friends closed at 5:30PM Saturday evening even though the app said 6:30PM, my son loves that ride and he was very disappointed it was closed. But of course Disney doesn't care, they said it was for a "special event", but shouldn't that have been reflected in the app they make everyone use? Seems like another Disney being cheap at the cost of guest satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
The Seas With Nemo And Friends closed at 5:30PM Saturday evening even though the app said 6:30PM, my son loves that ride and he was very disappointed it was closed. But of course Disney doesn't care, they said it was for a "special event", but shouldn't that have been reflected in the app they make everyone use? Seems like another Disney being cheap at the cost of guest satisfaction.
There was an event. Obviously someone made a mistake in inputting the time in the system.

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