Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris

Mike S

Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to see a list of all the cutbacks so far. I was at Studios two nights ago and saw numerous garbage cans that had trash pouring out of them with no room left. Custodial hours have definitely been cut.
"Well, I think by this time my staff are convinced that Walt is right. That quality will win out. And so I think they’re going to stay with that policy because it’s proved that it’s a good business policy. Give the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can keep it. Keep it friendly, you know. Make it a real fun place to be. I think they’re convinced and I think they’ll hang on after… as you say… well… after Disney.” – Walt Disney

More and more this is being thrown right out the window. It's sad, really.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
The possibility of a ENRON type failure has bugged me for a long time. Remember ENRON posted RECORD profits which were in reality non-exist ant Until one quarter where they did not and everything went BOOM!

This statement is ridiculous, even if Bob were so egotistical and legacy driven he wouldn't put himself in a position to go to jail. That would be a far worse legacy then a few failed pet projects.


Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to see a list of all the cutbacks so far. I was at Studios two nights ago and saw numerous garbage cans that had trash pouring out of them with no room left. Custodial hours have definitely been cut.
This might be a stupid observation we made last night at MK, but we noticed that there were no bags in any of the trash cans throughout the park except for in the restrooms and the two up on the PeopleMover. We had just seen them last week and when we noticed one missing in the first trash can we used, we checked about 15 others throughout the park to see if they were the same. None of them had bags (see photo). I don't know if they are doing it for environmental reasons or to cut costs, but it certainly is different then a week ago.


Well-Known Member
"Well, I think by this time my staff are convinced that Walt is right. That quality will win out. And so I think they’re going to stay with that policy because it’s proved that it’s a good business policy. Give the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can keep it. Keep it friendly, you know. Make it a real fun place to be. I think they’re convinced and I think they’ll hang on after… as you say… well… after Disney.” – Walt Disney

More and more this is being thrown right out the window. It's sad, really.

I'm an optimist so I'll hold out hope we'll return to some semblance of this attitude at some point in the future.

Maybe that's blind optimism but the alternative is more depressing than even the current situation.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one a little confused, they're cutting all these characters/entertainment, but just recently opened the Baymax M&G, and than the new stage show this summer in MK. I know MK needed a new stage show. I'm glad we're getting a new one, but wouldn't it have made more sense to save the cash and keep the Fairy Godmother, Lady Tremaine, and the other characters/entertainment that's getting cut.


Well-Known Member
In Paris if you are not a francophone well... is a point of honor to heap abuse and be as rude as possible to the non francophone daring to infest their beloved city of light. Has nothing to do with being a DLP CM

Thank you for saying this, atleast for me. I'm Canadian, and my dad speaks French fluently, but Quebec French..... The differences are minor, but still noticeable, as different words are said in different ways, and some words are considered slang.... Even at Chef De France, the Women usually laugh at my dad..... Almost every time we go, which is not over 15 times. Last time my dad asked our waiter if it happens usually, and he purfusely apologized to my dad and said "since many American tourists come here and speak either poor quality, or laughable French, they've learned to just ignore all people who try to speak French to them...."

Ok, so back to DLP...... I went in April, and was very disappointed at the quality of the CM's, especially when the people who wrote about the parks said that they "all speak English, and usually atleast one other European language, since they're all from different countries..." Yeah..... No, that's definitely not true, atleast anymore. Most barely spoke English, and we're just straight rude. Unfortunately, it's part of the culture..... So it won't change any time soon.

I don't know if they care that their parks are going for a crap, or maybe I have too much hope for WDW CM's caring for the parks.

Until DLP finishes their desperate attempts at refurbishments, and completely redoes the Studios(to the amount of changed DHS is getting) DONT GO GUYS, ITS NOT WORTH THE EUROS..


This might be a stupid observation we made last night at MK, but we noticed that there were no bags in any of the trash cans throughout the park except for in the restrooms and the two up on the PeopleMover. We had just seen them last week and when we noticed one missing in the first trash can we used, we checked about 15 others throughout the park to see if they were the same. None of them had bags (see photo). I don't know if they are doing it for environmental reasons or to cut costs, but it certainly is different then a week ago.View attachment 132662

As a former custodial CM, that's just standard practice in the MK, save for a few locations. Trash can 'liners' in the MK are filled, emptied into the 'AVAC' (the system that sucks trash away into a central location), sprayed down with water and cleaner, and then replaced. Trash bags are used in certain locations only, or when the AVAC goes down.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so back to DLP...... I went in April, and was very disappointed at the quality of the CM's, especially when the people who wrote about the parks said that they "all speak English, and usually atleast one other European language, since they're all from different countries..." Yeah..... No, that's definitely not true, at least anymore. Most barely spoke English, and we're just straight rude. Unfortunately, it's part of the culture..... So it won't change any time soon.

Both times I've been to DLP I've not had that experience with CMs. Whenever I hear stories of "rude CMs" (which are always inconsistent) I know there's more than one side of the story, and it usually involves a failure on the part of the foreign tourist to understand local customs (like saying "bonjour" to get someone's attention, and then waiting for them to say "bonjour" back before asking a question). I imagine those used to Japanese service would be disappointed by what passes for customer service in the USA.

Regarding the English comment, some DLP CMs are even from the UK, so you're statement of "definitely not true" is well...definitely not true.

DLP CMs have recently gone through extensive retraining to improve their service as part of the broader effort to improve the overall quality of the resort. There's also a youtube campaign called "We are Disneyland" that highlights CMs in different roles throughout the resort to show that some do in fact care about their work (or at least will say so in front of a camera).

As to Ford's point, the idea that France (which sees more international visitors than any other country in the world) inherently hates tourists is nonsense.


Well-Known Member
As a former custodial CM, that's just standard practice in the MK, save for a few locations. Trash can 'liners' in the MK are filled, emptied into the 'AVAC' (the system that sucks trash away into a central location), sprayed down with water and cleaner, and then replaced. Trash bags are used in certain locations only, or when the AVAC goes down.
Thanks for the response. That's good to know. It just seemed odd to us since we "seem" to always see bags in there but maybe we just happen to be paying attention this time and made assumptions.


Active Member
I love Disney....but enough is enough. I have to draw the line somewhere. There is so much to do in Orlando and so many other places to visit in the U.S. The price increases and cutbacks are way out of hand. 30% increase in one year to attend "Villians" party, just for example. Walt must be rolling in his grave. Its all about the shareholders and not about family...shame.


Well-Known Member
Hardly desperate. They're virtually rebuilding every part of the park and the hotels. A colossal 7 year job that WDW can only dream about.
Agreed, I was there in April, so virtually all of discoveryland was closed..... Including the Nautilus tour, which was the point that disappointed me the most. Not to mention the heinous Disneyland Railroad scheuele that it has been reduced to.

Rockin Roller Coaster had nothing to do with Aerosmith, except for the song made for it.... Which you couldn't hear, compared to at WDW. Also CM's forced us through the video in queue.

Backlot tour, no effects worked, and the trams stopped for them, but nothing happened.....

Armageddon: computer system spoke French, yet the Russian Cosmonaut well..... spoke English to it.

Crush coaster: no fastpasses, and such a slow loader that there was a 2+ hour wait every day.

Long story short, my experience was very disappointing.

I guess I didn't give the CM's that did understand and speak English enough praise. I do agree that many of the cast members did speak English, but the majority didn't, nor honestly had any interest in helping me or my family, with a French speaker in it.


Well-Known Member
"Well, I think by this time my staff are convinced that Walt is right. That quality will win out. And so I think they’re going to stay with that policy because it’s proved that it’s a good business policy. Give the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can keep it. Keep it friendly, you know. Make it a real fun place to be. I think they’re convinced and I think they’ll hang on after… as you say… well… after Disney.” – Walt Disney

More and more this is being thrown right out the window. It's sad, really.
My favorite Walt quote.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Am I the only one a little confused, they're cutting all these characters/entertainment, but just recently opened the Baymax M&G, and than the new stage show this summer in MK. I know MK needed a new stage show. I'm glad we're getting a new one, but wouldn't it have made more sense to save the cash and keep the Fairy Godmother, Lady Tremaine, and the other characters/entertainment that's getting cut.

They are still going ahead with some additions. A lot of the cuts are things that are easily reversible once they feel they've weathered the storm. The cuts are a short term solution to keep revenues and profits up as they experience some difficulties. Most companies will do this from time to time and right now a lot of companies are doing it as the economy begins to decline.

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