Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
In this day and age, I wonder why anyone is shocked when these cuts get made.

This is not Walts company anymore.

It will never have anything to do with Walt ever again.

Disney owes you nothing, yet you owe them a hundred bucks to enter their nirvana.

Once people figure that out, instead of writing emails that will never get read, maybe real change can happen.

Especially when the parks are having record attendance...

Jimmy Thick- Happy, like the song.
so.. hows the stock going for you Jim?


Well-Known Member
We're not going to ruin our trip by worrying about it months before we get there.
We plan on having a great time and if something happens to put a damper on our trip we'll handle it as it occurs.
Amen! *fist bump*
I'm aware this probably makes me part of the problem, but unless it was something HUGE like cutting the park hours in half or removing character meetings, I probably wouldn't even notice most of the cuts XD
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Resident Curmudgeon
All these cuts will effect the Guest experience. I also don't give a rats behind about what will happen in half a decade from now. I live in the present. And present day Disney continues to throw Walt Disney World to the hounds. But, sure you keep living in delusion believing everything is all fine and dandy while the resort continues to deteriorate. Oh and fyi, I have made efforts to reduce my time at Disney (ex: taking the money I was saving for a weekend getaway for my birthday and putting it towards season tickets at the local performing arts center). Which is something you apparently cannot bring yourself to do. Pot meet kettle.

Same here the vacation money I would have spent at WDW is going to Jackson Hole in 2017 for the total eclipse, Friends and I have already reserved a Villa much like DVC has for a week out there we'll bring our telescopes (with Hydrogen Alpha filters of course :D) . Don't know if I'll be a DVC member by then but Disney's not getting my money in 2017 at least.


Resident Curmudgeon
Many parks built by foreign companies have their parks designed by Americans, this is especially true of the big parks in China. Disney's parks are troubled because the company still is not interested in actually building themed experiences. The focus is on the other activities such as hotels, retail and dining.

Dusney likes those because they are cheap relative to building 'REAL' attractions, Disney's US business is based almost entirely on nostalgia for the parks as they were at one time. With this stupid move Disney is putting that business model in real danger, Because all 'Joe Average' is going to see is a crowded, dirty understaffed park with huge waits for the remaining attractions and that does not equal fun and more importantly return visits.


Well-Known Member
That is a very easy thing to say. If the number of cast that are needed to deliver great guest experiences is "X" are your current staffing levels are "X+4", you aren't providing great guests experiences in the most efficient way possible. Get rid of the "+4", and you're doing it.

We may very well disagree with that PR person as to whether the company currently delivers great guests experiences and, if so, whether they can continue to do so with these cuts, but it's certainly easy for a corporate person to assert that is the intention.

I think we both believe Disney knows exactly what they are doing......agree? So if we believe that then we believe that Disney knew that there was redundancy in providing said guest service to begin with. That the service was over staffed. Is that what your saying?

What is interesting to note is that some people are comparing other companies in how they do business with Disney and thier buisness of delivering guest service. Disney's business model was a cut and above what other companies did. Disney's model was used in a lot of business schools as case studies. Other companies tried to emulate Disney in how they delivered guest services. There was a standard of excellence far and above what was expected.....the Disney difference. Sometimes the difference is barely noticeable but its there, you may not be able to touch or see it but its there. We all have a level of tolerance in our expectations. Like a curb greeter, some people it will not bother in the slightest. But its just one more thing that deteriorates the difference. Its incremental, in it self something minor. But all of it has an aggregate effect.

My beef is that the company continues to make record quarter profits and guest keep attending. I dont mind paying a premium price if I get the same top notch service that has been always offered. IMO that's not the case. And there lies the arguments we all get in to here. What is your level of tolerance and acceptance.

Now going back to your original point about staff and its redundancy, weather that service was over staffed or not it is what made the parks as successful as they are today. What ever level of service that was delivered fueled that success. Again Disney knew what they were doing. Lately they have been changing that model, Only time will tell weather that model will have an adverse effect. The one thing I think all of us can agree on is what separated Disney parks with everyone else was the level of service that they delivered. The small details.....the Disney difference.


Well-Known Member
I wish folks would stop making excuses for corporations behaving badly, but I realize that in the 21st century it is the American thing to do.

It's like an abusive relationship that Americans have with corporations. They complain about them, are disgusted by them, yet then buy their services (many of which are optional), and then oddly defend them. More Stockholm Syndrome than anything I guess. We've gone through the EPCOT hours apologists club lacking the facts and reality of what the hours used to be on a near loop for years here.


A Long Time DVC Member
All these cuts will effect the Guest experience. I also don't give a rats behind about what will happen in half a decade from now. I live in the present. And present day Disney continues to throw Walt Disney World to the hounds. But, sure you keep living in delusion believing everything is all fine and dandy while the resort continues to deteriorate. Oh and fyi, I have made efforts to reduce my time at Disney (ex: taking the money I was saving for a weekend getaway for my birthday and putting it towards season tickets at the local performing arts center). Which is something you apparently cannot bring yourself to do. Pot meet kettle.

I think that you said it wrong. You said that these cuts "will" effect Guest experience. What I am saying is more realistic, That these cuts if they do happen may or may not effect the Guest experience. You say you live in the present, but you do not see all the improvements that are happening all around Walt Disney World. I still have a lot of problems with what has happen with Walt Disney World in the last ten years, but in the "present" I see improvements everywhere. One example is that it is hard to say that Disney Springs is not an improvement happening right before our eyes. I think that the adding nighttime shows to Animal Kingdom is going to greatly effect the enjoyment of that park, but I guess you do not see the efforts their. All I am saying is wait and see what happens. We have heard the that the end of the "World" is coming for over four years on this site. Has not happened yet and I see Disney now investing to make up for the mistakes of the last ten years. A lot more is going to have to be done, but I think that Disney has turned things around.


Well-Known Member
I think that you said it wrong. You said that these cuts "will" effect Guest experience. What I am saying is more realistic, That these cuts if they do happen may or may not effect the Guest experience. You say you live in the present, but you do not see all the improvements that are happening all around Walt Disney World. I still have a lot of problems with what has happen with Walt Disney World in the last ten years, but in the "present" I see improvements everywhere. One example is that it is hard to say that Disney Springs is not an improvement happening right before our eyes. I think that the adding nighttime shows to Animal Kingdom is going to greatly effect the enjoyment of that park, but I guess you do not see the efforts their. All I am saying is wait and see what happens. We have heard the that the end of the "World" is coming for over four years on this site. Has not happened yet and I see Disney now investing to make up for the mistakes of the last ten years. A lot more is going to have to be done, but I think that Disney has turned things around.
You're reaching for oranges to show that the apples aren't rotting. Finishing projects already well started is meaningless, that money has been spent. Disney Springs is mostly third party, so how those venues operate is not related to Disney. Actually finishing Rivers of Light says nothing to how often it will run or the crowd control staffing.
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Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I think that you said it wrong. You said that these cuts "will" effect Guest experience. What I am saying is more realistic, That these cuts if they do happen may or may not effect the Guest experience. You say you live in the present, but you do not see all the improvements that are happening all around Walt Disney World. I still have a lot of problems with what has happen with Walt Disney World in the last ten years, but in the "present" I see improvements everywhere. One example is that it is hard to say that Disney Springs is not an improvement happening right before our eyes. I think that the adding nighttime shows to Animal Kingdom is going to greatly effect the enjoyment of that park, but I guess you do not see the efforts their. All I am saying is wait and see what happens. We have heard the that the end of the "World" is coming for over four years on this site. Has not happened yet and I see Disney now investing to make up for the mistakes of the last ten years. A lot more is going to have to be done, but I think that Disney has turned things around.

You don't believe that no longer having a greeter outside of the resorts, greeting guests as they arrive, answering questions, giving directions, welcoming guests to the property, etc. will affect the guest experience? Those little touches are exactly the sort of thing that made staying at Disney resorts different- having a costumed greeter welcome you "home," and give the children a Mickey sticker while directing the adults where to go to check-in. How does their elimination not negatively impact the guest experience? does eliminating the second performance of Fantasmic and DEP during spring break not negatively impact the guest experience? The first Fantasmic show routinely fills up already, so if you want to see the show during that extra busy time, now you're asking guests to queue up, what, 2 hours early? You're ok with that? You don't think that'll make guests a bit grumpy?
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Premium Member
We have heard the that the end of the "World" is coming for over four years on this site. Has not happened yet
This has become almost paradoxical in a sense. People have not been saying that Disney World is "coming to an end" for years. People (myself included) have been saying that the magic is diminishing. As @KevinYee so eloquently put it, "declining by degrees". To some people, the fact that WDW has not shut its doors is all they need to know to convince themselves that there isnt a problem. I honestly think thats what it would take for certain folks to realize something is wrong.

People think to themselves that because the rides are operating and the toilets flush and the food is being served that all is well. And on the surface it definitely appears that way. But the backstage has a symbiotic relationship with what happens "on stage" and we most definitely have started to see the affects. Lines and wait times are longer, attractions go offline much more frequently, parks are more crowded than ever, prices have steadily risen and look at this very thread we are in. Resort wide cuts on a level not seen in years, yet the company is reporting record profits. People can claim all day that Disney Springs or RoL are proof that the parks are improving, but IMO, these are just band aids on a broken leg. A night time show and a shopping mall will not disperse crowds enough to see a major difference. MM+ was supposed to do that and it has not even made a dent. Its the executives that have ZERO experience on how to operate a theme park that are the problem. They operate the resort as if it were a Wal Mart but they charge Neiman Marcus prices. But hey, Pirates of the Caribbean is open and you can buy a cheeseburger at Cosmic Rays so obviously nothing is wrong.


Active Member
I emailed WDW yesterday concerning these cuts and got this reply today:

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World® Resort.

While we sincerely appreciate your concern, please know that The Walt Disney World Co. is not responsible for information published on unauthorized websites. For the most accurate information, please refer to our official websites at and

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.


Posy Davis
eCommerce Sales and Service Team

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and should be confirmed just prior to your visit.


Resident Curmudgeon
I emailed WDW yesterday concerning these cuts and got this reply today:

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World® Resort.

While we sincerely appreciate your concern, please know that The Walt Disney World Co. is not responsible for information published on unauthorized websites. For the most accurate information, please refer to our official websites at and

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.


Posy Davis
eCommerce Sales and Service Team

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Typical Disney bovine excrement, I love the last line. Yes we expect you to plan your meals 6 months in advance and your rides 60 days in advance - but hey we can change availability with no notice to you the paying customer.

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