So you don't have a solid answer, right? Environmental studies, protection, etc, etc,. all happened recently, they have no past accurate idea what happened 30 years ago, much less 70 years ago. I lived most of it and I see the difference. You can read second hand reports until your eyes fall out, all you get are words put there by people that think they know what they are talking about or have an agenda to make the current generations look pristine. I know what I saw and in some areas they were as bad if not worse due to the lack of environmental awareness, however, socially it was a different story. People were less inclined to mess up a nice place, because of their own history and how hard it was to have something nice. No, they didn't know what to do with the enormous waste that they found themselves generating, but, that was because no one thought of it as an issue. It certainly is an issue now and we are talking about WDW not the general country wide problem with improper disposal. It's easy to combine different circumstances and make it look like it is all one unit. It was not.