Haha, new to posting, long time follower. And consider me guilty!
And wait Disney isn't trying to take over the world?
One minute reduction in wait time through an intersection in huge (just taking your numbers as is)!!! One minute of intersection time is hundreds of cars on 535 that can get through and ultimately that is the point get cars through 535 and not backing up onto I-4. One minute is ginormous and not marginal. And let me be clear, yes there are trips generated by the Crossroads. And yes it is more then would be generated by one small store, but as a fraction of the trips traveling the 535 corridor is so small. This is all relative. See below for the proof. And actually a 3 way intersection with no loop or other improvements would still need 3 phases for the light so wouldn't help too much. The additional new plan gets it to 2 phases which will be huge. And again, the analysis shows the improvements in level of service to be more then just marginal. It is in the engineering analysis if you care to read it. Also again you forget, the drainage space is needed!!! I think the real win is that residential area has been spared, which is not always the case.
@2percenter has questioned, I am not sure how you did your math would love to see the work. I think you are forgetting through traffic and just thinking about turning movements. Not sure. But here are the numbers and the analysis. Data from
Existing Conditions 2011 (AM/PM peak) page 80
View attachment 277159
To orient, North is to the top. 535 is the vertical road, Crossroads to the right. Hotel Plaza Boulevard (Disney) to the left.
Total traffic movements through intersection in AM peak hour (top numbers): 4,729
Total traffic movements through intersection in PM peak hour (bottom numbers): 5,976
Total traffic movements from Hotel Plaza Boulevard: AM: 467 PM: 1,484
Total traffic movements from Crossroads: AM: 124 PM: 278
Total traffic movements from Northbound 535: AM: 2092 PM: 2412
Total traffic movements from Southbound 535: AM: 2046 PM: 1802
Total traffic movements into Crossroads in AM peak hour: Max 176 /Min 144
Total traffic movements into Crossroads in PM peak hour: Max 345 /Min 277
(yes there are straight and turn lanes so max and min is a good way to express this)
Total traffic movements into Hotel Plaza Boulevard AM peak hour: Max 915 / Min 869
Total traffic movements into Hotel Plaza Boulevard PM peak hour: Max 722 / Min 657
So just looking at the maximums to simplify:
Percent of all traffic movements going to Crossroads: AM: 3.7% (Example of work: 176/4729x100) PM: 5.8%
Even if you count all out and in at Crossroads:
Percent of all traffic movements related to Crossroads: AM: 6.3% PM: 10%
Same for Hotel Plaza Boulevard for all movements related to that road as percent of total movements: AM: 29.2% PM: 36.9%
Also for all traffic movements directly back and forth between Hotel Plaza Boulevard and Crossroads: AM 1.6% PM 2.2%
Also the percentage of traffic movements coming into Crossroads that come directly from Hotel Plaza Boulevard (Disney): AM: 32/176 = 18% PM: 68/345 = 19.7%
So as you can see by the numbers. Crossroads accounts for 6-10% of traffic movements at the light so not huge. And that is just a micro look at one light. Crossroads is not the majority and further back and forth trips from Hotel Boulevard is 1-2%. Additionally Disney direct traffic (I would agree this is a crude way to measure this but just is illustrative) going into Crossroads is just 18-20% of the traffic so in the 1/5th area.
A final point if you look on pg 140 the 2040 modified design projections using traffic modeling:
View attachment 277174
Total traffic movements through intersection in AM peak hour (top numbers): 7,587
Total traffic movements through intersection in PM peak hour (bottom numbers): 8,125
That represents an increase in traffic movements able to go through the intersection of 60% in the AM and 40% PM peak hours.
That seems like quite a substantial increase in capacity and throughput to me