Well-Known Member
There are already methods in place to collect data outside of bulk collection of everyone's information, that is the purpose of a warrant and court systems. Intelligence agencies do actually date back centuries. But what this ignores is that all of that technology can't yet pry into the thoughts of a person who decides to act alone. It can't read a hand written note that is burned after being read. It can't break any and all encryption tools. Most of these terrorists you are hoping to catch don't have big red flags that would be found with more prying. They know to not be blatant. You're whole process needs not just data collection but the criminalization of mundane activities, which is why even you do actually have something to hide.
I can see your point. But honestly, I would laugh my *** off if the government came to me about terrorism (despite my CJ background) and told me that the items I bought recently could be made to make a bomb. Again, I can see your point.