Just for some quick math. There are roughly 150M Americans in the healthcare, nursing home, 65+ and high risk categories eligible right now. Assuming only 80% want the vaccine that means 120M vaccinations. We are expected to get enough doses from Pfizer and Moderna alone for 110M people by the end of March. If JnJ kicks in another 30 to 40M doses by the end of March that puts us above the amount needed to be through those groups. So if you are in those categories you should have at least 1 shot by end of March. Some states have started vaccinating other groups as well with some other essential workers qualifying but the point is we should be on to people 16 to 65 without high risk health conditions by April 1 or maybe a little sooner. Assuming the same 80% acceptance rate we would need enough doses for about 100M more people. It’s possible by some time in April to have Novavax and/or AstraZeneca approved which would also speed things up further.