Country Bear Jamboree closing for lengthy refurbishment in August


Well-Known Member
I have no concrete information that it has been officially greenlit.
What I have is the statements of people who are in a position to know that a version of Cars Land is actively being developed (some say fast-tracked) for DHS.

Not greenlit yet as far as I know, but both rudolf and lighbulb say it's a done deal and I've heard that it's close. I believe the only thing they're dealing with now are logistics, creatively and financially.

I'm not making this stuff up. Same for the CBJ article. I don't do that.
I've got a 10-year track record here. Feel free to point out the times that I have been a)wrong or b)making stuff up.
But....believe what you want.

You make stuff up all the time. Like when you LIE and say you can't sing. I've sung with you. You got some great pipes there, boy (can you picture that line being using in another context like an Imagineer/Fanboi Mix and Mingle?)


Well-Known Member
I fail to understand why they keep shortening the shows.... and the "banter" between the characters is one of the key ingredients that makes these shows so timeless..... its a shame that people are too impatient these days to have an attention span longer than a radio/tv commercial break!

IF (and I understand from what a lot of people are saying that this is "spin" pure & simple) they start to insert seasonal overlays or multiple shows all the time (still keeping the old one in the rotation forever) then THAT would be a great result.

Note to anyone at WDW: Tiki Room is great now (though I do wish we had the precise version running at Disneyland as those couple minutes make it even better!)... Please NEVER EVER edit it again...


Well-Known Member
I fail to understand why they keep shortening the shows.... and the "banter" between the characters is one of the key ingredients that makes these shows so timeless..... its a shame that people are too impatient these days to have an attention span longer than a radio/tv commercial break!

IF (and I understand from what a lot of people are saying that this is "spin" pure & simple) they start to insert seasonal overlays or multiple shows all the time (still keeping the old one in the rotation forever) then THAT would be a great result.

Note to anyone at WDW: Tiki Room is great now (though I do wish we had the precise version running at Disneyland as those couple minutes make it even better!)... Please NEVER EVER edit it again...

And bring back the enchanted fountain that they were so cheap to not want to reinstall.


Well-Known Member
The article ends with this statement: 'The visitor wasn’t so sure about some of the new coifs, though, writing, “Liver Lips’ hair does look weird.”'

Doesn't sound very sympathetic to the fan contingent, as others have stated. It makes the fans look like weird buffoons. "Liver Lips' hair does look weird."

Take two seconds and think what that statement sounds like to anyone who doesn't read this forum.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
The article ends with this statement: 'The visitor wasn’t so sure about some of the new coifs, though, writing, “Liver Lips’ hair does look weird.”'

Doesn't sound very sympathetic to the fan contingent, as others have stated. It makes the fans look like weird buffoons. "Liver Lips' hair does look weird."

Take two seconds and think what that statement sounds like to anyone who doesn't read this forum.
Hi KingdomKeeper. Sorry that nobody has answered your question about the Henry eyebrow gag. I think what was being referred to was Henry's very animated and expressive brows. Very sharp dips and lifts and certainly not in unison. I may be wrong but the point of the brow that gets the laugh is at the end of Terrence singing "How long will my baby be gone". At the end of the song are some fading drum beats and Henry's eyebrows going up and down in sync with the ending beat. It always gets a laugh.


Active Member
I think you're leaving out a third (and probably the biggest) group: people who've never seen CBJ before or barely remember specifics about the show from previous visits.

As much as Disney is pressured to honor its history and legacy, it must also create a theme park experience entertaining to modern audiences and worthy of the nearly $100 admission ticket.

As I've said earlier in this thread, there is a lot to like about the original CBJ. But it was painfully slow-paced by 2012 standards (and that's NOT because of short attention spans! It's because other types of entertainment have raised the bar on what audiences expect in terms of pacing.)

Disney (and any other entertainment provider) must consider what an attraction/show would look like if it opened up brand new today. Haunted Mansion and Pirates have easily held up over the years. Hall of Presidents needed a major facelift to keep it fresh and modern. We can all agree that the original CBJ would never be built as-is in 2012.

So Disney had a choice: close CBJ, create a new show from scratch, or try to tighten up and improve the pacing of the original show.

They were probably wise to avoid gambling on an "Under New Management" complete re-do. That left Disney with the option of pulling out their scissors and cutting out the slow-paced parts.

And I think, for the most part, Disney succeeded with that task.

Those of us who have the old show memorized can hear and feel the edits when we play it back in our minds. But I think most people unfamiliar with the original will never notice things have been cut or are missing.

Disney cut out the same unnecessary dialogue that I would have cut out if I was in charge of the rehab. And I don't mind most of the abbreviated songs.

I think a majority of park guests will view this show as a short, pleasant experience, with much fewer people sitting in the theater during those long stretches of dialogue thinking "Gee, this thing is outdated".

(** It looks like the opening with Max, Melvin, and Biff was accidentally cut short on the WDWMagic video -- there is an obvious edit on the video-- so I'm withholding judgement on that until I see the full opening. Other than that, there was really only one odd edit with Henry's laugh just before the Sun Bonnets. It appears they needed a transition between two pieces of music, and they may have made the wrong choice there.)

A very well-written post.

After seeing the revised CBJ in person, I could care less about the edits now. I'm just grateful that we still have the show here in Florida. And just because some people think something is "spin" does not make it so!

Also, if this recent refurbishment truly does end up increasing the chances of the seasonal shows returning (edited or not), then I have another to be pleased with this rehab.


Well-Known Member
After seeing the revised CBJ in person, I could care less about the edits now. I'm just grateful that we still have the show here in Florida. And just because some people think something is "spin" does not make it so!
You accuse others of spin and yet do just that. Why not say something of substance about the changes instead of going to "I'm just grateful that we still have the show here in Florida." Why are you so afraid to criticize Disney?
CountryBearFan, while I respect your thoughts on the revamp, I feel that your gratefully lowered expecations are more a part of the why we have the current crop of dumbed-down attractions than any solution in sight.

I think that this sends a horrible message to new generations of Disney fans who may not know any better than Stitches Great Escape. Just be grateful that we have a Magic Kingdom in Florida in 2012 no matter what?

Year after year we pay more and more for the highest quality entertainment at WDW and should not expect brain-spittingly moronic shows or attractions and be grateful for them in exchange.

This is not Honey Bo Bo World but on some days I wonder.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
This is not Honey Bo Bo World but on some days I wonder.


CBJ is her favorite attraction!


Well-Known Member
Anyone think Liver Lips's look was altered to make him look less like a racial caricature? I don't really think the Marc Davis era designers intended him to appear that way. But I've always wondered if anyone took offense to his name and appearance.
You could not be more right. The Country Bear Jamboree was created by many of Walt's master animators. Those who wrote the very book. The very best of the best. Not quota fillers. The very best in the Industry. Period!

As for the social media spin, right again. We all have to look at the big picture here. One decade in the future the CBJ will come up for review again. The details of a butchered show will not come into play for executives, however manipulated spreadsheets showing a sharp drop off around 2012-2013 (closed attraction/nightmare revamp/lack of return due to insulted/sad fans)

The attraction JUST became unpopular?

I think that as much as our nation is amazing on every level, our society is out of "real problems" and creating a nation of petty problems and weak minded individuals through Political Correctness.

Resist absurdity on every level and fly the Liver Lips flag as high as you can fly it!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I'm certainly not in the know about what TDO is up to. But I have to agree that seeing an article about the Country Bear Jamboree in the New York Times does seem very weird. I read the Time's Sunday edition. It covers all sorts of stuff. But even for a puff piece, an article about the updated Bears just doesn't seem kosher somehow...

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