Please just stop. Those who have played by the rules during this global health emergency are understandably furious at those who refuse to do their part.
Let’s talk about loss of freedom. My children have stayed home and studied virtually for a year and a half, sacrificing their own freedom— to keep their parents, grandparents, and community safe. To do what they could to help all of us get out of this.
They sacrificed a great deal of their own freedom. Because they knew it was the right thing to do.
Each and every member of our family got vaccinated as soon as we were able to do so. And like so many others, we stayed home, gave up social gatherings and vacations and job opportunities and more. A week from now, my children go back to school. And our leaders have chosen to sacrifice children’s safety by thumbing their noses at the CDC’s mask guidelines in a cynical, disingenuous and callously calculated manner. I think that would make any parent furious. After all this, we feel like the world around us is still stuck in the unnecessary quagmire this crisis has become.
So yes, there’s some anger to be had. We’ve put up with those who seek to profit personally and/or financially by spreading destructive and deadly disinformation. We’ve tried to be patient as we’ve endured a virtual epidemic of stupidity and toddler-grade temper tantrums over vaccines, mask wearing, and so much more for quite some time now.
Anyone able but refusing to get vaccinated or abide by public health rules at this point can certainly continue to defy common sense and stand up for their “freedoms” if they so choose. But for irresponsible people not to expect pushback from those who have actually been doing something positive to get us out of this mess, often by sacrificing their own freedom in the process, is a bridge too far. I’m sorry that some feel folks are being mean. But lot of people have had enough of trying to do the right thing while others willfully try to hold everyone back.
So, yes, there’s a lot of anger aimed right now at folks who are able but refusing to be vaccinated. But as others have said, freedom of choice does not mean freedom from consequences.