Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
The social interactions are what’s driving up rates in Florida.

I don’t view outdoor 6ft apart gatherings of <10 people as something needed to be avoided but if you are getting closer and having a prolonged interaction or you are indoors yes I see it as a huge problem. I think this complacency by the public iswhy our rates are skyrocketing in this country. I can count on two hands the people I’ve had a close maskless indoor interaction with outside of work (and at work I’m always in a mask.) I wish more people would follow this advice. If numbers keep skyrocketing, the only way to avoid those gatherings would be a stay at home order.
You present your opinion as if it were definitve proof.


Active Member
The “people at risk just need to shelter and everyone else does whatever they want” take is one of the most absurd that keeps popping up. Vulnerable folks need to be careful, but this is saying, “hey person over 55/ obese person/ person with diabetes/ immune compromised person, seal yourself into a plexiglass box and forego all human contact - it’s only sensible. We normals want to go to WDW. Of course, even in your cube, you’ll have to import food, which is a possible (though less likely) vector, so as we spread covid freely even your cube may be endangered but... I don’t think you understand how much I want to ride Space Mountain.”

There's a difference between sheltering in place and focused mitigation efforts. Never said anything about that. I was talking solely about asking a country of 350 million to essentially quarantine until spring. Not happening for a lot of reasons. It's not happening right now.


Well-Known Member
"Burned through phases openings"? Are there any states that are fully open and back to pre covid status? If anything, things have been scaled back and/or more people wearing masks, even in their car.
The virus has gotten in the way of the plan. But that doesn't eliminate what was the plan. Governors planned on bars being able to be opened, movie theaters opened, schools reopening on time, no mask mandates, and dozens of other ways that we go back to normal. All of these were the plan. I believe the Governors currently affected, still want this to be the plan. This is only a temporary hiccup, requiring some short term tweaking, that doesn't have to result in wide-scale re-evaluation of the plan.


Active Member
I've been to outdoor dining, the beach, ice cream, retail stores. We wore masks everywhere except the beach. These businesses worked hard to make it safe. The beach had capacity limits and everyone was more than 20 feet apart. Mask compliance has been 99% everywhere I've been.

This is the best you can ask for. There will always be idiots from every perspective.

Lots of seniors were spotted at these locations too and having a good time. Some seem to ignore how damaging this kind of isolation is on older people. It breaks me.


Well-Known Member
This is the best you can ask for. There will always be idiots from every perspective.

If that’s true, then to quote a famous movie: “Your best isn’t good enough” Covid numbers are rising daily, people are dying and some people just go, oh well can’t be helped. We as a country have become too fat, lazy, and selfish to even save ourselves, it’s so sad.


Think for yourselfer
If that’s true, then to quote a famous movie: “Your best isn’t good enough” Covid numbers are rising daily, people are dying and some people just go, oh well can’t be helped. We as a country have become too fat, lazy, and selfish to even save ourselves, it’s so sad.
Accidentally made a valid point here. Being fat is indisputably bad news if you catch Corona.


Well-Known Member
This was only one goal. Being able to test and trace to control spread and avoid wide community spread was always supposed to be part of the plan. Now that it is not it is "impossible" despite occurring elsewhere.
Very much this, and it seems so easy too.

I had a trip planned for June. When this started, we thought June might be pushing it and rescheduled for August. By May, even August didn't feel like it would work. As soon as the 2021 dates came out, we rescheduled for June 2021. It felt better to reschedule instead of cancel. Bonus, getting park passes for June 2021 as a resort guest was super easy.

The stay home and close everything options are very blunt public health instruments. Clearly they cannot be maintained for long periods. But, over a short period, they're very good at disrupting out of control unknown community spread. They give you breathing room to implement better solutions.

It feels so simple:
  1. Start with everyone showing symptoms and test.
  2. For every positive test, quarantine and trace every contact they had over the last 2-3 days.
  3. Test every contact.
  4. Repeat 2-3 until all contacts are negative.
Of course, this only works if the time between "This person needs a test" and "Here's the test result" is less than 2 days, preferably within 24 hours. Having 2-4 days between "This person needs a test" and "Take test", then another 2-14 days for "Test Result" is practically useless. You've either had to quarantine the entire time after "This person needs a test" or you have to trace every contact for the number of days until "Test Result". Trying to trace 7 to 14 or more days isn't feasible. There's almost no sense in taking the test, just change the loop at step 2 to assume they're all positive, quarantine and trace again.

We really need a better metric on the Daily Test number. "Daily Test Results within 48 Hours of identifying Test Need" and "Test we did for statistics, but provided almost no diagnostic value".

Dammit, they just made school completely virtual for the entire first semester. :( Why is this so hard.


Well-Known Member
Can't speak for Branson, but we're quickly peddling the wrong direction in Pigeon Forge.

I was suppose to be down there next week for a family vacation. Had a cabin rented in the Smoky mountains and was planning to hit Dollywood for the first time ever. Well, that trip got cancelled just like the rest of 2020.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is sheltering in place now and you think it will continue until spring? I can't see it happening and it shouldn't be necessary. People at risk already know what to do and anyone that wants to avoid the virus at all costs knows what to do also.
. Oh how wrong you are. I am sheltering in place, my husband is, my 25&26 year old sons are sheltering in place, so are our friends. They are doing this not for themselves but to protect us and others. They are doing this of their own volition because they are decent, responsible and thoughtful individuals who say they could never forgive themselves if they infected ANYONE be it stranger, family or friends. They want to rejoin society but are appalled by the flagrant disregard for the guidance from the government and cannot believe the attitude of many who selfishly go on with their lives as if nothing has changed. We are totally reliant on delivery for food and medication. Yes we are choosing to isolate and choosing to have the greatest chance of surviving over death, yes we know what to do but that doesn’t mean we should be shoved to the back of people’s mind and forced to live in a bubble indefinitely because others are not prepared to help any longer. I agree that it shouldn’t be necessary to shelter till the spring, yet you imply that it’s fine for the vulnerable to shelter ad infinitum. What’s fair about that? I know that a response is, we have less/little/no risk depending on perspective so What’s fair about us Sheltering in place even longer? I suppose the only answer is to examine your conscience, if everyone remains separate and at home we KNOW the spread goes down (see any chart around the world after lock down) if people wear a mask, avoid crowds and are socially distant when out and about then the spread increases but remains manageable and those sheltering are also able to rejoin society. Yes it’s hard, I know! I’ve been for 2 car rides since lockdown in the U.K. in March and on neither occasion left the car.😢, the only occasions I have left the house. Yes twice in 4 months. Before the Pandemic we were due to come to Florida for a 6 week holiday, 3 weeks in a villa, 3 weeks in WDW so are hardly afraid of travel or adventure or socialising. We are not asking for preferential treatment, just for equality of treatment and the same consideration that should be given to everyone. If everyone works together, consistently and for the benefit of everyone then I feel hopeful that we will be able to return to some form of normality, quicker and in a manner that is safer for everyone, the young, the healthy and the vulnerable. I am from the U.K. and generally we seem to be more willing to abide by the rules, though not by much, than it appears from this thread and news reports. Our lives matter too! ( Apologies to BLM for borrowing your slogan.)


Well-Known Member
So my state, CO, which is still mostly good (we are not on NY's quarantine list yet)... The Governor just changed "last call" from 2AM to 10PM.
I expect more lawsuits and sheriffs not planning on enforcing it.


Well-Known Member
So my state, CO, which is still mostly good (we are not on NY's quarantine list yet)... The Governor just changed "last call" from 2AM to 10PM.
I expect more lawsuits and sheriffs not planning on enforcing it.
Genuine question- why would Sherrifs not enforce an order from the Governor? I thought (from U.K. ) that enforcing laws was their job?


Well-Known Member
Genuine question- why would Sherrifs not enforce an order from the Governor? I thought (from U.K. ) that enforcing laws was their job?
There's a legal debate to be had over whether these orders are "the law."

Regardless, it's the same logic behind not pulling over every driver who goes 68 MPH in a zone with a 65 MPH speed limit.
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