Of course when you read the "...more security to prevent potentially sick patrons from entering the premises. " You realize that this is more theater. We already know that people can be infected and shedding the virus like crazy for a week or more before they show any symptoms... So how exactly is more security going to actually help? It likely means thermal cameras which will really do nothing beyond making people think they are safer... and that will likely increase deaths not prevent them. Just think grandma and grandpa, two of the most likely to die from the virus will think lets take out grand kids to Disney after all they have all these thermal gizmos to keep out the sick people... and then boom the guy in the Tiki Room show right before they got there was infected and spewed the little corona-critters all over the place so now grandma and grandpa get to take home more than plastic mouse ears, they get to take home the virus that could easily kill one or both of them... and all because of safety theater.