Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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The Mom

Premium Member
There is zero evidence for that theory.

FL state borders were 'shut' as COVID was already community-spreading in FL.

Also... NYC is just as big tourist draw as is FL. Can NYC blame Floridians coming to visit and catch a Broadway show for its initial spike?
Much of the NYC initial spike was caused by people fleeing Europe (esp Italy) where the numbers were spiking. And then the whole send people back to nursing homes who did not have PPE so it spread to the most vulnerable .

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Well, some of us! I've been preparing for this for a while.

I haven't been, but my mom made me about 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies to take home at Christmas. Between that, my 2 boxes of Chex, so.e Dr. Pepper, and a couple White Claws in my fridge, I think I'd make it. A bidet or detachable shower head and a soft rag would make me more confident in my survival, though.


Well-Known Member
My mom just started cancer treatment. Would you like her to take a break in her treatment?
As someone who is walked this path with my own Mom, unfortunately there is a lot of stress involved making sure insurance would approve the chemo medications, Express Scripts (insurance required using them) would fulfill it properly (some weeks they called 5 times because something wasn't in the system right), and it would be delivered in time for the scheduled appointment. I can't imagine trying to navigate the process while also having to worry about the added hiccups with potential supply chain and labor disruptions due to all of this.

Good luck to your Mom.


Well-Known Member
As someone who is walked this path with my own Mom, unfortunately there is a lot of stress involved making sure insurance would approve the chemo medications, Express Scripts (insurance required using them) would fulfill it properly (some weeks they called 5 times because something wasn't in the system right), and it would be delivered in time for the scheduled appointment. I can't imagine trying to navigate the process while also having to worry about the added hiccups with potential supply chain and labor disruptions due to all of this.

Good luck to your Mom.
Thanks. It's a lot for sure.


Premium Member
I know everyone laughs at me, but I still think an extremely strict 21-28 day "you will be arrested if you so much as think about leaving your personal property" lockdown all but eradicates this.
This would never work. Nurses would still need to work in hospitals and could get infected there.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
The first major spread of Covid19 in the US was in New York City followed by NJ, CT, and Long Island. The first cases in Florida just happen to be where many New Yorkers own homes in Florida. That is a fact. It was only after Florida already had spread that they tried to close the state. It was too late and believe me everyone I know in NYC knows the US spread to Florida came from NYC, just like we all know the cases in NYC came from Italy. All anyone has to do is go back and look at the cases by area around the world. As for the cases in Washington State, the first US cases, the managed to keep it under some control for several months. I understand why some people dont like the fact that rich New Yorkers spread Covid19 to the rest of the Country but that is what happened and the evidence is there for everyone to see. All you have to do is look at the case numbers by state and counties.

Much of the NYC initial spike was caused by people fleeing Europe (esp Italy) where the numbers were spiking. And then the whole send people back to nursing homes who did not have PPE so it spread to the most vulnerable .

So, no one from China or Italy ever visits Florida for fun or business without first going through NYC?

There's no evidence that FL's first infection was from a New Yorker.

The narrative at the beginning of the U.S. wave has also changed with the discovery of people infected earlier than they thought.

Oh, and this: No evidence.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Has anyone posted the definition of “mild” and I missed it?

Do we know what it really means beyond “not death” and perhaps “not in ICU”?

That would put the reporting in a better perspective.

Since there’s “mild” and there’s “mild”. Maybe we should be calling this “medium” COVID.

Sort of like the definition of a “short” line.

One doctor posted on twitter what I view as mild.

Here's the thread, but if you don't want to read it, here's the post:

Every patient I’ve seen with Covid that’s had a 3rd ‘booster’ dose has had mild symptoms. By mild I mean mostly sore throat. Lots of sore throat. Also some fatigue, maybe some muscle pain. No difficulty breathing. No shortness of breath. All a little uncomfortable, but fine.

Most patients I’ve seen that had 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna still had ‘mild’ symptoms, but more than those who had received a third dose. More fatigued. More fever. More coughing. A little more miserable overall. But no shortness of breath. No difficulty breathing. Mostly fine.

Most patients I’ve seen that had one dose of J&J and had Covid were worse overall. Felt horrible. Fever for a few days (or more). Weak, tired. Some shortness of breath and cough. But not one needing hospitalization. Not one needing oxygen. Not great. But not life-threatening.

And almost every single patient that I’ve taken care of that needed to be admitted for Covid has been unvaccinated. Every one with profound shortness of breath. Every one whose oxygen dropped when they walked. Every one needing oxygen to breath regularly

The point is you’re gonna hear about a LOT of people getting Covid in the coming days and weeks. Those that have been vaccinated and got a booster dose will mostly fare well with minimal symptoms. Those getting two doses might have a few more symptoms, but should still do well.

Those who got a single J&J similarly may have more symptoms, but have more protection than the unvaccinated (if you got a single dose of J&J, please get another vaccine dose—preferably Pfizer or Moderna—ASAP!) But as I’ve witnessed in the ER, the greatest burden still falls on…

..The unvaccinated. Those who haven’t gotten a single dose of vaccine. They’re the most likely to need oxygen. They’re the most likely to have complications. They’re the most likely to get admitted. And the most likely to stay in the hospital for days or longer with severe Covid.

These are all just observations from my recent shifts in the ER. But the same has been borne out by local and national data showing that the unvaccinated make up a very disproportionate share of those with severe disease, needing hospitalization, and dying from Covid.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
One doctor posted on twitter what I view as mild.

Here's the thread, but if you don't want to read it, here's the post:

Nothing we didn’t already know, although interesting to see it broken down by type of vaccine, I’m happy to see the J&J holding up, my GF can only get that one due to Drs orders and is getting another J&J as a booster this week, happy to see its still protecting from serious cases. It makes me curious how previous infection factors in though, probably depends on how long ago and which strain.

As frustrating as it is for us to repeat the benefits of vaccines a million times it must be 1000x more frustrating for Doctors.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Nothing we didn’t already know, although interesting to see it broken down by type of vaccine, I’m happy to see the J&J holding up, my GF can only get that one due to Drs orders and is getting another J&J as a booster this week, happy to see its still protecting from serious cases. It makes me curious how previous infection factors in though, probably depends on how long ago and which strain.
Your GF might want to look into the Novavax vaccine once it's approved in the US. It'll be the second non-MRNA vaccine in the US.


Premium Member
I know everyone laughs at me, but I still think an extremely strict 21-28 day "you will be arrested if you so much as think about leaving your personal property" lockdown all but eradicates this.

There are a lot of problems with this idea, but even if you could make it happen 21-28 days wouldn't be enough unless every person isolated themselves for every other person. If multiple people are locked down together there is a chance that one infected person transmits it to another late in their infectious period which would keep the infection going longer the 28 days.


Well-Known Member
I know everyone laughs at me, but I still think an extremely strict 21-28 day "you will be arrested if you so much as think about leaving your personal property" lockdown all but eradicates this.
Due to the animal reservoirs that won't work to eradicate it. Even if it wasn't able to jump back to humans from a white tailed deer or some other animal, it would take longer than 21-28 days due to incubation periods and periods of infectiousness within households. It would also have to include literally every human on earth (including the ones enforcing the lockdown) and may not work in apartment buildings, condos or townhouses with shared walls, hallways, attics or basements between households.

I don't laugh at you for the suggestion. I just understand that it would accomplish nothing other than cause people to starve, die of countless diseases and issues because they can't get medical care and also freeze or get heat stroke because the utilities won't be able to operate either.
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