Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Active Member
I know everyone laughs at me, but I still think an extremely strict 21-28 day "you will be arrested if you so much as think about leaving your personal property" lockdown all but eradicates this.
You want hospitals shut down? What if a woman goes into labor? No police on patrol? Firehouses close and just let homes burn to the ground? Cancer patients not be able to get their weekly chemo doses? Garbage just piling up for a month? No pharmacy open for antibiotics for an infection? Water plants shut down and we have no running water? Are you really serious??


Well-Known Member
What’s the point of even talking about what-ifs and possible containment strategies? You might as well debate life on Mars. Have you not figured out yet that a sizable portion of the population doesn’t care if the virus spreads as long as 1) they aren’t directly affected or 2) the risk is “mild” illness? They don’t wear masks, they don’t adjust their living patterns, they may or may not get the vaccine and boosters, but bottom line is they do. not. care. what happens with the virus until something severe happens to them directly.

As soon as the virus response was politicized last year this became a situation that would never be treated as a unified national response. Whatever happens with this variant or future variants, that will not change. Make your peace with it, or post here for therapeutic reasons. Either way, our society’s bed is made, and we have no control over how this turns out.


Well-Known Member
There is zero evidence for that theory.

FL state borders were 'shut' as COVID was already community-spreading in FL.

Also... NYC is just as big tourist draw as is FL. Can NYC blame Floridians coming to visit and catch a Broadway show for its initial spike?

Also... besides the mobility of the American middle class to casually visit and vacation around the country and world, there is a *huge* infrastructure of business and commerce that is regularly crossing political boundaries. Truck drivers, conventions, business meetings, freight, etc.... Even if tourism was immediately shut down, the business/commerce cycles make the planet without boundaries.

Oh, and you have no evidence for your theory.
The first major spread of Covid19 in the US was in New York City followed by NJ, CT, and Long Island. The first cases in Florida just happen to be where many New Yorkers own homes in Florida. That is a fact. It was only after Florida already had spread that they tried to close the state. It was too late and believe me everyone I know in NYC knows the US spread to Florida came from NYC, just like we all know the cases in NYC came from Italy. All anyone has to do is go back and look at the cases by area around the world. As for the cases in Washington State, the first US cases, the managed to keep it under some control for several months. I understand why some people dont like the fact that rich New Yorkers spread Covid19 to the rest of the Country but that is what happened and the evidence is there for everyone to see. All you have to do is look at the case numbers by state and counties.


Well-Known Member
How could it be Black Friday crowded? In the supermarkets in my area where I was staying, there were only a certain number of customers allowed in at one time . The staff were counting how many go in , go out, customers including me lined up outside, etc.
So much stupid stuff went on. Our Walmart closed down one of the 2 main entrances, and funneled everyone in and out of that same entrance. I guess so they could count better? But it squeezed everyone into tighter quarters. Restaurants with limited capacity would seat everyone in one small section of the restaurant so servers would have an easier time getting to everyone. I hate things that don't make sense. And nobody seemed to have any sense back then.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I know everyone laughs at me, but I still think an extremely strict 21-28 day "you will be arrested if you so much as think about leaving your personal property" lockdown all but eradicates this.

And how do you stop the spread with tens of millions of poor people (who can’t afford a months worth or food) and millions of homeless people all now in jail?

(Plus it’ll take a few weeks after we return to work for food and necessities to make it back to store shelves, better have enough food for 6 weeks to play it safe).

It’s easy to say stay at home for us middle class and up Disneyphiles, not so easy for people surviving day to day.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
The recap: the one family member we were going to spend Christmas with tested positive 2 days prior. She was double vaxxed but not boosted.

The update: She got it from her BFF & fam visiting from NY for the holiday, all vaxxed. Half the family got it, half did not. They were told it is likely omicron.

Despite that being supposedly mild, the Grandmother is pretty sick. Our cousin was down hard for the first couple of days. She got scared on day two. Then a little better, then worse. We just spoke with her and she is still very weak and barely doing anything after several days. This was not a sniffle and overwith.

Meanwhile, Florida is exploding with record breaking cases. Three days in a row 31K, 32K, 33K. My spouse worked (hotel restaurant) on Christmas. The next day, the person stationed 10 feet away called out sick and got tested, awaiting results. That afternoon, their manager went home sick to get tested.

When he was heading home, I left just to be safe, and went to a place I frequent near work. It’s been kind of a “pod” of a handful of people over the last 2 years. This afternoon, I found out one of them tested positive after their family members did.

I can’t find a test or an appointment. It’s one of the busiest weeks of the year at work. Ordered tests on Amazon but will take too long to arrive. We might both be fine (triple vaxxed) but I have no idea. We feel fine so far.

So I ordered Chinese and did not hold back - got the big ol’ bucket of lo mein regardless of cost. 😆 Watched “1883” on Paramount, I am stuffed and going to bed early.

I thought COVID was everywhere when Delta hit. It is *everywhere* now.


Well-Known Member
The recap: the one family member we were going to spend Christmas with tested positive 2 days prior. She was double vaxxed but not boosted.

The update: She got it from her BFF & fam visiting from NY for the holiday, all vaxxed. Half the family got it, half did not. They were told it is likely omicron.

Despite that being supposedly mild, the Grandmother is pretty sick. Our cousin was down hard for the first couple of days. She got scared on day two. Then a little better, then worse. We just spoke with her and she is still very weak and barely doing anything after several days. This was not a sniffle and overwith.

Meanwhile, Florida is exploding with record breaking cases. Three days in a row 31K, 32K, 33K. My spouse worked (hotel restaurant) on Christmas. The next day, the person stationed 10 feet away called out sick and got tested, awaiting results. That afternoon, their manager went home sick to get tested.

When he was heading home, I left just to be safe, and went to a place I frequent near work. It’s been kind of a “pod” of a handful of people over the last 2 years. This afternoon, I found out one of them tested positive after their family members did.

I can’t find a test or an appointment. It’s one of the busiest weeks of the year at work. Ordered tests on Amazon but will take too long to arrive. We might both be fine (triple vaxxed) but I have no idea. We feel fine so far.

So I ordered Chinese and did not hold back - got the big ol’ bucket of lo mein regardless of cost. 😆 Watched “1883” on Paramount, I am stuffed and going to bed early.

I thought COVID was everywhere when Delta hit. It is *everywhere* now.
Stay safe and hope for the best while planning/being prepared for the worst
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