Premium Member
I agree with all of this, but I think you're missing the pragmatic lens.Different forum, and a very multifaceted conversation there. Suffice it to say my previous voting history (never been “down ballot” one way or the other), and my feelings on the handling of this public health crisis - again from both of the overly vocal “sides” - is an evolving story.
Especially when it comes to our public health response, evolving data and situational awareness is going to warrant evolving attitudes. It hasn’t been and will continue to not be comfortable at times. At the darkest moments it downright stinks. That doesn’t mean we give up. Not this close to the finish line. Which we should be much closer to - 5-11 should be the “final push,” not the “hopefully they’ll be enough since adults can’t adult right now.”
Please, don’t take this as a personal attack. I’ve needed to remind myself or be reminded many times over, and will need to be reminded again. But, as Darwin taught us:
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.
This dark crisis will pass. In many ways, it has let up significantly. But let’s push just a little more, and finally put this pandemic to bed.
"Everyone who can get vaccinated, should" is an opinion, and I agree with it.
"Not everyone who can get vaccinated will" is a fact.
No matter how strongly we believe the Opinion, it doesn't change the Fact. "How do we get everyone vaccinated" presupposes that we CAN get everyone vaccinated, and we can't. People keep saying we need to reach the finish line before we can live our lives again, but we're never going to reach a finish line. That doesn't mean we should stop moving forward, it just means we don't need to wait for some magical threshold in order to get back to normal. We can get back to normal AND keep pushing vaccines. Saying "we can't get back to normal until everyone is vaccinated" is just admitting "we're never going back to normal."