Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
All of this you mention has been happening for decades. Politicians getting and giving favors by closing precincts/stations, cutting staff and funding. Officers and firefighters going on strike…none of what you mention is new. The only thing different about your characterization is Covid. Very few people care about any of what I mentioned, but Covid and vaccinations seem to make people interested real fast. Again, I’ve made my feelings about vaccinations for these groups of people very clear…but let’s stop pretending to be outraged over the use of this protest or bargaining chip when never saying anything about past incidents.
Seems like what you quoted is missing the bulk of my original message. I don't know if you didn't get all of it or you selectively cut it down but I suggest you re-read the original because I did make mention of this not being a new thing.

That said, I'd say the only thing different as you put it, is kind of a big thing. Wouldn't you?

If this is the way their organizations choose to react in the face of a public national emergency, I think they need better representation because as a "civilian", it's not the politicians that are coming off bad with moves like this.
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Well-Known Member
Both irrational positions, IMO. Maybe if we didn’t already get vaccinated for everything under the sun as kids, but we do. The vaccine being “new” is a misperception.
I don't know how you don't call them new. They began to be developed 20 months ago for COVID. J&J is based on mature technology but the mRNA tech wasn't deployed until COVID. It doesn't matter how long they've been worked on. They weren't tested extensively until barely over a year ago.


Well-Known Member
I think I’ve seen this movie before. I remember the ending.
There is no ending. It is going to be around forever. Live with it. Get vaccinated every other week if you desire. Buy a biohazard suit if you want and wear it whenever you leave home.

Come to grips with the fact that COVID will be around for the rest of your life. Stop wanting people who can deal with the "risk" to alter thier lives for a false sense of security.


Well-Known Member
There is no ending. It is going to be around forever. Live with it. Get vaccinated every other week if you desire. Buy a biohazard suit if you want and wear it whenever you leave home.

Come to grips with the fact that COVID will be around for the rest of your life. Stop wanting people who can deal with the "risk" to alter thier lives for a false sense of security.
The risks can be more effectively mitigated with appropriate measures and messaging. No-one is expecting perfection in this regard, but some places/groups can and should do better.


Well-Known Member
There is no ending. It is going to be around forever. Live with it. Get vaccinated every other week if you desire. Buy a biohazard suit if you want and wear it whenever you leave home.

Come to grips with the fact that COVID will be around for the rest of your life. Stop wanting people who can deal with the "risk" to alter thier lives for a false sense of security.
I said I’ve seen this movie before, and that was it. Have no idea where the vitriol about that line is coming from. Maybe direct it to someone that actually brought up the things you are saying.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how you don't call them new. They began to be developed 20 months ago for COVID. J&J is based on mature technology but the mRNA tech wasn't deployed until COVID. It doesn't matter how long they've been worked on. They weren't tested extensively until barely over a year ago.
Incorrect about mRNA. These were in development for decades. They've been used for other viruses too.

Edit for relevant link


Well-Known Member
At no place in your post did you say anything about what I brought up.
So when I said "From where I'm standing, a lot of these first responder issues are actually a long time coming with COVID and recent social issues just amplifying it." that wasn't close enough for you?

Anyway, like I said before, as a "civilian", it's not the politicians who look bad with this one to me. This doesn't make me sympathetic to our first responders. It doesn't make me want more for them or to pressure my government to better support them. I don't see how it's a winning strategy, especially if most of them are or likely have voluntarily vaccinated, anyway.

This feels like a tactic that helps alienate them from the general public and add yet another layer of tension in day-to-day interactions that doesn't need to be there.

Maybe they don't care but maybe they should since it's people like me voting in and out, those politicians they're fighting with. Just feels like the wrong line to be drawing in the sand to me but I guess we'll see how it plays out for them.
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Well-Known Member
The risks can be more effectively mitigated with appropriate measures and messaging. No-one is expecting perfection in this regard, but some places/groups can and should do better.
Disagree 100%. We're at the point where vaccines are available to all and you can choose to do whatever you feel is necessary to hide from COVID. Those of us who don't care about the risk and want to live our short lives to the fullest shouldn't be asked to alter our lives at all anymore.


Well-Known Member
Disagree 100%. We're at the point where vaccines are available to all and you can choose to do whatever you feel is necessary to hide from COVID. Those of us who don't care about the risk and want to live our short lives to the fullest shouldn't be asked to alter our lives at all anymore.
So those who refuse vaccines should stay home. Since they actually haven't done all they can do.... just flipping around.

Editing to add: being devil's advocate here, not speaking how I really feel (most of the time at least lol)
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Premium Member
So those who refuse vaccines should stay home. Since they actually haven't done all they can do.... just flipping around.
Those who refuse vaccines *and are sick* should stay home, just like people *who are sick* should have always stayed home. "Don't go into crowds of people when you're ill" is not a new standard of social behavior that started in March 2020. People always should have been doing that.


Well-Known Member
He did die from COVID. He also received the COVID vaccination shots.

But, he wasn't "fully vaccinated" in the same sense as most people. Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body's immune response, as well as Parkinson's. All conditions that make the vaccine less effective, possibly not effective at all.

When that's left off and you imply that "OMG Fully Vaccinated people are dying just like Unvaccinated people" even leaving off the extra implied "so the vaccine doesn't really matter". That's a complete misrepresentation.

How about: Colin Powell died of COVID while he had existing conditions that severely reduced the ability of vaccination to protect him.

It should never be implied that his vaccination status and protection was ever just like most people's vaccination status and protection.
In ,
He did die from COVID. He also received the COVID vaccination shots.

But, he wasn't "fully vaccinated" in the same sense as most people. Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body's immune response, as well as Parkinson's. All conditions that make the vaccine less effective, possibly not effective at all.

When that's left off and you imply that "OMG Fully Vaccinated people are dying just like Unvaccinated people" even leaving off the extra implied "so the vaccine doesn't really matter". That's a complete misrepresentation.

How about: Colin Powell died of COVID while he had existing conditions that severely reduced the ability of vaccination to protect him.

It should never be implied that his vaccination status and protection was ever just like most people's vaccination status and protection.
In this article it says Colin died from COVID complications, and they stated he was “fully vaccinated”. In the article it does say he had underlying conditions.

You are right, the article is misleading. I am not a Dr. but my guess it was his underlying conditions that killed him, not complications from COVID.

It makes you wonder, how many deaths were mislabeled “died from COVID complications” when in reality something else killed them, nothing to do with COVID or their vaccination status.
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