From the onset, and every single day after the state and national updates, I grow more concerned for the economy. I am glad that we have a POTUS who sounds like he wants to return to business as usual as quickly as possible... but to do so will require massive federal intervention.. and even with that, not all will be saved.
I am numbers person, and a business person.. it doesn’t require hysteria to see that we are in a downward spiral right now. We just need to reverse course as quickly as we see that it’s ok to do so, even if incremental openings. That’s the only way to stop it. Government checks only do so much, and that money has to come from somewhere... that somewhere could turn into inflation and higher taxes quite quickly if this lasts too long.
IF, a big if, we can see the bulk of the storm pass within 15 days, then I believe we will recover, but it won’t be back to where it was just a few weeks ago.