That one is more obvious, but I gave the analogy for a reason. We all spread the flu and common cold our entire lives, and that never made us selfish when we felt good and did not know we had it or had to live as if we had it. If we start deciding who has to close or what we are allowed to do "for a greater good" to where many lose their persuit of happiness, we enter Animal Farm.
My point was on purpose that life is an inherent risk and a movie theater, fun spot, or some kids still choosing to go to the beach may have some arrogance, but everyone has their own line and limit to decide. Eventually we allike choices, yes driving in the rain increases your likely hood of dying and killkng others in a crash substantially, but even though millions around the country or billions around the world do it and often die or kill others, it is not as newsy.
I said earlier that people have changed their outlook thru all of this. Last weekend, my kid’s sports games were all canceled. I coach one of the teams, it was (was supposed to be) our last game. I briefly considered maybe going to a park or restaurant as a spur of the moment end of season party, but I didn’t.
On that same weekend, people here were posting about going to movie theaters- not crowded, but still, going, taking a risk/putting someone at risk. This weekend, they’re saying do not leave your house at all.
Maybe not everyone here is aware, but this winter was HORRIBLE for Flu season.. a few public schools in my general area were closed for 3 days, to stop the spread. I sent out an email every week to the parents of my soccer team, pleading to stay home if kids are showing any sign of illness. I was furious at my kid’s basketball coach who alllowed his son to play In a tourney game while clearly ill. The kid had to run to the bathroom and puke during half time.
I am always a nutcase over sanitizing and hand washing, especially during flu season.. my kid has never had the flu (knock on wood), I’ve had it once, in 2014. My pneumonia this year was my first time being down for the count since then.
I take precautions for my family,but not to extremes. We still go out during flu season, even to germ-y places like trampoline parks or indoor rock climbing.
Point being, you’re correct. We all have a line.. even during this coronavirus thing.. peoples’ lines may move up or down depending on the day or social perception of the day.