The implication in the original post was they were just the same. That the actions being done in "not FL" didn't help because they were the same.Yes. Florida is in a worse situation right now. But for CA and FL, it’s like having two kids failing school and congratulating one because she is failing less than the other. Not gonna do that. Lol.
It's more like having two kids failing in school, one of them just a little and the other a complete disaster. The one that's just a little is taking actions to reverse direction while the other isn't even trying. Then saying they're the same, so there's no difference between them and the actions the one is taking don't matter.
It's fine to say CA isn't doing great. It's a bad take to say the actions CA is doing to not get worse don't matter because it's already not great and just as bad as FL. It's being used as a way to excuse how bad FL is and justify FL not doing anything.