Well-Known Member
It's only a matter of time before there is an uprising and civil unrest. People will stay under control for a few weeks but at some point they will rebel. The government can't just keep sending out checks to keep people under control. With half the economy shut down there isn't going to be close to enough tax revenue.
I still say that if taken to the Supreme Court it is likely that a lot of these measures would be found unconstitutional. Quarantine of the infected is one thing. Restrictions on people because they might become infected and spread the virus is another concept completely.
I don't think it would have been acceptable in 1981 to tell the gay community that they were only allowed to go to work, to essential stores and back home where they were to not have guests to prevent the spread of AIDS. AIDS had a essentially a 100% mortality rate back then. That would have correctly been found unconstitutional. Other than not specifically being targeted at a specific group, how are the current measures any different?
The orders for certain businesses to close seems to violate the equal protection clause. If I own a grocery store I am allowed to earn a living but if I own a movie theater then I'm not?
If this goes on too long, somebody is going to file a lawsuit to put these things to the test.
This happened in Cincinnati already, a lawsuit will be filed claiming constitutional rights.
When bars were ordered to close, one bar decided to become a ‘members-only club’, either that day or the next, patrons could pay a fee to join, and then come in, limited numbers at a time.
Well, the police showed up, boarded the doors and windows, and took away the owners liquor license for good.
While I agree with what the police did, he apparently did the members-only thing on the advice of his attorney, and now has several attorneys offering to represent him in a case against this.
From my understanding the bar is pretty much a hole in the wall type place, but he may end up with a fancy location after all is said and done
I don’t think the litigation will happen any time soon, the courts and government have bigger things to deal with at this time.. but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.