There is a huge difference between kids going to childcare because their parents are essential workers in a hospital, and children playing together in the neighborhood. Of course I’m not horrified at the fact that essential workers need to be able to have child care somehow. That’s in no way equatable to bike riding with neighbors. One is literally essential at the moment so we have people who can help the sick. The other is nice, but not essential.
you have spoken constantly about how you have to work. Well, have you taken the time to consider people like me who have *no way to make money* during this crisis? I haven’t been laid off or fired. I am technically an independent contractor for my company. I teach groups of adults with children ages 0-5. My director contracts with locations. Those locations follow the school closings. Classes also Are not possible with the current social distancing requirement. As long as schools are closed, I have no location in which to teach - and as long as social distancing is The recommendation, the worldwide organization is not allowing us to hold In person classes.
We will also likely be paying more out of pocket for therapies during this time, as insurance may not cover teletherapy.
so no income for me, plus more expenses..for as long as our current situation in this state lasts. That’s a great combination.
I don’t *want* to be home. I don’t *want* my child to be home (she doesn’t want to be either. She wants to go to school). We don’t have a *choice* in this. And as long as others - and by others I do not mean essential workers - disregard the current guidelines (as the stories I posted re: the cherry blossoms here show in abundance), the longer my family will not have that choice.
it really needs to be understood that situations like ours aren’t a choice. It’s a necessity.