After you explained some of these issues and gave examples a few months ago, I definitely can understand the hesitancy for some. Having never seen the type of things you described where I live or in the healthcare setting where my wife works in South Florida, I had no idea that those kind of things were happening.
I just hope that as more and more people are vaccinated, that more people will get over their hesitancy. Hopefully they will realize that they are getting the same exact vaccine as white people and it really isn't a care setting where they would be treated differently. It's just somebody giving an injection.
It is disheartening to me that there are people who elect to remain vulnerable to COVID because of this type of experience based hesitancy. It's different than people who believe kooky things like tracking nanobots, DNA modification and infertility as their reason to be hesitant. For the latter group, I could care less what happens to them. For the former group, I don't feel that any mitigation measures should be in place to protect them because they do have the opportunity to get vaccinated but I care that they aren't getting vaccinated and wish they would.
As I said a few months ago, I personally convinced a Jamaican man in his 60's that the vaccine was safe. He was very hesitant but I convinced him that he shouldn't be. A lot of my persuasiveness was that he has a lot of respect for my wife and I was able to use her as an example and to give him some facts. I just hope that more people like him can find somebody they trust to push them over the edge towards getting the shot(s).