Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Umm... so why is it fine for kids to be unvaccinated and unmasked in crowded indoor environments?
The CDC has not said unvaccinated people don’t need to wear a mask indoors. People are doing it, but that’s not recommended. It is lower risk now than it was a few months ago due to the high percentage of people vaccinated. Community spread is lower and that makes chances of infection lower. Anyone with an unvaccinated kid still has the option to avoid crowded indoor environments and/or to have their kids wear a mask. My 11 year old who isn’t vaccinated yet still wears a mask anywhere indoor and in public. He may be allowed to drop the mask once I feel cases are low enough. Around me that may be pretty soon. My county is over 65% of the total population vaccinated and still climbing. Our case numbers were at 0.6 per 100,000 for the last 7 day period reported and our percent positive was 0.5%. For a county of 800,000+ people we had several days with zero reported new cases and the rest in the single digits in the past 14 days. I would feel pretty comfortable with him being out in public locally.


Premium Member
Thanks, I was looking for the first dose per day number but couldn't find it. I wish the number was higher, but the number is high enough that it's likely it's not a result of just people who had to wait for one reason or another.
I just grab a screenshot of the daily CDC numbers and compare. The daily average for new adult shots is around 400,00 so that day was a good one. We are still seeing high numbers end of the week.


Well-Known Member
I just grab a screenshot of the daily CDC numbers and compare. The daily average for new adult shots is around 400,00 so that day was a good one. We are still seeing high numbers end of the week.
Happy 4th everyone !!

Does this mean that some people are now concerned about Delta and are choosing to get vaccinated because of it?

Even if they are only on the first shot when delta really starts to peak it’s still better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
This. THIS is why my husband and I are so upset that disney lifted all guest/cast member masking policies. My husband still wears 2 masks and goggles but now is much more likely to bring it home to our kids!
My son and family all had COVID. They were unvaccinated. Son had a 24 hour flu. Kids - 11,9 and 6 no symptoms - were only tested because parents had COVID. When a child is much more likely to die of the flu and those who COVID affects most are vaccinated then it is ridiculous to demand children be vaccinated or wear masks. If you trust the vaccine then trust it - if you don't trust it then why did you get vaccinated yet continue to wear masks which are not protecting you unless you never touch them and change them regularly - like multiple times a day. We have to return to some semblance of common sense.


Well-Known Member
What a difference a few weeks made in the Chicago area! When the CDC first revised its guidelines, almost everyone in grocery stores and other businesses continued to wear masks. Just a few weeks later and almost no one is wearing masks. We were at a restaurant tonight and saw only one person wearing a mask - an employee. It's to the point where we almost forget to take masks "just in case." For better or worse, mask-wearing is a thing of the past here.

Yes, no masks in stores is much more prevalent now than those wearing masks.

We have to wear masks at our vet's office, but that's okay. Protect the kitties at all costs!


Well-Known Member
Yes, no masks in stores is much more prevalent now than those wearing masks.

We have to wear masks at our vet's office, but that's okay. Protect the kitties at all costs!
Our vet of 30 years isn't even letting humans in with their pets yet. I'm very close to calling it a day and going elsewhere. :(

I called this week to get our cat looked (seems to have been drinking a lot and want to check blood sugar and kidney function) but they can't see her for 12 days. They used to be all walk in all day. If something came up, you could show up and wait to see the doctor same day quite easily. No more. Can't even enter the building.

I'm so sad but think it's time to break ties. The pandemic just keeps giving.


Premium Member
This. THIS is why my husband and I are so upset that disney lifted all guest/cast member masking policies. My husband still wears 2 masks and goggles but now is much more likely to bring it home to our kids!
What area of Disney is he working in? Would they allow him to switch to a job that has less contact with the guests and other cast members or is that not possible?


Well-Known Member
Our vet of 30 years isn't even letting humans in with their pets yet. I'm very close to calling it a day and going elsewhere. :(

I called this week to get our cat looked (seems to have been drinking a lot and want to check blood sugar and kidney function) but they can't see her for 12 days. They used to be all walk in all day. If something came up, you could show up and wait to see the doctor same day quite easily. No more. Can't even enter the building.

I'm so sad but think it's time to break ties. The pandemic just keeps giving.

It's been very hard to get in for anything that isn't booked in advance. Ours is a cat only vet and we are just allowed to come in with our cat as of last week.

Our cat has an ongoing illness that needs treatment right away when he flares, so we've had to resort to going to the ED a few times this pandemic because vet just couldn't fit him in. We've spent so much money it's ridiculous. Getting this guy pet insurance is the best thing we've ever done!
But we love this vet, they love him and he's staying with them for 10 nights while we are at Disney in October - a spacious little condo, he'll be the only "guest" and they can monitor him. They keep telling us how excited they are to have him, so makes me feel a little less guilty leaving him.

Here's hoping to less vet visits and healthier pets! :D


Premium Member
My son and family all had COVID. They were unvaccinated. Son had a 24 hour flu. Kids - 11,9 and 6 no symptoms - were only tested because parents had COVID. When a child is much more likely to die of the flu and those who COVID affects most are vaccinated then it is ridiculous to demand children be vaccinated or wear masks. If you trust the vaccine then trust it - if you don't trust it then why did you get vaccinated yet continue to wear masks which are not protecting you unless you never touch them and change them regularly - like multiple times a day. We have to return to some semblance of common sense.
Why do you care if someone else wears a mask? Kinda pathetic if you ask me. I’m just sick of seeing these types of statements. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore, enjoy it, embrace it, celebrate it, but leave the people who still choose to wear a mask alone. They aren’t harming you in any way.


Well-Known Member
I’ll just add, for those curious about BC.

Most provincial health officer orders in BC are over, so no more strict rules. The state of emergency is officially over. However, although there are no more penalizations, they do recommend people 12+ keep wearing a mask indoors if not fully vaccinated. So far I have only encountered a handful of unmasked individuals indoors, most are still masking.

Which seems to be a stark difference to what happened in the US, as soon as they were told masks weren’t mandatory for those fully vaccinated, suddenly every person in the US was fully vaccinated.

Not so much the case here, from what I’ve witnessed.

Spent the weekend in Banff. Probably more akin to the true uncautious crowd if you are willing to travel and vacation. Lots of saskatchewan, BC, Edmonton license plates. Even a smattering of east coast. It’s easy enough to spot the tourists by the temp park passes.

Still about 2/3rd and lots of people wearing them on the streets. We’re with a baby which is the real reason our fully vaccinated group still is choosing to mask in-dining locations. Otherwise we’ve been well distanced in nature.

The only thing that somewhat bothers me is the unmasked servers. I don’t particularly care what patrons decide or do not decide to do. I doubt every server is two weeks post second dose.

And yes there are definitely 8 year olds without a mask on indoors. Unfortunately the propaganda that nothing bad could ever happen has succeeded even here amongst a small crowd. Nothing bad will happen with extending simple mitigations.


Well-Known Member
Why do you care if someone else wears a mask? Kinda pathetic if you ask me. I’m just sick of seeing these types of statements. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore, enjoy it, embrace it, celebrate it, but leave the people who still choose to wear a mask alone. They aren’t harming you in any way.
Amen, if you’re vaccinated and out in the public the CDC does not advise you to wear a mask. Do you not trust them? I don’t care if their might be bad actors a mask in most situations are not needed. It’s like going out with an umbrella and raincoat, you can wear both but 1 is acceptable and gets the job done most of the time.


Premium Member
Amen, if you’re vaccinated and out in the public the CDC does not advise you to wear a mask. Do you not trust them? I don’t care if their might be bad actors a mask in most situations are not needed. It’s like going out with an umbrella and raincoat, you can wear both but 1 is acceptable and gets the job done most of the time.
The last time I wore a mask was to the barber shop almost a month ago now. They were still requiring it so I had no problem putting it on. The week after I got my hair cut my son went in and they had dropped their mask requirement so I guess I won’t be wearing one there anymore either.

On your analogy with raincoats and umbrellas I don’t disagree. To extend it to the current situation imagine people getting triggered and foaming at the mouth every time someone else both wears a raincoat and uses an umbrella. It would seem pretty silly and pointless but that’s what’s happening today with vaccines and masks. It would have no impact on my life if someone wore both a raincoat and used an umbrella and it has no impact on my life if a person who is fully vaccinated wears a mask.


Premium Member
On the vaccine front, we have reached 67% of adults with one shot. We will not reach 70% today so we will come up short of Biden’s target for 70% by July 4th. It looks like it will be about 3-4 additional weeks to hit 70%. Based on the most recent poll 24% of the unvaccinated are still saying they will get the vaccine eventually. Based on 33% of adults unvaccinated that puts us at a max of 75% of adults vaccinated. It’s not likely we get much higher than that. On the delta variant, the coverage of the threat has not moved the needle on the vaccine hesitant. The vast majority of the unvaccinated feel the government is exaggerating the situation.

I have no idea if 67% or 70% or 75% of adults vaccinated is enough, but that’s the hand we have been dealt so let’s all hope so. Sadly if there are more large scale outbreaks going forward that will increase the number immune….just doing it the hard way.



Well-Known Member
On the vaccine front, we have reached 67% of adults with one shot. We will not reach 70% today so we will come up short of Biden’s target for 70% by July 4th. It looks like it will be about 3-4 additional weeks to hit 70%. Based on the most recent poll 24% of the unvaccinated are still saying they will get the vaccine eventually. Based on 33% of adults unvaccinated that puts us at a max of 75% of adults vaccinated. It’s not likely we get much higher than that. On the delta variant, the coverage of the threat has not moved the needle on the vaccine hesitant. The vast majority of the unvaccinated feel the government is exaggerating the situation.

I have no idea if 67% or 70% or 75% of adults vaccinated is enough, but that’s the hand we have been dealt so let’s all hope so. Sadly if there are more large scale outbreaks going forward that will increase the number immune….just doing it the hard way.

It's so different here. We have hit 77% with one dose and 38% fully vaccinated.


Premium Member
It's so different here. We have hit 77% with one dose and 38% fully vaccinated.
It really doesn’t seem all that different to me. There are many countries with vaccine rates under 20%. The US and Canada have very similar vaccine rates on the global stage. Both nations have full access to the vaccines now and enough supply to meet demand, but that‘s not true of a lot of other countries which really are very different.

If we want to compare stats, the US has 55% with 1 dose and 45% fully vaccinated and Canada has 67% with 1 dose and 20% fully vaccinated. Compared to many other nations those numbers are actually pretty close. The US is also a diverse country with very different numbers among regions and states. Where I live in PA we have 63% of the total population with 1 shot, pretty much on par with Canada right now. Most of New England is at or above 67% too. I don’t think it needs to be an us vs them argument as both countries are doing great in the grand scheme of things and there are many other parts of the world that have a lot of catching up to do.


Well-Known Member
My son and family all had COVID. They were unvaccinated. Son had a 24 hour flu. Kids - 11,9 and 6 no symptoms - were only tested because parents had COVID. When a child is much more likely to die of the flu and those who COVID affects most are vaccinated then it is ridiculous to demand children be vaccinated or wear masks. If you trust the vaccine then trust it - if you don't trust it then why did you get vaccinated yet continue to wear masks which are not protecting you unless you never touch them and change them regularly - like multiple times a day. We have to return to some semblance of common sense.
This is all easy to say until your child or your loved one becomes a statistic. That’s all I’m gonna say you don’t know me you don’t know my situation and you don’t know any of my children’s underlying conditions.


Well-Known Member
What area of Disney is he working in? Would they allow him to switch to a job that has less contact with the guests and other cast members or is that not possible?
Actually he does not work with gusts. He’s behind the scenes but he does work in close proximity to other cast members but he’s been maintaining 6 feet of distance.


Premium Member
Actually he does not work with gusts. He’s behind the scenes but he does work in close proximity to other cast members but he’s been maintaining 6 feet of distance.
I was just wondering if that kind of accommodation was available since Disney is not checking the vaccination status of guests. It sounds like he is doing everything possible to keep safe absent having to find a different job, which is always easier said than done. Also, it seems the mitigation measures are pretty much gone everywhere, especially in Florida, so I'm not sure even changing jobs would be a sufficient answer. But you don't think vaccination plus two masks plus a shield along with working behind the scenes and maintaining a six foot distance is enough to keep someone safe? I don't know you or your situation, so maybe the answer is no - that has to be difficult.
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