Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
It depends on the province. Alberta and B.C have pretty much wide open with no restrictions. Here in Ontario we've been taking things slower Right now only outdoor dining is allowed and Amusement parks can open for the first time since this started. IMO with going slowly in reopening it's helping us get to 80% vaccinated.

Ontario policies have been a bit overkill. The last place in CAN/USA to still prohibit indoor dining and haircuts? Unnecessary.

I don’t see any comments in Canada like I’ve seen in these threads, where people say they’ll boycott businesses that still require a mask. Here people are fine with those rules even if they’ve stopped wearing a mask in general.


Well-Known Member
Ontario policies have been a bit overkill. The last place in CAN/USA to still prohibit indoor dining and haircuts? Unnecessary.

I don’t see any comments in Canada like I’ve seen in these threads, where people say they’ll boycott businesses that still require a mask. Here people are fine with those rules even if they’ve stopped wearing a mask in general.
People have been more accepting of everything here. There is a small minority that are anti- everything but for the most part people want to get vaccinated to end this.


Well-Known Member
Ontario policies have been a bit overkill. The last place in CAN/USA to still prohibit indoor dining and haircuts? Unnecessary.

Haircuts just started again this week. Indoor dining is expected to resume later this month.

The policies are extra cautious because the current government is up for reelection in less than a year and they don't want to get blamed for botching another reopening like what happened earlier this year.


Well-Known Member
Sorry again coming from the uk perspective. I suspect we are going to be the first real test case for ‘living with the virus/delta’ - reports tonight that our July 19th ‘ freedom day’will go ahead - mask mandate dropped, full venues, nightclubs open etc - this is despite the rising cases shown on here etc. Fact is at the moment our deaths actually dropped from last week abd long May it continue! Also the pool of people susceptible is getting smaller and smaller - the hope is that by the 19th we will have 90% first doses and 67-70% in the adult population. The hope is of course that cases will go down naturally due to higher levels of people catching covid in non vulnerable groups and more vaccination protection. Time will tell of course but a lot of the population have had enough and compliance is eroding.

The other interesting thing about delta is the change in symptoms. We have a covid app where people can log symptoms (zoe app) and then they extrapolate figures and predict numbers of cases jn areas and future hotspots - they have been remarkably accurate abd have been ahead of official figures in terms of trends. What they are seeing now is that deltas three main symptoms are sniffles, sore throat and headache - all of course very common symptoms of hay fever/colds abs that may be an issue as people just don’t think it’s covid without the temp and lose of smell. Also perhaps is has got weaker? Or just weaker because of the groups it’s targeting

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Depends on what province you're in.

Western Canada (BC, AB, SK) is basically mask free.

I’ll just add, for those curious about BC.

Most provincial health officer orders in BC are over, so no more strict rules. The state of emergency is officially over. However, although there are no more penalizations, they do recommend people 12+ keep wearing a mask indoors if not fully vaccinated. So far I have only encountered a handful of unmasked individuals indoors, most are still masking.

Which seems to be a stark difference to what happened in the US, as soon as they were told masks weren’t mandatory for those fully vaccinated, suddenly every person in the US was fully vaccinated.

Not so much the case here, from what I’ve witnessed.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
I’ll just add, for those curious about BC.

Most provincial health officer orders in BC are over, so no more strict rules. The state of emergency is officially over. However, although there are no more penalizations, they do recommend people 12+ keep wearing a mask indoors if not fully vaccinated. So far I have only encountered a handful of unmasked individuals indoors, most are still masking.

Which seems to be a stark difference to what happened in the US, as soon as they were told masks weren’t mandatory for those fully vaccinated, suddenly every person in the US was fully vaccinated.

Not so much the case here, from what I’ve witnessed.

Yep, most stores have changed from required to recommended. I'd say 10% of people on transit are unmasked at most, and this is during non-busy times. There has just never been the same level of agitation towards masks here, so people seem to want to keep wearing them.


Well-Known Member
The parks are a self selected skewed setting. There are lots of reasons that isn’t indicative of how it’s going elsewhere.
I know from watching sporting events on TV that just about everyone doesn't wear a mask anymore. The other thing I don't understand is the decision to allow full capacity at stadiums when Covid is still not over. From a person living in Canada, it feels like it's a different world there.


Well-Known Member
The parks are a self selected skewed setting. There are lots of reasons that isn’t indicative of how it’s going elsewhere.
Not that different from where I live. I was at a crazy busy day at the zoo and very few were masked indoors. Mostly kids but most here have adopted the "kids are fine" mentality too. So glad my kid is 13 and vaccinated tbh.


Well-Known Member
I know from watching sporting events on TV that just about everyone doesn't wear a mask anymore. The other thing I don't understand is the decision to allow full capacity at stadiums when Covid is still not over. From a person living in Canada, it feels like it's a different world there.
Most cautious people aren't going to stadiums. So that's a self selected group as well.


Premium Member
You shouldn't believe everything you hear. I see people in masks all the time.
What a difference a few weeks made in the Chicago area! When the CDC first revised its guidelines, almost everyone in grocery stores and other businesses continued to wear masks. Just a few weeks later and almost no one is wearing masks. We were at a restaurant tonight and saw only one person wearing a mask - an employee. It's to the point where we almost forget to take masks "just in case." For better or worse, mask-wearing is a thing of the past here.
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