Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
Ideally they would only give relief to those who need it, but that’s not very practical. The checks going to everyone helps jump start the economy, but not everyone will need relief from mortgage payments or rent. They should at least require people to apply for that aid instead of automatically doing it.
Unfortunately adding that layer on top will dramatically slow the entire process and delay getting the funds into people's hands. Many have acknowledged that the risk of someone who doesn't 'need' the money getting it is worth it to get the funds into peoples hands much quicker. Speed is the key on this one and there will be some errors when you do that.


Well-Known Member
Schools in my area have switched to online classes, so they have plenty of work. If the district wasn't prepared for online, many were given large packets of work to do.

Yeah. We’re full on homeschool with lesson plans and a ton of work.
This isn’t like summer break.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. We’re full on homeschool with lesson plans and a ton of work.
This isn’t like summer break.
My oldest hates school (thanks to a few years with some relentless bullies) so he barely tries, but we're lucky in that he makes honor roll anyway. They've put up resources for us to use, but I'm going to be hard pressed to not have to resort to threats to get him to use any of them.

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
Mine isn’t, nor are his schoolmates from what I’m hearing from all families. Most of them would much rather be in school.
I'm not gonna go into details on what type of areas/neighborhoods we live in but from where I'm from the kids are not exactly the the type who wants to go to college.


Well-Known Member
Just got off the phone with another consulting client that is looking to lay off over 5,000 jobs, more than likely permanently. With gallows humor and sadness, he said perhaps he should include a note thanking his now fired employees for their help in "flattening the curve" in their final paycheck.

Now that we are in force majeure territory, these businesses will be shedding employees to help their cash flow situation and be able to throw the cost into a "coronavirus write-down" bucket and one-time charge against earnings. This is not a situation where in six weeks a magic wand will be waved and everything will be back to normal.

I (and many other people at my company) just got out of a last minute scheduled meeting with our CFO and CEO... We were nervous. Luckily they announced that no layoffs are planned as of now, any level employee can use their available PTO if not comfortable coming to working everyday, and anyone who is sick or coughing (regularly) will be sent home. Call doctor, get diagnosis, let the company know immediately. We will not shut down until the governor (or POTUS) forces us to.

I still have a lingering cough from recent pneumonia, but it’s not frequent now. So I’m ok to stay.

All in all, that meeting was the most positive news we’ve had so far.


Well-Known Member
Omg. I’m so sorry. :(

Please, please , PLEASE, do not let the same thing happen over here.
They are planning on all year in our state, stamps. It just hasn't been officially announced yet. (And as an optimist, I still hold out hope it won't be).

As a side note for those "homeschooling", my daughter is loving this series of lessons from Khan academy/Disney imagineering:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I really hope that they write the bill in a way that it puts the money in the hands of people that need it. It will be complicated, but even for the lower income groups, if they either still have their job or are getting paid by their employer, they don't really need a check to replace their income. Obviously, people in the higher income groups should have enough savings to make it a couple of months without a paycheck (I'm talking probably top 10%). I personally don't need a check. If they send me one, I will immediately spend it at struggling small businesses, whether I need their product or service or not.

You may not need it today, but you may need it tomorrow. Or next week. I would be cautious give something away when you're not sure what's coming around the corner regardless of income (like you, I imagine those making hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year shouldn't feel the same pinch as 95% of Americans).

My family doesn't need the check today. If we receive it, we plan on putting it in savings. I may not have my job next month or the month after, depending on what happens with the economy. Once the dust settles, then we will survey and be ready to go out and support small businesses that are able to reopen.

It's not going to be fun in the least bit.


Well-Known Member
They are planning on all year in our state, stamps. It just hasn't been officially announced yet. (And as an optimist, I still hold out hope it won't be).

As a side note for those "homeschooling", my daughter is loving this series of lessons from Khan academy/Disney imagineering:
I wouldn't be surprised if that happens here because some of the parents in our area will demand it. Our DPH only updates their charts/maps weekly (which is really pathetic), so so far our state doesn't look bad, but that really doesn't mean anything.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, do you have kids? Because that is not my kid or any of her friends. she would much rather be learning from her teachers in a classroom than trying to do it remotely with mom and dad. And she misses her friends and sports terribly.
Not much anyone can do about the sports, but maybe Skype or Facetime for her to keep in touch with friends?
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