Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
You believe the WHO, CDC and Imperial College London are all being driven by social media?
I don't believe the WHO because they are one of the notorious agenda driven agencies that wouldn't know the truth if it bit them.
I take the CDC with a grain of salt because like other government agencies they tend to have agendas like the Surgeon General and his manipulative lies.
No clue about the Imperial College...
In short, I'll take what they say as something to consider, but only after I've looked at the data behind what they are saying... but I wouldn't just accept anything they say on its face.


Well-Known Member
Is it a law not to have a church service? Or a government recommendation?

You can’t keep the beaches open and then fine people for going to them...
The church services I mentioned were direct violation of the recommendations of no gatherings greater than 25 (I think that was the max at the time?)

I realize that. I'm beside myself that they haven't already been closed.


Premium Member
I don't believe the WHO because they are one of the notorious agenda driven agencies that wouldn't know the truth if it bit them.
I take the CDC with a grain of salt because like other government agencies they tend to have agendas like the Surgeon General and his manipulative lies.
No clue about the Imperial College...
In short, I'll take what they say as something to consider, but only after I've looked at the data behind what they are saying... but I wouldn't just accept anything they say on its face.

The simple point is... these government decisions are being driven by input from agencies like that... not social media.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Lysol kills Covid-19...they could spray the letters and let them sit?

I'm 100% behind huuuuge fines for the people not doing what they're supposed to. Then use that money to help everyone else. People encouraging mass gatherings like that pastor? $20,000 fine.

Elon Musk may be a genius in some ways, but holy hell is he a moron in others.
UV light in the right wavelength kills it, too... and is much less messy. Wear your safety goggles...


Well-Known Member
Weren't his plants supposed to be run by robots? I thought his original plan was fully automated car plants... don't know if he ever got close but maybe he thinks his workers are much more spread out than in a typical car plant.
Not all robots but more than typical automations was the goal, particularly with the Model 3. That didn’t work and was part of the “production hell” that stalled the scaling of Model 3 production.

Can we make a new thread for you guys to argue about whether this is a real threat or not?

Or a new thread to talk about coronavirus and disney world?

Or is it just a lost cause at this point?
What exactly would you like to discuss about a shuttered Walt Disney World?


Well-Known Member
In violation of recommendations is not breaking a law and should not be fined.
I disagree. That pastor put not just his parishioners at risk, but also every single person each of them come in contact with. I DO NOT want to see us get to a point where Martial Law gets put into place, but unless something is done to curb people behaving against the recommendations, I don't see how all these closures are going to be successful.


Well-Known Member
Walt Disney survived the Spanish flu but I fear The Walt Disney Company (as we knew it) may not survive the Coronavirus....

Time will tell.

My hope is that The Walt Disney Company will not fall to a hostile takeover and will resume business as usual when this is over.
There is another talk forum on wdwmagic talking about Apple idea of taking over Disney. Even Iger talked about working with Jobs and combining companies. Apple has the billions in cash to buy Disney if they want to.


Well-Known Member
What exactly would you like to discuss about a shuttered Walt Disney World?

I'd like to be able to see this stuff (examples quoted below) without wading through 200 pages of all-caps rants arguing about whether a pandemic is truly a pandemic.

PHOTOS - Construction on some new projects comes to a halt at Walt Disney World
Art Smith’s and Splitsville terminates all employees due to Corona. I have a reservation there on 5/31... might need to cancel it.
Due to covid19, Florida toll booths are no longer staffed with collectors. Payment is exact change or transponder.


Well-Known Member
On a small positive note, Our principal sent out an assignment to K-8 today. All students are to write letters/draw pictures for nursing home & assisted care patients. It’s only 2 facilities right now, but I hope it puts a smile on someone’s face.
And the staff will enjoy reading the letters
What people seem to be forgetting is that this virus often requires patients be on vents.
No-only a % among the CRITICALLY ill will require vent.
You believe the WHO, CDC and Imperial College London are all being driven by social media?
I believe the media is NOT reporting everything in context. If you look at all the sources provided in this thread and actually READ them (not the news reporting but the actual studies the news is basing their headlines/soundbites on) there would be a very different picture emerging. Calm doesn't mean Complacent. This is very likely a highly infectious virus. There are quite likely a lot more cases already out, about and recovered than being captured. And panic induced stock sell off is helping how?
My take at this point is to let everyone who thinks this is all hype back out into the world, don't let them back in, deny them health care, and let nature take its course.
So asking for the reasoning behind the hype the is wrong now? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: the point is WE DON'T KNOW the extent and asking for calm and data is somehow wrong? BTW I work in healthcare and in a high risk group (asthma due to extensive 2nd hand smoke exposure as a child). And yet I've managed to survive somehow all these years being around highly infectious patients that could have seriously impacted me. Ya know- being sensible and washing your hands ALL the time not just when panic hits
Important to note;

I heard a doctor (head of institute of virology at some college) speak to this point. His distinction was even if you can find evidence of the RNa it probably is not infectious for that long nor does it have enough inoculant load to get someone sick from it.
And this is exactly what I have been saying. People take a teeny part and put it out there as gods given truth when in fact, it is part of a much larger context and has to be taken into account.
And it is possible that the government officials know that facts and are trying to scare people into following the guidelines..
sooooooo Why not give all those facts? why treat people as stupid and can't rationally think (or critically think)?
I’m hoping that the facilities themselves would have already looked into the risks and know the best way to handle it.
Yes-realize most of the residents won't be able to read them without help anyway. Staff can read to them while wearing gloves. It will lift up the staff as well. The activity directors at the homes still have to provide activities to avoid isolation depression in this population. Being able to read this, and possibly hang in room after paper quarentine to brighten room is a great thing to do.


Well-Known Member
What is everyone's thoughts on why RunDisney is taking so long to cancel their run?
They've probably already paid for medals, merch, administration, rentals, etc and just don't want to refund everyone and eat that cost if they don't absolutely have to.
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