Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
The death rate of this is 3.5% (and closer to 10% in Italy) meaning if 1 billion people get it, 35 million will die. That’s a substantial difference.
and was not a global health concern.
WRONG! April 2009 first H1N1 case, Pandemic declared in June. Please tell me how that wasn't a "global health concern". So we ONLY care if it affect USA? A great number of the H1N1 deaths were in Asia/Africa.
that is a FACT.
NO it is NOT a fact and if you'd bother to actually READ beyond the headline EVERY expert repeats they DO NOT KNOW what the fatality rate is accurate as they don't the number of TOTAL cases!

The question still becomes-without hype by social media and the cesspool the news reporting has become would this be the huge bigly crisis it is??? And that IS a legitimate question because it needs to be answered as to how these things will be responded to in the future.
No one is taking the emotional toll of this either. Has anyone bothered to ask the 91 year old in the nursing home if possibly spending WEEKS without seeing their family and in isolation alone worth the cost?? I can assure you this is being asked in NH right now. It's heartbreaking to see them try to touch family members through the glass and them not understanding WHY all of a sudden they can't see the great-grand kids.
I would like to see updates to this article as data becomes available though

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
A blame can be directed to the politicians of Clearwater FL that have decided to close the public beaches at 6am on March 23rd.

Thanks to a previous poster for printing out that most of the party goers on our beaches throughout Pinellas County (Clearwater is just one of more than a dozen) are from out of state.

Clearwater's city officials (I am a resident) are finally catching up, becoming the first in our county to vote to close its beaches (Pinellas County is meeting today I believe to consider closing the myriad of other beaches in the area). But Clearwater's beach will not close until Monday (I believe that's a poor decision and council and the City Manager are taking a ton of heat for it). The city has declared a state of emergency and all other city recreational facilities, libraries, etc. are now closed indefinitely. Kudos to our city leadership for finally waking up. Only time will tell if it was too little too late.

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
Uuuuuggggggghhhhh! This is the equivalent of a cult leader getting his followers to commit mass suicide. It is totally and completely irresponsible and this leader should be held accountable!!! Especially in such an impoverished area. They had a hard time handling the swine flu epidemic.
This reminds me of the Jonestown massacre.


Premium Member
Florida just updated the map with current numbers -

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 11.11.41 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 11.14.52 AM.png



Well-Known Member
Drive-thru testing being set up in the next 24 hours at the Orange County Convention Center. Run by the National Guard. Just reported on 96.5 WDBO (Orlando station).

Strict requirements? Or testing anyone who wants it, with applicable symptoms?

WRONG! April 2009 first H1N1 case, Pandemic declared in June. Please tell me how that wasn't a "global health concern". So we ONLY care if it affect USA? A great number of the H1N1 deaths were in Asia/Africa.
NO it is NOT a fact and if you'd bother to actually READ beyond the headline EVERY expert repeats they DO NOT KNOW what the fatality rate is accurate as they don't the number of TOTAL cases!

The question still becomes-without hype by social media and the cesspool the news reporting has become would this be the huge bigly crisis it is??? And that IS a legitimate question because it needs to be answered as to how these things will be responded to in the future.
No one is taking the emotional toll of this either. Has anyone bothered to ask the 91 year old in the nursing home if possibly spending WEEKS without seeing their family and in isolation alone worth the cost?? I can assure you this is being asked in NH right now. It's heartbreaking to see them try to touch family members through the glass and them not understanding WHY all of a sudden they can't see the great-grand kids.
I would like to see updates to this article as data becomes available though


On a small positive note, Our principal sent out an assignment to K-8 today. All students are to write letters/draw pictures for nursing home & assisted care patients. It’s only 2 facilities right now, but I hope it puts a smile on someone’s face.


Well-Known Member
thanks for that.
If there’s a million cases worldwide with most too mild to seek treatment AND we are not testing if mild - this cats been out of the bag a looonngg time already & the percentage of critical vs mild is also skewed as is the mortality rate. This wouldn’t even be a particularly scary pandemic either. Yes some hospital systems will get overwhelmed - as is the case and chance in any particularly virulent season-but most will handle it fine. We’ve had a rather nasty flu season already too.
Yes, I think one of the biggest problem with creating fear is what is happening in Italy, and unfortunately people don't look the difference in Italy's hospital system and the hospital system in the US. They are not comparable in term of beds per population by a significant margin which means things would have to get much worse here than they are there before we would reach that same situation of hospital overload.

One of the hardest hit areas of Italy is Lombardy with a population f 10 million and 800 ICU beds... that's 8 beds per 100,000 people. Compared to the US which has 34.7 per 100,000 or NYC which has 36. The media never brings up this point that the area in Italy suffering a hospital collapse has a much lower bed ratio.

Now we have New York politicians tell the world they don't have enough beds in NYC and need 100,000 more... They aren't talking ICU beds the are talking just plain jane hospital beds. Which is a bit strange since Wuhan has a larger population than NYC and pretty much did nothing to stop the virus for 6 weeks after it kicked up... NYC has already taken measure to slow the spread, yet NYC is thought to need 5 times as many beds as Wuhan had? This is another case of government officials being ignorant of the underlying facts or trying to create fear for who knows what reason. Wuhan had 20,000 hospital beds, It is unclear how many more beds they added with their temporary hospitals, 2 are known to have been large 1000 and 1,600 bed hospitals but other are as small as 50 bed hospitals in less populated areas of the region... but lets assume the worst here and say that all of their 20 hospitals were 1,000 bed versions (which we know they weren't) they felt a need to add an additional 20,000 with their new temporary hospitals which only had 600 ICU's among them... That means they needed 40,000 beds to care for the existing patients and the new Coronavirus patients... NYC has 53,000 beds already. Unless the typical New Yorker is much more frail and feeble than people in China why would you need double the total number of beds they used in China? Remember Wuhan has 11 million people NYC 8.6 million.
The numbers don't add up to support the chicken little narrative coming out of New York right now. Also consider those ICU beds per 100,000 people... China was in panic mode because their average over there is 3.6 compared to the US 34.7. It would be nice if these politicians' staff would feed them all the pertinent information... it is beginning to look like they only use the fear mongering soundbits from the nightly news which only feeds the hysteria.
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Well-Known Member
What people seem to be forgetting is that this virus often requires patients be on vents. If we do not have enough, then people who should have survived, won't, simple because we didn't have the necessary equipment. That is what will cause the mortality rate to be so high. People that SHOULDNT die from it WILL simply because of a supply and demand issue. Can you imagine if your mom, brother, wife, or God forbid, child caught it and they died because there were no vents available because people kept wanting to underplay this and compare it to the flu? That is what we are trying to prevent. The only way to keep hospitals from being flooded with patients who need vents, is by isolation and social distancing. All of the doctors I speak to and work with "undersell " it to not create panic but many of them are about to just start scaring the crap out of people because it seems that here its all or nothing. They are afraid to go home to their families because they don't want to give it to them if they have it. But we will always have those people that say it's no big deal or this or that was worse, its all the media. I'll do my part to keep those people's family and friends safe even if they won't. It's not about ME getting's about everyone else.


Well-Known Member
The question still becomes-without hype by social media and the cesspool the news reporting has become would this be the huge bigly crisis it is??? And that IS a legitimate question because it needs to be answered as to how these things will be responded to in the future.
You believe the WHO, CDC and Imperial College London are all being driven by social media?


Well-Known Member
The media and social media is hyping and overexagerating it up. If only I could block all my social media feed from all CV19 topics.

I don’t understand how people keep making this claim in the face of everything that’s happening around us. The lockdowns and travel bans have nothing to do with the media. It’s not as if the situation on the ground looks any more normal than how it is being reported.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think one of the biggest problem with creating fear is what is happening in Italy, and unfortunately people don't look the difference in Italy's hospital system and the hospital system in the US. They are not comparable in term of beds per population by a significant margin which means things would have to get much worse here than they are there before we would reach that same situation of hospital overload.

One of the hardest hit areas of Italy is Lombardy with a population f 10 million and 800 ICU beds... that's 8 beds per 100,000 people. Compared to the US which has 34.7 per 100,000 or NYC which has 36. The media never brings up this point that the area in Italy suffering a hospital collapse has a much lower bed ratio.

Now we have New York politicians tell the world they don't have enough beds in NYC and need 100,000 more... They aren't talking ICU beds the are talking just plain jane hospital beds. Which is a bit strange since Wuhan has a larger population than NYC and pretty much did nothing to stop the virus for 6 weeks after it kicked up... NYC has already taken measure to slow the spread, yet NYC is thought to need 5 times as many beds as Wuhan had? This is another case of government officials being ignorant of the underlying facts or trying to create fear for who knows what reason. Wuhan had 20,000 hospital beds, they felt a need to add an additional 20,000 with their new temporary hospitals which only had 600 ICU's among them... That means they needed 40,000 beds to care for the existing patients and the new Coronavirus patients... NYC has 53,000 beds already. Unless the typical New Yorker is much more frail and feeble than people in China why would you need double the total number of beds they used in China? Remember Wuhan has 11 million people NYC 8.6 million.
The numbers don't add up to support the chicken little narrative coming out of New York right now. Also consider those ICU beds per 100,000 people... China was in panic mode because their average over there is 3.6 compared to the US 34.7. It would be nice if these politicians' staff would feed them all the pertinent information... it is beginning to look like they only use the fear mongering soundbits from the nightly news which only feeds the hysteria.
With all the reports of people not following social distancing guidelines and still attending large gatherings, I think more fear is needed. These huge shut-downs will only work if everyone complies. JMO. (And I'm already more than scared.)


Well-Known Member
You can thank the millions of visitors to FL in keeping your property taxes low and no state income tax. If they didn't come, FL look very different.

Yes, I am aware and I never said I was against tourists.

After all, I was one before I moved here to work for Disney 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think one of the biggest problem with creating fear is what is happening in Italy, and unfortunately people don't look the difference in Italy's hospital system and the hospital system in the US. They are not comparable in term of beds per population by a significant margin which means things would have to get much worse here than they are there before we would reach that same situation of hospital overload.

“Look at Italy!” Has been the common phrase for justifying the quick action.

I’m wondering what Italy was doing to slow the spread... were they taking the measures we were already taking (sanitizer everywhere, extra cleaning, etc.)
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