Premium Member
That would be uncommon, in practice. We won’t keep sending vaccine to places unable to administer a ton of doses. If allowing walk-ups allows another 10-15% of us to get vaccinated (the groups that aren’t interested in the onerous booking system), it’s worthwhile. Even if a couple doses get thrown out at the end of the day. We have enough vaccine for every American by early July. And excess beyond that. We are moving into the phase we we need to fight for each additional arm. Some dose will be wasted. What is the alternative? Send the doses we paid for to other countries and accept that our ceiling is about 60% vaccinated?
I hope not.
I think you need to scale down gradually. We are coming to the end of the need for mass vaccinations sites in most places, so now we should scale down to more smaller sites, but not so distributed that each site is only getting a couple people a day. Once those sites start running out of people to be vaccinated then scale down again.