What do you consider a conflict?
Conflict does not mean bar brawl. Conflict is any time a CM has to ask a cast member to change their behavior. Hopefully the conflict does not escalate beyond, "please put on your mask, thank you."
Today CMs who are frequently reminding people to mask up at the parks. It’s not viral video worthy. Do you think people who resist masks aren’t going to the parks today?
Sure they are. But they are under immense peer pressure to keep their mask on, because everyone else has their mask on.
Imagine the bus on the safari at Animal Kingdom, for example. 20 people on the bus, all wearing masks. There is 1 anti-masker... keeping his mask on. Because even if the driver doesn't start yelling at him to put his mask back on, he will get dirty looks from the other 19 people on bus. Now, imagine 19 people who are vaccinated, not wearing their masks. 1 anti-masker, anti-vaxxer. Is he really going to keep his mask on? He can take it off without dirty looks -- stick his hand in his pocket and nobody would even see which band he has on. The driver isn't going to stop the bus every few minutes to double check bands.
That's the thing -- The easier it is to get away with breaking a rule, the more people will break it. If the rule is universal and is being enforced by peer pressure (along with CMs), you will get far more compliance than if you remove the peer pressure and rely solely on CMs who then have to do spot checks of wrists.
They go and they try to get away with pulling their masks down or not wear them at all. The same would be true in that plan.
Someone 50 feet away in a crowds pulls down their mask -- Making them the only unmasked person in the crowd -- Easy for a CM to spot, from 50 feet away.
Someone 50 feet away, in a crowd of mostly unmasked people -- removes his mask, wrist band not visible from 50 feet away -- The CM from 50 feet away will have no idea whether that person was allowed to remove their mask or not.
I don’t think there would be an increase in the number of conflicts. It would be harder to enforce because as a CM you would need to take the extra step of checking for a wrist band first.
Not just first. You would need to constantly re-check. Or else, they would wear their mask at the turnstile, and then take it off once in the park. So you'd need to have CMs walking around constantly checking wrist bands.
There’s no higher level of conflict though, they would just politely ask the person to put on their mask and if they didn’t comply they kick them out. Same as today.
Not about whether you would have a higher level of conflict. You'd simply have far far more conflicts. You'd need to have CMs constantly strolling through the parks, constantly checking wrist bands.
The benefit of that plan over straight vaccine passports is you defeat the EO without getting dragged into court and Disney doesn’t have to exclude a large portion of people from coming.
Again, speaking as a lawyer -- it would be a direct violation of the EO. The mask requirement is a different level of service.