...at what point does that give? ...at some point we have to have the freedom to make our own decisions...
...when things might change. There HAS to be some type of return to normalcy incentive ...
...Fauci didn’t ever really have an answer either... ...so when is life normal again...
you don’t get what I’m saying it’s not up to us to come up with a return to normal number it’s for the experts who can’t give us an answer which concerns me
You keep asking, when a return to normal. That's not any of the medical experts calls. None of them can answer that. They can tell you what the impact of doing XYZ is to current spread and impacts. That's not a "when" though. The "when" is a policy decision. A policy that's dependent on defining a level of impact that we can consider "normal". The best the experts an do is estimate (guess) at when we'll get to to that normal target, assuming actions we're taking today stay consistent. They can add in predictions with changing actions, but they'll just get less and less accurate estimates. Because they're all just guessing, and nobody is defining what level of impact is normal, you'll never get a hard answer. If you did, it would be wrong anyway.
Before you can define the "when" you have to define the goal.
I get it just fine. I don't know the "when", but I've shared (and others have) what they think the target should be. After that, it's just watching the data to see how we're moving towards the target or not. We'll get there when we get there. Generally speaking, we're moving in the correct direction.
For some, their targets look like they'll take all of 2020. For others, we're there already, it's over, target reached. Most are in between.
If you cannot say what done means you, nobody can tell you when we'll get there.
The tone coming through is that you want to be done NOW. So, either the current levels are fine with you, or you've got a problem that your when and your target aren't in agreement.
Its cause it changes daily with new information.
To be clear, this is mostly new information about the actions we've taken and how the impacts of those actions is playing out. Vaccinate a record number of people, we'll get lower faster, arrive at a low target faster. Throw a raging club party over spring break with no mitigations, we'll create more spread, take longer to get to a lower target. Figure out how to use an extra dose from an existing vial, faster. Halt distribution of a vaccine, slower.
With so many moving parts, there's no way for an estimate today based on "things continue as-is" to ever be right. Assuming we've all even agreed on the target.